God Had Another Plan

The July 4 celebration in our quaint Texas town drew 50,000 visitors. I stood onstage at Granbury Live, the Branson-style theater where I work, and sang “Amazing Grace” to a sell-out crowd.

Before I sensed a call to ministry, I had dreamed of being a wife, mom and musical theater performer. But I thought those dreams and my calling couldn’t possibly co-exist.

By the time I entered Baylor University, I had my life all planned–college, marriage at 23, children by 26 and a successful singing career. But when my college years came and went without Mr. Right’s showing up, I questioned God. Obviously, I had missed the boat and was sure I was destined to be single forever.

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They Call Her the Demon Buster

Kim Daniels takes her nickname seriously. Since she began her evangelistic ministry in Florida, she’s seen homosexuals healed, witches converted to Christ and mentally deranged people set free by God’s power. It’s not uncommon to see the blue steel of a gun on the corner of Blue and Steele streets in Jacksonville, Fla. Yet in

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Marines pilot

Welcome to the Ready Room

Marines pilotThe thing I miss most about being a pilot in the Marines is the Ready Room, where we gathered before and after our flights.

It smelled of sweaty flight suits, and occasionally, coarse humor blued the air while our inflated egos competed, but I loved it nonetheless.

Then came the day I had to let it all go. I hadn’t grown up in the church, so when I met Christ in a bunker in Vietnam, my life had to change.

Being a fighter pilot had been my dream since childhood, and here I was living it. But one morning as I sat reading the Bible, I struggled to understand what Paul was saying in Romans 8:15: “You received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father'” (NIV).

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