Jennifer Kennedy-Dean

  • God’s Simple Remedy for An Angry Relationship

    God’s Simple Remedy for An Angry Relationship

    For some reason, I’m going through old prayer journals today. I often stick things in my journals, like notes. I came across a note my dad, the late Don Kennedy, wrote to my son Brantley when Brantley was a college student. Brantley must have been going through something in particular, and my dad imparted his

  • Why Your Desert Season Can Be Your Most Fruitful

    Why Your Desert Season Can Be Your Most Fruitful

    Desert times are fruitful times. Though they seem barren, lush fruit is being produced in our lives when we walk through the desert. “The LORD your God has blessed you in all the works of your hands. He knows your wanderings through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with

  • What Moses’ Mother Can Teach Us About ‘Circumcising Our Vision’

    What Moses’ Mother Can Teach Us About ‘Circumcising Our Vision’

    “Let us look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith … ” (Heb. 12:2, MEV). Faith in its finished form results in the power and provision of God manifested in the circumstances of Earth. The perfecting and finishing of our faith is accomplished through difficulties and challenges of life. As we face challenges,

  • Discovering the Art of Effective Prayer

    Discovering the Art of Effective Prayer

    Jesus, as a rabbi, chose disciples into whom He would pour His life—not just teach them information, but disclose His heart. These disciples observed Him in every setting. They had backstage passes to His most intimate moments. They were welcomed into His private dealings. Jesus’ disciples—with all this up close access—made a connection between His

  • 3 Ways We Learn to Pray From Jesus

    3 Ways We Learn to Pray From Jesus

    Jesus, as a rabbi, chose disciples into whom He would pour His life—not just teach them information, but disclose His heart. These disciples observed Him in every setting. They had backstage passes to His most intimate moments. They were welcomed into His private dealings. Jesus’ disciples—with all this up close access—made a connection between His

  • A Lesson in Burden-Bearing

    A Lesson in Burden-Bearing

    “My burden is light” (Matt. 11:30). This is one of Jesus’ more paradoxical statements. He makes it in the form of a promise. He doesn’t promise no burdens, but that His burden is light. How can that be? Isn’t what defines something as a burden is that it is heavy? It begs the question: What

  • How to Ask, Seek and Knock in Prayer

    How to Ask, Seek and Knock in Prayer

    Prayer is God’s plan for building communion and fellowship between your heart and His. Prayer is not for quitters. It doesn’t work like a vending machine—put in a prayer, take out an answer. God has much more to accomplish through our prayers than just giving us “stuff.” When we pray, He engages us in such

  • How to Usher in the Peace of God

    How to Usher in the Peace of God

    Knowing that you are highly valued and greatly esteemed by the Ruler of the Universe counteracts and negates fear and worry. “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore do not fear. You are more valuable

  • What God Gives You in Prayer

    What God Gives You in Prayer

    The most limiting misconception about prayer is that its secret lies in the words we sandwich between “Dear God” and “Amen.” God has so much more to give us than just those things we know to ask Him for. He wants to give us Himself. And what does He want in return? Everything. Prayer is

  • The Promise Jesus Gave That Most Believers Don’t Claim

    The Promise Jesus Gave That Most Believers Don’t Claim

    “My burden is light” (Matt. 11:30). This is one of Jesus’ more paradoxical statements. He makes it in the form of a promise. He doesn’t promise that we wouldn’t have any burdens but that His burden is light. How can that be? Isn’t what defines something as a burden is that it is heavy? It

  • Finding God in the Desert

    Finding God in the Desert

    Desert times are fruitful times. Though they seem barren, lush fruit is being produced in our lives when we walk through the desert. “For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the works of your hands. He knows your wanderings through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you. You

  • When God Breathes on You

    When God Breathes on You

    “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being” (Gen. 2:7). When God first created earth and earth’s inhabitants, He built intimacy in. Look how the Supreme God, Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth God took such great

  • The 1 Thing God Will Never Do

    The 1 Thing God Will Never Do

    “For I called him alone, and blessed him, and multiplied him” (Is. 51:2). Speaking of Abraham, the prophet Isaiah writes: “Listen to Me, you who pursue righteousness, you who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the quarry from which you were dug” (Is. 51:1). Not only the physical nation of Israel, but

  • Is Prayer a Spiritual Obligation or Your Life?

    Is Prayer a Spiritual Obligation or Your Life?

    I grew up in a praying family. From earliest childhood, I was encouraged to commit everything to God through prayer. Nothing was either too important or too insignificant to leave in God’s hands. My parents did not teach me about prayer with their words, but with their lives. They had more than “a prayer time”—a

  • The Key That Unlocks the Treasures of the Kingdom of God

    The Key That Unlocks the Treasures of the Kingdom of God

    Prayer is the key that unlocks all of the treasures of the kingdom of God. It is a key that He has placed in your hand and invites you to use. Prayer is the conduit through which all the power and provision of God flows. One of the questions people often have about prayer is:

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