
Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘You Are Stepping Into a Grand Manifestation’

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Lana Vawser

Recently as I was talking to the Lord, I heard Him speak this over many people: “Get up again! Get ferocious in faith over the vision and what I have promised you. You are stepping into a grand manifestation.”

At that moment, I sensed an empowering wind of the Holy Spirit blowing fiercely into the lives of many men and women who’ve felt like they have been “beaten down” over the visions and promises of the Lord that they have been carrying.

These people had been teetering on the edge, not wanting to fight over the vision or the promise anymore; but when the Lord spoke those words, “Get up again!” there was such a strong, renewed sense of resolve. There was such a strong sense of resurrection power in His presence. A fresh, empowering wind of the Holy Spirit blew upon them as they stood up with a resolve that was rooted in the faithfulness of God to fulfill and accomplish that which He had spoken.

No More!

With eyes of ferocious focus they roared, “No more!” Immediately this took me back to many encounters I have had over the last year where I saw the Lion of Judah standing in different places roaring, “No more!” It was the roar of divine justice, the roar of restoration, the roar of recompense — sevenfold recompense.

I could feel the Spirit of God reminding His people, again, of who He is in them, and who they are in Him. He was reminding them again of their authority, and that He is faithful to fulfill that which He has spoken. All at once, I could feel the wind of the Spirit bringing refreshment, strength and healing from the battle. At the same time, I could hear the trumpet of the Lord in the spirit calling them to arise from the dust, arise from any toleration of the giants, and to come into alignment again with His vision and His promise, shaking off all that has tried to hold them back (Isa. 52:2).

This was not something that could be conjured up by their own strength, but it came from the place of focusing again on what the Lord had spoken and refusing to move. It came from a place of rest and surrender — a heart posture that says, “I will not be defeated. I am an overcomer in Christ, and this is what God has said.

The Battle Over Your Voice

I heard the Lord say, “Much of the attack that many have faced has not only been over the manifestation of the vision, but it has been over the release of their voice in this hour. It has been over the release of My prophetic voice to them and through them in this hour. It has been over an army arising with a conviction of the power of My Word that burns within them like fire, and over the posture of the ferocious focus of faith to take Me at My word and not move.”

My God Is Faithful

The Lord continued to speak: “I am bringing forth the second wind. I am bringing forth the resurrection wind. Nothing is done in your strength. It is not by might, it is not by power; it is by My Spirit. I am calling these ones to ferociously focus on My faithfulness again; to lift their eyes again in worship; to lift their eyes and voices again in praise; to arise from the dust, again, with a decree that says, “My God is faithful.”

The Grand Manifestation — It’s Bigger Than You Think

When the Lord spoke those words — “You are stepping into a grand manifestation” — I felt led to look up the meaning of the word grand. Here is what I found:

Definition: “magnificent”; “impressive in size”

Synonym: “awe-inspiring”

The Lord spoke again: “The battle has been fierce and the fire has become seven times hotter, but I am the fourth man in the fire. I am delivering you. I am bringing you forth. I am bringing you out. I am heralding your deliverance. I am trumpeting, ‘Arise, shake off the dust!’ I am calling you forth into a place of seeing a grand manifestation.

“The power of the mustard seed of faith is bursting forth in this era to release monumental moves of My Spirit. The battle has been fierce because of the magnitude of what I am doing in and through you. It’s bigger than you think. It’s greater than you can imagine. You are truly entering a time of being reintroduced to My power in this new era. You are entering a time of the most magnificent miracles you have ever witnessed. They will leave you in awe and wonder of who I am.”


The Lord said, “Don’t shrink back. Don’t allow intimidation to keep you down. ARISE! Shake off the dust. Feast on My faithfulness. Get ‘ferocious’ over the visions and promises I have given you, for you have entered a time of grand manifestation, which will see My holiness, majesty, power and goodness explode all around. You will see, like never before, that I am truly the God of Ephesians 3:20.”

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Eph. 3:20, NIV).

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on the Elijah List and in Charisma magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who travels regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong prophetic voice and has a heart to see the body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Adelaide, South Australia, with their family.

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