Mon. Sep 30th, 2024

2024 ELECTION: Trump V. Harris

Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris? Christians will have a decision in November to choose between two distinctly different worldviews—opposing views as starkly divergent as good vs. evil, freedom of speech vs. censorship, truth vs. propaganda, religious liberty vs. attacks on traditional biblical Christianity—to occupy the seat of power in the White House and determine the future of the United States of America.

The outcome of this election will affect every Christian in America one way or another, spiritually, economically and culturally. Not only may this election be the most consequential election since the Civil War with Abraham Lincoln, but at the heart of this presidential election is a spiritual battle that is raging like a wildfire, as if the devil himself is cranking up the propaganda machine and spiritual smoke screens to keep as many Christians discouraged, confused, inactive, compromised and blinded to the truth as possible.

The 2024 presidential election is a fight for the soul and spirit of America.

An Election Season Already Filled with Twists & Turns

The United States has experienced the equivalent of national whiplash. In a flash, the country watched two attempted assassinations of President Trump and, subsequently, Trump giving thanks to the Lord God for saving his life and humbly recognizing that this election and the presidency itself are bigger than just Donald Trump because of God’s bigger purposes for His church and kingdom.

Elon Musk described Trump’s fearless reaction in the moment of the assassination attempt as “strength under fire.”

Yet, in another flash a few weeks later, there was the Hollywood movie-style meteoric rise of Vice President Harris from the doldrums of one of the lowest approval ratings for a VP in history to being portrayed in the media as the “hope” for America, the anti-MAGA, anti-Trump crusader, the morally superior candidate, an Obama-type messianic savior, doling out promise after promise with smooth-sounding words and high-quality advertisements.

She appears to be willing to say anything she needs to say to cajole liberal Christians, cultural Christians, frightened Christians and Christians who don’t know or accept the Bible to vote for her or to at least not vote for Trump.

In a savvy political move, a coalition called “Evangelicals for Harris” was formed to help accomplish this goal. They are aiming for the low-hanging “fruit” of Christian voters who are undecided, frustrated or confused.

Make no mistake about it: Kamala Harris will win or lose based on the way Christians vote in this election. Every Christian who decides to not vote at all in this election because of fuzzy “concerns” about Trump’s character, mean tweets or past sins is essentially casting a vote for Kamala Harris. Joe Biden’s VP and all the secular globalists around the world are hoping for it. A whopping 30% of Christians are projected to not vote in the 2024 presidential election.

The last thing that Harris/Walz ticket want Christians to obtain is spiritual discernment, which is why they unleashed “Evangelicals for Harris” to show that there are, in fact, many Christians supporting Harris for President. At the Democratic National Convention, the Harris campaign had “Evangelicals for Harris” signage in one area, and in another area, free abortions and vasectomies were being offered.

Is Trump Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory?

Ironically, however, the Harris campaign may be doing a better job courting the Christian community than Trump’s campaign is—or at least making them indolent, indifferent and unwilling to get off their sofas to vote on or before Nov. 5. If Trump is taking the votes of the Christian community for granted or if he thinks all Christians see through the façade of the Harris campaign and recognize that Harris is a “puppet” of the godless globalist elites and powerbrokers, Trump will lose the election.

“If Trump loses the election, churches in America won’t be the same again,” says Donne Clement Petruska, daughter of the late prophet Kim Clement, VP of the House of Destiny Network and host of the highly rated program about the prophetic in current affairs called Codebreakers.

“It’s hard to see and know the truth right now for many people. So many people don’t read the Bible anymore. Propaganda appeals to the soft part of a person’s heart and then you can find yourself thrust into deception without realizing it. Scales need to be removed from the eyes of Christians, so they can see more clearly,” Clement Petruska says.

“Everything is at stake in this election,” says Pam Olsen, Founder and President of the Florida Prayer Network. “Pro-family, pro-Israel, pro-life—these are what is at stake. We cannot walk away from godly principles. It’s our job to do what’s right. Voting is important.”

She adds, “People can disagree, but when it comes to standing on the issues that matter and are biblical, we need to stand strong. Listen, we see the hordes of hell marching and they have a war room, targeting Christians. It’s outrageous that abortion was celebrated at the DNC in August in Chicago.”

Sensitive to the high levels of spiritual warfare at play, Olsen asserts that Christians should pray for Trump. The 45th President is credited with putting Justices on the Supreme Court that went on to overturn Roe v. Wade—the biggest pro-life decision by the U.S. government in six decades. But he is not without his critics within conservative Christian circles.

