Charisma Magazine Staff

  • Jonathan Cahn Hosts Exclusive Online Event to Reveal New Book

    Jonathan Cahn Hosts Exclusive Online Event to Reveal New Book

    New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn will host a live event online to reveal the cover and details about his newest book, The Book of Mysteries, on Tuesday, May 3, 2016, at 2 p.m. EST. Cahn will reveal the cover as well as the genesis of the book exclusively using social media forums including Facebook Live and

  • How Christian Parents Produce Backslidden Children: Part 2

    How Christian Parents Produce Backslidden Children: Part 2

    This is part 2 in a two-part series. You can read Part 1 here.  As a pastor for over 30 years, I am amazed that such a small percentage of the children of Christian parents actually serve the Lord when they reach their teenage years and beyond, including the children of Christian leaders. Since nurturing

  • How Christian Parents Produce Backslidden Children: Part 1

    How Christian Parents Produce Backslidden Children: Part 1

    As a pastor for over 30 years, I am amazed that such a small percentage of the children of Christian parents actually serve the Lord when they reach their teenage years and beyond, including the children of Christian leaders. Since nurturing covenantal children is the primary method God uses to establish His dominion on the

  • The Nation-Shaking Prophetic Download I Got at Azusa Now

    The Nation-Shaking Prophetic Download I Got at Azusa Now

    The winds blew and the rains fell on TheCall Aszua Now, but that didn’t stop tens of thousands of people from weathering the storms at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the same venue where Billy Graham preached the gospel to over 134,000 in 1963.  If anything, the adversity intensified the determination of the masses to

  • 10 Signs You Are a Secular Believer

    10 Signs You Are a Secular Believer

    As a full-time church minister since 1981, I have had the task of observing the lives of thousands of believers. Consequently, I have come to the conclusion that there are believers in the church who say they are Christians, while, at the same time, espousing value systems that are secular. However, these secular believers are slightly different

  • Are You a Kingdom Prophet or a Church Prophet?

    Are You a Kingdom Prophet or a Church Prophet?

    We in the charismatic expression of the body of Christ have had much teaching on prophetic ministry since the 1980s, including some good teaching that brought clarity and balance but also some other teachings that may have been extreme. All in all, when examining Scripture I find one area of lack regarding prophetic emphasis has

  • Pastor Drops Gay Bombshell in Middle of Sunday Sermon

    Pastor Drops Gay Bombshell in Middle of Sunday Sermon

    “At last I am choosing to serve in that role with full authenticity and as my genuine self—as a woman who loves and shares my life with another woman.” Those were the words of Cynthia Meyer, a pastor at Edgerton United Methodist Church, who decided to make her first sermon of 2016 a coming out

  • You Won’t Believe What McDonald’s Plans to Add to Their Menus

    You Won’t Believe What McDonald’s Plans to Add to Their Menus

    A much healthier McDonald’s restaurant could be coming to a neighborhood near you. The fast-food chain is testing a new concept that includes hip, fresh menu items, like quinoa, asparagus and couscous. It’s called “McDonald’s Next.” The first concept restaurant opened in Hong Kong, where folks have been loving the traditional McDonald’s restaurants for the last

  • 6 Times When You Will Face Temptations and Tests

    6 Times When You Will Face Temptations and Tests

    I have been a committed Christ follower since 1978 and I have experienced many tests, trials and temptations. The following are the seasons of six primary tests and temptations I have observed in my own Christian walk: 1. Tests come before a great assignment. I found that right before God wants to do something great,

  • Anne Graham Lotz Gives Prophetic Warning About 2016

    Anne Graham Lotz Gives Prophetic Warning About 2016

    As I look ahead into 2016, I believe our national and global situation will get worse. A good friend has focused my attention on Isaiah 60:1-2 as a word from the Lord for the New Year: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For the darkness shall cover the

  • 7 Effective Ways to Reach Muslims

    7 Effective Ways to Reach Muslims

    In light of the horrendous terrorist attacks perpetuated by radical Islamic groups like ISIS, I see this as a great opportunity to reach Muslims who have been disaffected by their fellow Muslims and are experiencing intense backlash. This may now be the greatest evangelical opportunity in a thousand years to reach Muslims for Jesus. The

  • Supernatural Dreams Open Doors for Jesus in Iran

    Supernatural Dreams Open Doors for Jesus in Iran

    When the world sees the barbaric acts of ISIS, there tends to be talk of either war or hopelessness and defeat. Despite the evil, some Christians say God is at work in areas where darkness seems to reign. As ISIS conquered parts of northern Iraq and persecuted Christian minorities, the Gospel actually began to spread.

  • 15 Ways Hurting People Hurt People

    15 Ways Hurting People Hurt People

    It is an old adage that “hurt people hurt people.” Those who have been emotionally damaged tend to inflict their hurt and pain on other people. For example, a large percentage of those who have been sexually abused become the abusers of others; those who suffered under an alcoholic parent often themselves cause their future

  • Learning From Failed End-Time Predictions

    Learning From Failed End-Time Predictions

    Over the last season I’ve been pressing into worship and enjoying more of the presence of the Lord. I’ve also been having wonderful outings with my beautiful wife and children. I keep thinking, how can I bring more encouragement and assist in the expansion of the kingdom of God in this hour? Yet, every time

  • It’s Your Awakening: How Revival Depends on You

    It’s Your Awakening: How Revival Depends on You

    God’s shown up during powerful spiritual awakenings in America’s past centuries. Many believe without another such awakening, the country could slide into a long, dark decline. But Christians who want a national revival have to realize they have a part to play first. Christian leaders and authors who’ve been speaking and writing about a possible

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