Charisma Magazine Staff

  • John Hagee Issues Dire Warning to America, Israel

    John Hagee Issues Dire Warning to America, Israel

    The Obama administration’s relationship with Israel may be extremely strained, but poll after poll shows that a large majority of Americans still support the Jewish state and none more so than Bible-believing Christians. Thousands of believers recently met in San Antonio to voice their support for Israel. Over the past month, Palestinian terrorists have carried

  • Rick Joyner Offers Prophetic Insight on Trump’s Trajectory

    Rick Joyner Offers Prophetic Insight on Trump’s Trajectory

    Is our government intentionally allowing in Islamic State militants?  Perhaps, says Rick Joyner. But the militants are entering the United States through the southern border, meaning the influx of immigrants are not from Mexico or other southern regions.  “Our president cannot be this naive,” the prophetic voice says of the immigration.  The person to stop

  • Russia’s Prophetic Destiny May Be Unfolding With Antichrist Rising Out of Syria

    Russia’s Prophetic Destiny May Be Unfolding With Antichrist Rising Out of Syria

    Russia’s recent reactivation of the “friendship and cooperation treaty” with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has prophecy students considering whether this move will prove to be significant toward ushering in the Antichrist. Steve Magill, author of the new book Revelation and the Age of Antichrist, says “Russia’s revived treaty with Syria is important because the Antichrist

  • Are These the False Prophets Jesus Warned Us About?

    Are These the False Prophets Jesus Warned Us About?

    The Bible has plenty to say about false prophets in the Old and New Testaments. John the apostle warned us not to believe every spirit, but to test the spirits to see if they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1). Peter warned of false prophets

  • Battling Throat Cancer, Rod Parsley Shares the Battle Against His Mind

    Battling Throat Cancer, Rod Parsley Shares the Battle Against His Mind

    Rod Parsley was diagnosed with throat cancer. It’s not a big secret, though he has not been speaking much about it publicly—until now. Rod Parsley is beating throat cancer. Now, the TV host, evangelist, educator, humanitarian and statesman has shared his story with Charisma News. In part one of this interview, he shares how he

  • Raised by Gay Parents, He Shocked Them by Coming Out as a Christian and Then a Pastor

    Raised by Gay Parents, He Shocked Them by Coming Out as a Christian and Then a Pastor

    When he was two years old, his university-professor parents divorced and his father and mother entered the gay lifestyle. His lesbian mom and her partner took him to gay pride parades, LGBT clubs, parties and campouts, while his father remained “closeted” for several years. “Mom was a political activist,” says Caleb Kaltenbach, author of Messy Grace (Waterbrook

  • Pop Star Ciara Is Teaching 1-Year-Old Son to Praise Jesus

    Pop Star Ciara Is Teaching 1-Year-Old Son to Praise Jesus

    Ciara, pop singer of hits such as “Goodies” and “1, 2 Step” from 2004, has spoken out recently about teaching her 15-month-old son, Future, to praise Jesus. “The other day we were saying, ‘Thank you, Jesus’ and I would say, ‘Say, thank you!’ And he would say, ‘Tank you!’ I’d say, ‘Je-sus’ and he’d say, ‘Yee-yus,'” the

  • Billy Graham Warns of Fire and Brimstone in ‘Final’ Book

    Billy Graham Warns of Fire and Brimstone in ‘Final’ Book

     In his latest book, evangelist Billy Graham declares that non-Christians are doomed to live in a fiery hell, a message his son said he has wanted to share for several years. “There were some family members who thought that he shouldn’t do it because it was a negative subject,” said Franklin Graham in an interview Friday

  • Cindy Jacobs Speaks Out on Significance of Fourth Blood Moon

    Cindy Jacobs Speaks Out on Significance of Fourth Blood Moon

    For the past two years, millions of people worldwide have been fascinated by blood moons from four successive lunar eclipses called a tetrad. Many seen them as a sign God Himself has placed in the heavens. During a lunar eclipse, the moon turns the color of blood. It’s extremely rare to have four blood moons

  • WATCH: The Presence of God Follows This Man Everywhere

    WATCH: The Presence of God Follows This Man Everywhere

    Robby Dawkins, author of Do What Jesus Did, carries the presence of God—and a strong anointing—everywhere he goes. Even lost souls sense it. Even gangsters and witches take notice! They get healed and then they get saved. Find out why Robby says you need to “get out on a limb.”   Watch this video and get inspired

  • Holy Spirit Pours Out Miracles as 250,000 Gather in Zambia

    Holy Spirit Pours Out Miracles as 250,000 Gather in Zambia

    Our final meeting here in Lusaka, Zambia, came to a climax as the crowd grew from 150,000 from one night to 250,000 the next! I mention these numbers because they say something about the dynamics in the city. This can only happen when Jesus is touching people in dramatic ways. They are talking about it everywhere

  • 7 Reasons So Many Mighty Christian Leaders Have Fallen

    7 Reasons So Many Mighty Christian Leaders Have Fallen

    A few weeks ago as I was praying with my dear friend Lenny Weston (a powerful apostolic prophet residing in Ohio), he was caught up into heaven and heard the voice of the Lord saying something like this: “How the mighty have fallen; I am going to remove many candlesticks from their places, so that

  • Kim Clement Undergoing Craniotomy to Remove Brain Bleed

    Kim Clement Undergoing Craniotomy to Remove Brain Bleed

    Kim Clement is still hospitalized. The prophetic voice was rushed the hospital with numbness on his right side on Monday. Doctors started treating him with medications to take down swelling after discovering a brain bleed. “The results of the angiogram today showed that Kim will need a craniotomy to remove the bleed on his brain.

  • Is Wall Street Bowing to the Shemitah?

    Is Wall Street Bowing to the Shemitah?

    Wall Street dipped more than 2 percent on Tuesday. The Dow slipped more than 400 points in afternoon trading. All three major U.S. indexes are now reporting losses for the year. “We haven’t see this kind of volatility in a while,” Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderlich Securities, told Reuters. “It reminds me of the

  • John Bevere Heralds Spirit-Inspired Wake-Up Call to Church

    John Bevere Heralds Spirit-Inspired Wake-Up Call to Church

    Is “good” enough? According to best-selling author and minister John Bevere, “good without God” is not good enough. This is a core message of his new book Good or God?, which made its debut as the No. 1 Bestseller on Amazon’s Christian Ministry & Church Leadership List earlier this month. In 2013, Bevere received a

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