Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Leading Terrorism Expert Brigitte Gabriel: We Have to Rise in Defense of Judeo-Christian Values

New York Times best-selling author and terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel is preparing to release her newest book, Rise, and major influencers in media and publishing are taking notice.

Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom” will arm readers with real data and compelling facts that will equip them to fight the efforts of America’s enemies to undermine our nation at every level of society. Rise will also motivate readers to unite with other patriots who wish to preserve America’s endangered Judeo-Christian values and freedom.

Judge Jeanine Pirro, host of Fox News Channel’s Justice with Judge Jeanine said that as a former prosecutor and judge, she’s seen firsthand the evil in our world and the toughness it takes to keep that evil at bay.

“I’ve also witnessed the sinister agenda of the radical Left that is determined to erode the foundations of our great nation and change America as we know it,” Pirro said in her endorsement of Rise. “Amid the liberals, liars and lunatics, I’m grateful there are still voices of sanity out there willing to stand up and speak the truth no matter the cost. Brigitte Gabriel is such a voice. Like me, she has seen evil and she isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. Her first book, Because They Hate, was a wake-up call about the agenda of radical Islamic terrorism, and I believe her new book, Rise, will have a similar impact on the new and increasing threats to our nation today. Rise is a must-read for every American who senses the perilous path we’re on and wants to do their part to change the course of our country.”

Author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, who was recently pardoned by President Donald Trump—saying that D’Souza was “a victim of selective prosecution” and “was treated very unfairly by our government”—also offered words of praise for Rise.

“Brigitte Gabriel’s new book, Rise, is a searing, truth-telling expose of the growing threat to the values of Judeo-Christian civilization and a recipe for what concerned Americans can do to save this country in the time we have left,” D’Souza said.

Author and political commentator Michelle Malkin, who serves as senior editor of Conservative Review, called Gabriel “a fierce and fearless patriot who fights every day to defend America and the West from civilizational threats at home and abroad.”

“Heed her warnings,” Malkin said. “Follow her lead. Support her work. Brigitte is an invaluable beacon for freedom!”

In an era of fake news and an unabashed agenda of the left to confuse and misinform the American people, it is now more important than ever that the voices of truth rise up and make themselves heard, said L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center and chairman of ForAmerica.

“Brigitte Gabriel is one of those voices, and in her new book, Rise, she exposes the true state of our nation and the very real threats to our national way of life,” Bozell said. “She boldly exposes the biases, hatred and lies being spread about conservative principles in the name of ‘tolerance’ and ‘justice.’ Like Brigitte, I believe there are critical times in the life of every nation where taking a passive stance leads to irreversible destruction. If we choose the passive route in this crucial time, our grandchildren will not know the same America that it has been our privilege to experience. If we remain silent, the forces that seek to destroy America will win. Brigitte’s new book is a clarion call to everyone who holds our freedoms dear. No longer can we remain inactive. No longer can we ignore the truth. No longer can we sit silently while radicals advance their plans to erode our nation’s foundation. It’s time to stand strong in defense of our values and freedoms. It’s time to Rise.”

Rise contains Gabriel’s most hard-hitting, explosive message yet. It’s not only a warning but also a rallying cry to unite Americans of all backgrounds in a fight for the survival of the nation, the protection of the Judeo-Christian values upon which it was built and the preservation of the freedoms on which future generations depend.

In the 10 years since her groundbreaking first book took the world by storm, Gabriel has boldly faced death threats from terrorists, condemnation from critics and attacks from the “PC Police,” yet she refuses to back down. Gutsy, spirited, undauntable and resolute, Gabriel now issues a new clarion call to America that addresses the historical and religious basis of our greatest threats to national security.

In Rise, she informs Americans about why this matters to them, their families and their personal freedom, and helps them draw the battle plan for what they can do to preserve their rights and freedoms before it’s too late. Out on Sept. 11, Rise will also reveal alarming evidence to open readers’ eyes regarding the imminent threat and ever-widening plot to destroy long-enjoyed freedoms and national security.

Gabriel started her organization, ACT for America—now approaching 1 million members—in an effort to protect the citizens of the United States from the horrors she experienced as a young girl in her native Lebanon. She is also the celebrated author of two New York Times best-sellers, Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America (2006) and They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (2010). Rise is published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House, which has published 14 New York Times best-sellers.

For more information on Brigitte Gabriel, visit or follow her on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. View the media page for Charisma House here.

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