Prophetic Fire

  • Prophetic Word: April Is the Month of Recovery

    Prophetic Word: April Is the Month of Recovery

    As I was spending time with the Lord on a recent morning, I got an image of a boat with a rowing crew. Unsure of what the Lord was saying, I began to press into this word. There are phenomenal insights into what the Lord is doing in the Spirit this month that are direct

  • Prophetic Dream: Keep a Good Faith—the Dam Is About to Break

    Prophetic Dream: Keep a Good Faith—the Dam Is About to Break

    One recent night the Lord gave me Luke 11:5-13, and then I heard, “Keep a good faith.” After writing this down, I fell back asleep and had a dream. My husband and I were viewing a large reservoir of water. Oddly enough, even though water continuously flowed into it and there was no apparent outlet

  • Prophetic Word: Heaven’s Nets Are Being Drawn for the Final Harvest

    Prophetic Word: Heaven’s Nets Are Being Drawn for the Final Harvest

    In a recent meeting, as a Middle East missionary testified of the many miracles of salvation among the Muslims, the babe leaped within my womb and the glory of God filled me. When I awoke the next morning the utterance that I had in that meeting was still upon me. Here it is: A message

  • Chris Reed Unveils Prophetic Warning About the Coming ‘Perfect Storm’ for America

    Chris Reed Unveils Prophetic Warning About the Coming ‘Perfect Storm’ for America

    In a recent prophetic dream, Pastor and MorningStar Ministries CEO Chris Reed says he saw that America is headed for tumultuous times in its future, perhaps to the point where many of the 50 united states will secede from the union before the country is redeemed and renewed. “I believe we are coming upon a

  • Prophecy: God’s Army Is Emerging Locked and Loaded

    Prophecy: God’s Army Is Emerging Locked and Loaded

    I see a spiritual army rising up, weapons of warfare in place and faces set; completely focused on Jesus and what He has asked them to do. This is an army not to be messed with and not to be taken lightly. Satan had tactics that he used to bring division among the body of

  • Prophetic Word:  The Lord Says, ‘My Justice Shall Be Served for the Sake of the Children’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘My Justice Shall Be Served for the Sake of the Children’

    God, You have upon Your heart the children of the earth and have seen the injustice and the things that have taken place among the children of the earth. Yet I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, “For there was a day in the days when children were being sacrificed and slaughtered, in the

  • Prophetic Dream: The Harvest Is Ripe. Where Is Everyone?

    Prophetic Dream: The Harvest Is Ripe. Where Is Everyone?

    On April 21, 2021, I had a dream highlighting Poland as a country to watch. In the initial interpretation of this dream, I saw Poland surrounded by conflict and by what I believed at the time was a “terrorist attack” being planned on foreign soil. In this dream, I watched my husband conversing with a

  • Prophetic Dream: Allow the Holy Spirit to Transition Your Destiny

    Prophetic Dream: Allow the Holy Spirit to Transition Your Destiny

    Some years ago, I had a profound and prophetic dream that I knew was from the Lord. He has been impressing upon me to share it, as it will help many who are in transition. The dream had five distinct segments, each revealing transitions in the journey of fulfilling our destiny, being led by the

  • Prophecy: Boomerangs! U-Turns Are Coming to Deep-State Corruption

    Prophecy: Boomerangs! U-Turns Are Coming to Deep-State Corruption

    Introduction from Dutch Sheets: God often used allegorical pictures in Scripture to present a truth or concept. From referring to Christ as a lamb or His Word as a seed and sword, Holy Spirit frequently used the physical realm to picture spiritual truths. He still does so today and recently gave my brother, Tim, an

  • Prophecy: God Is Issuing Restraining Orders Against the Enemy

    Prophecy: God Is Issuing Restraining Orders Against the Enemy

    For months now, the air has been swirling with interference because we are in a season of birthing the new—from new and fresh blueprints, ideas, strategies and out-of-the-box revelation to direction, clarity, creativity, messages and movements that all need to be brought forth … from dreams and downloads to the church breaking out of old

  • Prophetic Word: God Is Gathering a Double Harvest —and He Needs Your Help to Reap It

    Prophetic Word: God Is Gathering a Double Harvest —and He Needs Your Help to Reap It

    The double harvest is upon us and God needs you! The Lord spoke to me prophetically that He is gathering His people together to bring in the double harvest! He needs His church body to begin to step out and be the laborers to pull in the harvest. Revival fire is upon us! We are

  • Prophetic Word: Reinforcements Are on the Way

    Prophetic Word: Reinforcements Are on the Way

    Very recently, the Lord spoke to me that the enemy was attempting to release “an onslaught against the frontline warriors”! I sensed an opening of new demonic portals and a release of demonic spirits of varying rank and activity, ready to attack all at once. Within a few days, I received an unusual number of

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Taking My Church From Survival to Revival’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Taking My Church From Survival to Revival’

    We are living in a history-making hour on the earth. It is a time of great contending and yet a time of birthing revival, awakening and reformation! I heard the Lord say He is taking His church out of survival into revival. Isaiah 60:1-3 promises us that in times of great darkness in the earth,

  • Prophecy: Chris Reed Reveals 15 Prophecies for 2022 and Beyond

    Prophecy: Chris Reed Reveals 15 Prophecies for 2022 and Beyond

    Note: These prophecies were given at MorningStar Fellowship Church Fort Mill on Jan. 2, 2022, during the 11:00 a.m. service. The Lord has shown me some things in the Spirit that we need to pray into regarding what is likely to happen in the coming season. I am not saying all these things will happen

  • Prophetic Vision: God’s Firm and Unshakeable Decrees Will Always Prevail

    Prophetic Vision: God’s Firm and Unshakeable Decrees Will Always Prevail

    Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus. I need to share a strategic word with you from the Book of Zechariah that the Lord has given to me to shed light on current events and on the times that will soon follow. Around 2,000 years ago, our Lord Jesus taught His

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