Sat. Sep 7th, 2024
Pat and Karen Schatzline (Charisma News YouTube)

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, Pat and Karen Schatzline shared what they believe are four things to keep an eye on in 2024 as they believe this is the year of acceleration that will end the waiting season for many. Pat Schatzline believes that in this season, there is also a very specific verse that God is wanting to use as a proclamation throughout the entire year.

“I’ll never forget that morning, December 5,” Pat Schatzline said. “And the Lord spoke to me suddenly; I just sat up [and] felt Him coming to the room. And He said, ‘in 2024 I want you to declare Psalm 24 verse seven every day in 2024.'”

What is in Psalm 24:7? Psalm 24:7 reads: “Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be lifted up, you everlasting doors, that the King of glory may enter.”

This verse shows that every area of life should be made for the Lord to say, work and be glorified however He desires.

“He began to download, He said, ‘This next year will be a year of acceleration. It will seem as if time is speeding,'” Pat said. “The slowdown in many lives will end. Delay will stop. I think delay is about to stop for those that are hearing this message. And He said, ‘This will be a year where the weary experience strength and those who have been battling sickness will experience healing.”

The first part of this healing that the Schatzlines share is that people will begin to adjust and make things right in their calling and relationship with God to have a passion and a desire for Him the way that perhaps they had been missing out on since the pandemic hit in 2020.

The second thing they see happening in 2024 is that God will bring in beauty for ashes, especially in regards to prodigal children who have wandered away from the faith.

“The turnaround of hearts is already happening,” Pat said. “I want to speak to everyone that’s watching right now that has the prodigal, the prodigal daughter, the prodigal son, granddaughter, niece, whatever, or father or mother; this is the season where God is whispering to them ‘come back home.'”

The third thing that will come in 2024 is specifically for churches who are seeking after God with their whole hearts.

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“He began to speak to me, said churches that have been contending for His presence and boldly proclaiming His work; we’ll have a year of ‘suddenlys’…not those that are just learning, that are tight-roping truth, [but] those that are declaring truth with love because we don’t throw rocks, we throw robes. We pull people out of things by declaring truth…healing will be in the atmosphere, hungry and the hurting will begin to show up in churches with expectations” says Pat

And the fourth thing that God stirred up for the Schatzlines to prophetically declare for 2024 is that God is going to intervene in human affairs.

“There will be tangible moments where God interrupts the plan of man,” Pat said.

While the Schatzlines acknowledge that the wickedness and destruction of the world will continue to increase, there will also be a greater blessing and favor on those who love the Lord.

“This will be a year where My blessing and favor unfolds upon the righteous as never before,” Pat prophesied. “Those who walk in the council of the Lord will experience My delight, My prophecies that have been forgotten or shelved will be fulfilled in the lives of My children. My blessing shall flow forth upon those that I trust. And to those that trust Me, businesses will suddenly see increase and security restored.”

Karen Schatzline also added that this is the time that will prove how important a season of waiting was for their benefit and to build up the kingdom of God.

“If we haven’t been taking advantage of the waiting season and leaning in and listening to God, then those people who are called to step in and fill those gaps will not be ready. And so it’s a clarion call to all of those in our world that are truly feel God calling them into the secret place for them to go there, to stay there, to lean in to hear from Him so that when the moment comes, they can step out and have the words of truth and freedom to spread across our nation,” Karen explains.

As God is getting ready to launch the church and individuals to new heights, it’s key for us to remember that He is looking for those with a willing and open heart who desire to follow Him and keep His commands.

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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