Dutch Sheets

  • Dutch Sheets Prophesies: The Evil Plans of the Wicked Will Boomerang Back

    Dutch Sheets Prophesies: The Evil Plans of the Wicked Will Boomerang Back

    The events of last week have shocked many Americans. While my responsibility and calling is not to defend individuals or political parties, it is worth pointing out that what the Left did on 8/8, has never been done in our 246-year history as a nation. My assignment, however, is to help us identify what is

  • Dutch Sheets Prophesies: Rejoice Over ‘Roe,’ But Stay Focused

    Dutch Sheets Prophesies: Rejoice Over ‘Roe,’ But Stay Focused

    In Ezra 3, the Israelites were attempting to see Jerusalem restored. The first step was rebuilding the temple. After the successful laying of the foundation, there was a great celebration — they poured a slab and threw a party. However, their enemies regrouped very quickly, organizing an intimidation and slander campaign, including the hiring of

  • Dutch Sheets Asks, ‘Do Our Prayers Really Matter?’

    Dutch Sheets Asks, ‘Do Our Prayers Really Matter?’

    “The quest of Jesus Christ on the earth is greatly crippled by wrong notions of the sovereignty of God.” —Jack Hayford I first heard Pastor Hayford say this 25 to 30 years ago and was greatly impacted. I have never forgotten it. The implications are serious and multifaceted. The underlying premise is that, due to

  • Dutch Sheets Prophesies: God Is Turning Things Around

    Dutch Sheets Prophesies: God Is Turning Things Around

    America’s turnaround began years ago. God is way ahead of the times, seeing and declaring the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:10). He is the only individual who doesn’t start at the beginning. God starts at the end, backs up to the beginning and implements His plan. This means He is never caught by surprise

  • Dutch Sheets Prophesies 2022 is ‘Our Jericho Year’

    Dutch Sheets Prophesies 2022 is ‘Our Jericho Year’

    2022 is one of (if not) the most important years of our lives. But first, “Happy New Year!” And may 2021 vanish quickly! Now first, regarding 2022, the bad news: America is a mess. The crisis is huge, the battle is monumental and the stakes are “winner take all.” I just watched an OAN news

  • Increase Your Faith. It’s Time!

    Increase Your Faith. It’s Time!

    Romans 1:17 (WEB) says that we go from faith to faith: “For in it is revealed God’s righteousness from faith to faith. As it is written, ‘But the righteous shall live by faith.'” Every new season God moves us into requires a new level of faith. As we progress in God, He will use life’s

  • Prophetic Dream: The Cleansing Rain is Here

    Prophetic Dream: The Cleansing Rain is Here

    God’s cleansing is coming to America. The exposure has begun and will continue; millions of Americans are now seeing the incredibly deep and broad level of corruption in our government—within both parties. Other areas of our nation are also being exposed as dishonest—media, education, business, insurrectionist movements and more. Money (to satisfy lusts) and power

  • Prophetic Word: Spiritual Forces Warring for America Will Be Overruled

    Prophetic Word: Spiritual Forces Warring for America Will Be Overruled

    We are in the middle of an evil attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America. This attempt is about so much more than President Trump, but he is currently the focal point of the attack. The enemy has a plan to rule over this nation, and President Trump stands in his

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Don’t Look for the Antichrist Right Now’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Don’t Look for the Antichrist Right Now’

    Is America going to be overtaken by other governments? Are we facing a governmental collapse in November 2020? Dutch Sheets says, “No.” Hear his comments and thoughts regarding an apocalyptic message that is currently being spread across America. Note: You can listen to Dutch’s entire response in podcast form here. Here are a few highlights:

  • Dutch Sheets: How You Can Help Bring the Greatest Spiritual Harvest in Earth’s History

    Dutch Sheets: How You Can Help Bring the Greatest Spiritual Harvest in Earth’s History

    After signing the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, Founding Father John Adams said the following to his wife, Abigail: I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to

  • Chuck Pierce Prophesies: ‘Change Is Coming!’

    Chuck Pierce Prophesies: ‘Change Is Coming!’

    A few months ago, beginning in Mississippi, people started giving me bags of change. In 35 years of ministry, no one had ever walked up to me with a baggie full of coins. I have received special coins and commemorative coins, coins minted with messages on them, military coins, state coins. But no one had

  • Beware of These Fake Friends Who Lead You Astray

    Beware of These Fake Friends Who Lead You Astray

    Both Proverbs 11:14 and 15:22 talk about a multitude of counselors providing safety as we plan our lives. Be careful with casual friends as your counselors. Nine times out of ten, my “friends” tell me what I want to hear, whether it is right or not. The best of my friends will give me wise

  • Dutch Sheets: A Great Shift Is Upon Us That Will Continue Through 2019

    Dutch Sheets: A Great Shift Is Upon Us That Will Continue Through 2019

    We are entering an hour of history where the church must make itself ready. We are now warring for the eternal destinies of millions and the destiny of our nation. Something must happen to awaken the conscience of this nation and turn the thoughts of people back to God. A revival of monumental proportions is

  • Dutch Sheets: ‘Prepare for Victory, Surge of Power and Momentum’

    Dutch Sheets: ‘Prepare for Victory, Surge of Power and Momentum’

    I believe 2017-2018 will go down in history as “turning point years” for America. Certainly, there have been other crossroad seasons in our nation’s 240 years of existence: but these two years have been epochal. The exposing of the Deep State, certainly not complete but at least begun; the confrontation and interruption under the leadership

  • Dutch Sheets: ‘God Gave Me 1 Cor. 16:9 as a Verse for 2019’

    Dutch Sheets: ‘God Gave Me 1 Cor. 16:9 as a Verse for 2019’

    I think 2019 will be a continuation of 2018. I feel like the Lord has given me 1 Corinthians 16:9 as a verse for the year ahead. Paul said, “A great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” The New English Translation says, “A great door of opportunity stands wide

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