Dr. Kim Maas

  • TODAY is Not a Day for Quitting

    TODAY is Not a Day for Quitting

    How are you doing today? Do you feel like giving up, turning back and calling it quits? Today is not that day! Today is the day to come out of discouragement and get back in the game. The book of Hebrews mentions the word “today” seven times. The first time describes the revelation that Jesus

  • Turning Crisis into Crowns

    Turning Crisis into Crowns

    Sometimes our journey toward destiny is not easy. Sometimes, somewhere in between beginning and fulfillment, we can come to a place where it feels like it is just a little too long, a little too dark, a little too hard and a little too scary. Not long ago, I found myself in a place like

  • Dealing with Emotional Fallout

    Dealing with Emotional Fallout

    Right now, depression, anxiety and trauma are pandemic. Many of us are dealing with the emotional fallout of living through a traumatic, world-changing event. No matter how hard we have believed or how many hours we have prayed or how many Scriptures verses we have read, we cannot seem to shake it off. Others of

  • I Hear the Rattling of Dry Bones

    I Hear the Rattling of Dry Bones

    Hope is a precious commodity in a time such as ours. Hopelessness is not a by-product of the kingdom of God. Scripture tells us of a time when a whole nation of people, Israel, whose hope had been dried up after experiencing dislocation from all that was familiar as well as oppression, humiliation and defeat.

  • Breaking Ties With the Orphan Spirit

    Breaking Ties With the Orphan Spirit

    I was recently speaking at a conference and heard a stunning message by Patricia King. As she uncovered the roots and effects of the orphan spirit in the church, the Holy Spirit descended upon the hearts of God’s people. It was obvious God was touching something deep within His people that the Lord wanted to

  • Prophetic Insight for Your Transition

    Prophetic Insight for Your Transition

    Everything is changing or has already changed. The new era so many prophetic voices have been announcing is here. The last 18 months have been disturbing, unsettling and disruptive. Transition is hard for even the most mature. Wisdom and prophetic insight are needed now more than ever. I asked one of the most trusted prophetic

  • Healthy Fivefold Leadership in the Church

    Healthy Fivefold Leadership in the Church

    In recent years we have witnessed the rise of the prophet and apostle, along with large networks forming around their anointed leadership. The apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher and evangelist make up the fivefold ministry list of Ephesians 4:11. During last year and a half, with its pandemic, social unrest and divisive election cycle, God exposed

  • Understanding the Demonically Inspired Methods of the Religious Spirit

    Understanding the Demonically Inspired Methods of the Religious Spirit

    Have you, like me, ever wondered what exactly is a religious spirit? Does the Bible tell us anything particular about it? How does this spirit operate? Why should we care about what it is and how it affects our churches and leaders? In the story of the woman who washed the feet of Jesus with

  • Do You Believe Supernatural Healing Miracles Happen Today?

    Do You Believe Supernatural Healing Miracles Happen Today?

    Last week, while speaking at a conference, the woman approached me. She said, “The Lord said that if I would come to you and ask you to pray, I would be healed.” I stopped and prayed with her. I did not, at that moment, have time to hear what the problem was, but I felt

  • How to Have Christ’s Peace During These Troubled Times

    How to Have Christ’s Peace During These Troubled Times

    Feeling fearful, anxious, depressed or angry? The enemy hopes so! As the world begins to open up in the midst of the pandemic, more than ever before, we need to be able to find peace so we can move forward, make wise decisions and reengage in society. None of this is a surprise to God.

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