Israel & Jewish Roots

  • Jews Need Jesus Too

    Jews Need Jesus Too

    The Bible declares in John 14:6 that there is only one plan of salvation for all people. Jewish leaders finally are realizing that evangelical Christians are Israel’s best friends. As a Jewish believer, I rejoice over this growing love and support for the country and the people. I am grateful for the rallies, financial support

  • To the Jew First

    The Lord recently told Oral Roberts, "This is the hour Jewish people are being drawn to God."

  • Jews and The Passion

    Jews view the film through a tragic history of being blamed for "killing the Son of God."

  • To the Jew First

    Many Christians think they should avoid sharing the gospel with Jewish people.

  • Christ in the Passover

    The Passover is rich in symbolism and typology that point to Christ.

  • The Birth of Christ

    Yeshua was actually born to die. He gave His life as an atonement for us. It has been said that the New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament and the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament. This is certainly true of the birth of the Messiah, which we celebrate this month. One

  • A Time for Vigilance

    Anti-Semitism in Europe and the United States is on the rise at an alarming rate.

  • Caught in Israel’s Crossfire

    Messianic congregations in the Holy Land are growing despite continued terrorism and religious persecution.

  • Our Response to Israel

    Those who support Israel must remember that God loves Jews and Arabs equally.

  • Let Us Weep for Zion

    In June 1939, the United States turned away a ship carrying 937 Jewish refugees from Europe. Most of the passengers later perished in the Holocaust. Yet today, Christians are calling the church to repent for its silence 62 years ago.

  • The Exodus Continues

    The Exodus Continues

    Thousands of Jews are moving to Israel. Some are fleeing Holocaust-style threats in the former Soviet Union while others are yearning for their biblical homeland. Amid this 21st century exodus, Christians are providing Jews with humanitarian aid, prayer and hope. Johannes Facius knows the hour is late. He can see the fear and desperation in

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