Trump infuriated a portion of the Christian community when he took a more moderate stance on abortion and said he would not do a national ban on abortion. He cited the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling and said abortion would be sent back to the states to decide state-by-state.

Prophetic Revelations

“Kim Clement prophesied over a decade ago about the rise of what he called a ‘New American Party’ that would bring oneness to the United States of America, and I believe it’s the MAGA movement, which is why it has been so viciously attacked. My Dad saw the movement as full of Christians. As the leader of the MAGA movement, Trump will be honored by God for his sacrifice and the sacrifice of his family to save America,” says Clement Petruska.

The nation would not know about much of the corruption of the mainstream media, the intelligence community, the judicial system, the higher education institutions, Big Tech (including social media companies), and both political parties (Democrats and Republicans) if it were not for Trump. As a populist, he dared to try to give the power back to the American citizenry (“We the People”). And he is hated for it because it shakes the foundation of the godless global order.

Kim Clement’s daughter says, “My father prophesied that God would baptize Donald Trump with the Holy Spirit.”

Regardless of the threats, Trump chose to give America a chance to have a president who can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit when he has to make big decisions in the White House. In his second term, Trump may be blessed with the greatest wisdom and discernment that any U.S. President has ever had in the White House.

Positioning himself as the “Common Sense President,” Trump could avert World War III, deport illegal immigrants and turnaround the current economic struggles of this nation to become truly prosperous for all citizens, so Americans can be a blessing to more people and more nations once again.

Now, growing in his faith in Christ, despite his natural flaws and past mistakes, Trump is looking to a national spiritual revival to happen in the hearts of people to open the eyes of American citizens so that, even if abortion is legal in the cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother, the number of abortions will drop significantly because there will be a renewal of American values that prioritize God’s love and a better life for everyone, including unborn babies.

“We are still seeing a transformation in Donald Trump, spiritually,” Clement Petruska says. “My father Kim Clement prophesied that Trump would go into the White House whispering God’s name, serve two terms, and then come out shouting His name. In this moment, God has raised up Trump. As Christians, we need to seek God to understand and practice the prophetic, so we can recognize the leader whom God chooses to be president of the United States.”

Prophetic Revelation about the Open Southern Border

An ancient evil spirit is coming through the open southern border of the United States, according to Clement Petruska. This filthy spirit, which is rooted in extremism and already pulled down Western Europe, has adversely affected the youth in America significantly, creating a silent pandemic of spiritual hollowness and despair. The hearts of once compassionate women are now sacrificing their babies at the abortion altar right up to birth and, in some cases, even after birth.

“It’s the responsibility of the church in America to face this evil spirit that has come through the open southern border affecting millions of people, but the church doesn’t want to see it,” says Clement Petruska. 

Kamala Harris is pro-open borders and pro-amnesty, which is imperative for Christians to understand. After President Biden appointed her as the “Border Czar,” she allowed the southern border to be open for an influx of illegal immigrants for over three years. In contrast, Trump has consistently vowed to close and secure the southern border. This may be one of the most spiritually positive things that he does in his second term, if he is elected.

“God wants His people to turn away from the counterfeit,” says Clement Petruska. “God is shaking the church system. He wants to purify the hearts of Christians.” Nevertheless, Harris and the Democrats want to keep up the smoke screen of deception to cast Trump as a racist, a dictator, a xenophobe, a homophobe and the famously empty phrase “a threat to democracy,” by a political party that leapfrogged the entire democratic primary election process to install the candidate that powerbrokers, who hate Jesus Christ and all His followers, want to preserve their own power and prestige.

According to a Media Research Center study, the media coverage of Harris has been 84% positive, while the media coverage of Trump has been 89% negative, overall. Trump is simply too much of a threat to the political elitists, establishment politicians, military-industrial complex, intelligence community, education unions, closet communists, secular humanists, cultural Marxists and global order heading toward one world government that will persecute Christians. Trump is in the way.

As if living in an alternate universe, Harris is beloved by the mainstream media, (paid) social media influencers and high-profile celebrities whose lives are extremely different than the average Christian. These are the people who have no problem calling good “evil” and evil “good.” These are the people who wish Christians would shut up, stop posting on X, live in hopelessness, not vote, and go away.

If Kamala Harris wins the presidency and unleashes hell on Christians in America, there will be no one to blame except the Christians who did not vote on Nov. 5.

A. B. Petrucci is a contributor to Charisma Media.

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