
Prophetic Dream: God Is Raising Up Surrogates in the Spirit

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Brynn Shamp

On the night of January 20, 2022, I dreamed I was pregnant. In the dream, I was a surrogate for another woman who happens to be a personal, real-life friend of mine.

Ironically, she was my surrogate as well. In the natural, a surrogate is “a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office.” Most often we think of surrogates as surrogate mothers, which is what the dream depicted.

Three Surrogates

In the dream, I gave birth to a baby boy and named him Maximus. There was no labor, no pain, no travail. In fact, the baby was born inside a womb-type encasement, suddenly outside of my body. It was the strangest experience to witness in a dream. One moment I was very pregnant and the next moment the baby was outside of me. Yet those who were in the room knew he had been born. In that moment I named him Maximus, which means “greatest.”

Typically, the dreams I have that are significant are extremely detailed, even down to the colors and placement of objects. The Lord will often give direction and clarity for my life, marriage and ministry in my dreams as well, so I felt it was important to describe the atmosphere of the room.

The delivery room felt like a warehouse; everything was gray and dark. The tables we gave birth on were sleek steel tables — somewhat like the metal tables that you’d see the deceased lying on, or maybe where they’d prep for an autopsy in a crime drama film. There were three of these tables lined up in the dimly lit room; no doctors, no staff, no buzzing maternity ward — just a room in a warehouse with slabs for tables, and a silent woman on the third table in the shadows.

The first table was where I somewhat effortlessly gave birth with no pain to the “greatest” — Maximus — and immediately handed him to my friend. I was her surrogate, and this baby I had birthed belonged to her.

I turned to the left and there was the baby she had birthed, already lying on the middle table. My friend and I had given birth simultaneously. I gasped and said, “Oh, she is already born!” to which my friend replied, “Yes, the doctor just came in to do a little procedure.” So I scooped her up, and as I swaddled her, I noticed a red streak going through her hair. That is when I named her Clara Rose.

You Will Birth From the Shadows Into the Bright Light

I saw that the third table remained occupied with another woman in labor, and then I suddenly woke up. I believe that third woman is you, dear reader — one who has been laboring in the shadows, trying to birth a destiny dream.

This dream haunted me all the next day (January 21) and has taken me this long to pen down. I cannot shake the imagery of surrogacy and carrying one another’s babies until the time of fulfillment. I felt prompted to release this word on Mother’s Day, and this year it happened to fall on the eighth day of this month — the number eight means new beginnings. So be encouraged that God is bringing you exactly what is needed for this new season, and you will birth from the shadows into the bright light.

Partnering With Divine Alignment From Clarity to Creativity to the “Greatest”

In January, I began looking up the meanings of these children’s names and praying into what God could be showing me. As previously stated, Maximus is of Latin origin and means “greatest.” Clara, or Klara, is also Latin and means “clear, bright, famous.” Rose is also of Latin origin and means “rose, a flower.” According to Nameberry, “Rose is derived from the Latin rosa, which referred to the flower. There is also evidence to suggest it was a Norman variation of the Germanic name Hrodohaidis, meaning ‘famous type,’ and also Hros, ‘horse.’ In Old English it was translated as Roese and Rohese.”

I began to ponder what my friend in the dream specifically meant, because dreams are most likely intrinsic but can add value to the people around you if interpreted properly. To me this person represents creativity and The Creative, which I found to be wildly fascinating as the word I designated for 2022 was, in fact, create. You see, I name each year whatever I feel its intention or purpose is.

So, I named this year “Create,” and then 20 days in, I have this incredible dream about birthing the “greatest” when partnering with creativity. I thought, What else could this mean? What am I to carry away or leave with once I have given birth as a surrogate to another’s baby? Well, in this dream, I carried away Clara Rose, or what I call the “Bright Horse.” This was personal to me regarding how clarity or clear vision partnering with creativity will bring about the greatest completion of assignments.

Yet I also believe that you, the reader, are represented in the third woman. I believe as we partner in divine alignment, we will carry one another’s destiny and dreams and actually birth them. There are many who have labored, trying to bring forth God-dreams, but have not yet brought them to term or fullness. In this next season, God is raising up the surrogates — surrogates in the spirit who will help carry and birth a dream for another; the designated ones who aid in bringing the promise to fruition and completion.

Your greatest season of clarity is upon you, and the ones whom God is aligning you with will be the surrogates that you need to help you birth from the spirit the divine purposes and dreams that are inside of you. The season of travail is over as the ease of the anointing is now upon you in this new day. {eoa}

Brynn Shamp is the co-founder and CEO of Destiny Encounters International. She is also the creator and author of Chronicles of Grace & Glory, a blog designed to tell her story and inspire others in their own life’s journey with Christ. Brynn carries a God-given passion for writing and the ability to make a story come alive to the reader.

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