Kenny Luck

  • Here’s How to Guard Against the Deadly Deception of Sexual Atheism

    Here’s How to Guard Against the Deadly Deception of Sexual Atheism

    The guy sitting across from me is a professing and practicing Christian. He drops by my office unannounced today to talk to me about his new online-dating life. Specifically, he wants to talk about the over-willingness of Christian women he has encountered on several of his dates who want to jump right from a very

  • The Dire Consequences When God’s Man Ignores This Directive

    The Dire Consequences When God’s Man Ignores This Directive

    God’s man casts his emotions on a caring God; he does not conceal them. To hide what’s really going on inside is ungodly and gives increasing control to Satan. Study the film of Cain and Abel in Genesis. One brother’s attitude and motivation are off; the other’s are right on. God sees the perceptions Cain’s

  • How to Make Vital Decisions as ‘God’s Man’

    How to Make Vital Decisions as ‘God’s Man’

    Whether you’re sizing up a decision, a relationship or a particular circumstance, it can be taxing. When your mind is filled with unlimited options, decision-making can become very confusing. God’s man is devoted fully to God’s purposes and will not need a long list of options. Instead, he will target what really matters based on

  • Bill Hybels, Sexual Atheists and the Gospel of Luke

    Bill Hybels, Sexual Atheists and the Gospel of Luke

    In the latest installment of How the Evangelical World Turns, the lead pastor and elders at Willow Creek Community Church in suburban Chicago resigned Wednesday after admitting they mishandled the scandal involving church founder Bill Hybels. In case you haven’t been following this ongoing soap opera, the elders had overseen a series of inquiries, including

  • This Is Where Your Real Strength Comes From

    This Is Where Your Real Strength Comes From

    Remember when Popeye the Sailor Man would pop open a can of spinach, guzzle down the green goop and bam!, his biceps would bulge? Then, he wielded extra power, speed, wit and energy to foil Bluto’s chaotic plans to steal the spindly love interest Olive Oyl. Ever feel like you could use a super-sized helping

  • Your Recipe for Leadership Success in Your Home

    Your Recipe for Leadership Success in Your Home

    Every man carries “The Mantle” of leadership for his family. When it comes to your family, you are “The Mantle” of leadership. It’s your job—your duty—to surround and cover your wife and your children with love, affection, care and spiritual leadership. God teaches us these biblical truths in Timothy, Proverbs and Matthew. Let’s look at what

  • 7 Key Behaviors of Fantastic Fathers

    7 Key Behaviors of Fantastic Fathers

    Parenting children is such a mammoth responsibility. From infant through adulthood, children rely on their parents in more ways than the pocketbook. While no one is the perfect parent, certain parenting behaviors have serious negative effects on children. For example, studies show poor parenting can lead to higher risk for psychological disorders, academic performance problems, depression

  • 4 Tips for Going on a Low-Tech ‘Media Diet’ During Christmas

    4 Tips for Going on a Low-Tech ‘Media Diet’ During Christmas

    These days, I think the song “Jingle Bells” might start like this: “Dashing through the snow, with a high-def touchscreen display, o’er the fields we go, tweeting and texting all the way. Bells on smartphones ring, making bandwidth bright, what fun it is to stare and cling to a virtual world tonight …” Silver bells,

  • Why Are Teens Really Hiding Their Sexual Reality From Their Parents?

    Why Are Teens Really Hiding Their Sexual Reality From Their Parents?

    Sexual revelations about their children shake most parents to the core. Let’s face it—“our little Katie” getting naked with a boy or “our little Kevin” guzzling porn on his smart phone and chronically masturbating is an exercise that—again—most parents can’t mentally engage or never want to imagine. However, to personally witness the shock, awe, shame, and personal

  • Father’s Day From the Pulpit: A Crucial Message

    Father’s Day From the Pulpit: A Crucial Message

    Father’s Day is coming and our national church response will be predictable. Will you have the dads stand up? Will you pray for them? Will you show a funny YouTube video? Maybe have some classic cars or motorcycles on the patio? Maybe you will fire up some BBQ and serve up some beef.  This picnic will follow a message

  • Bond, James Bond: An Infidelity Icon

    Bond, James Bond: An Infidelity Icon

    American men grew up idolizing James Bond for many reasons, including always “getting the girl.” I admit, I’m a fan of the Ian Fleming character and movies. But this week, I want you to see that James Bond is an icon of infidelity. God’s man can learn something from Agent 007. License to Kill Heart,

  • Consider the Bait and Switch of ‘Hooking Up’

    Consider the Bait and Switch of ‘Hooking Up’

    One hundred and fifty college students on the campus of the University of Southern California have poured into a lecture hall to hear me. To make matters worse, they have no idea what’s coming. All they know is that they have come to a “Relationships Forum” and that some older guy is going to be talking

  • Are You Blind to Your Achilles’ Heel?

    Are You Blind to Your Achilles’ Heel?

    A friend has been learning a lot about the Achilles tendon lately. At 47, locals nicknamed him “Old School” because he is still able to teach the young guns a few basketball lessons. However, the wear-and-tear from years on the court has started to wear out the oh-so-critical tendon. So now, Old School just feels

  • Will You Just Lighten Up?

    Will You Just Lighten Up?

    Getting to heaven is a simple proposition when you deconstruct it. Believe. More specifically, believe in Jesus (John 6:47). Say yes to the person and work of Jesus, mean it, and BOOM! You now have your sins forgiven, a purpose for living, and a home in heaven. But now what? Between Earth (now) and my

  • The Deadly Deception of Sexual Atheism in the Church

    The Deadly Deception of Sexual Atheism in the Church

    The guy sitting across from me is a professing and practicing Christian. He drops by my office unannounced today to talk to me about his new online-dating life. Specifically, he wants to talk about the overwillingness of Christian women he has encountered on several of his dates who want to jump right from a very

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