Breaking Denominational Traditions

Becoming the church’s pastor was Evelyn Puckett’s first break with Colonial Avenue Methodist’s traditions. But it wasn’t the last.

Looking at Pastor Evelyn Puckett’s résumé, one would assume the Spirit-filled 58-year-old ministers at a charismatic or Pentecostal church. After all, she attended full gospel Elim Bible Institute and the Assemblies of God Central Bible College; served as choir director at Rock Church in Virginia Beach, Va.; was a counselor at the Christian Broadcasting Network; and ministered at Women’s Aglow conferences.

But when it came time for Evelyn to fulfill a longtime calling and desire to be a pastor, she ended up at Colonial Avenue Methodist Church in downtown Norfolk, Va. The church, steeped in the traditions of its denomination, voted her in as its first woman pastor.

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No Time to Listen

Returning from yet another speaking engagement, I promised myself: “I’ll do it tomorrow. I really mean it this time.” Despite my exhaustion, I rested comfortably that night. As daylight broke, I rose to pray and then began my morning routine. My mind was racing as I rehearsed my to-do list. How can I get all of this done in one day? I thought. With so much to do and another trip scheduled, I’ve got to start these errands, or I’ll run out of time.

At that moment the decision was made: “I’ll run my errands now, and then I’ll check on my ailing neighbor later today.”

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Go to the Head of the Class

Many women today are returnign to school for ministry training. Should you? Here’s how to find the educational path that’s right for you.

At the age of 56, Joyce Shankland went back to school. As a recently divorced grandmother, she didn’t seem like a typical candidate. Two years earlier, her husband had left her for a 20-year old, and the following year had been a nightmare of pain as she worked through the grief of being abandoned by her husband of 36 years. During that time of grief, she endured a car accident, back surgery and internal bleeding.

But Joyce was undeterred. Ever since she had come to know the Lord at age 30, she had dreamed of being in full-time ministry. “I thought, Now is my chance, so in July of 1999 I came to Crossroads, a YWAM missionary training school on the island of Hawaii.”

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Faith Over Fear

 The beginning of a new year is like a mile marker on the path of life–a checkpoint to show how far you’ve come. It’s a good time to think about where you are on the road to destiny.

When you were younger, what did you expect to have accomplished by this point? When you first got a vision of what God had planned for you, where did you think you would be by now? Are you moving forward–or has the climate of fear in our country paralyzed you and prevented you from making progress?

Many of us have allowed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 and the subsequent declaration of war to immobilize us. We have allowed fear to supercede faith–and to rule our thoughts, feelings and actions.

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A Woman’s Right to Preach

Many christians object to the idea of women in ministry because they believe the bible forbids it. The scriptures show their belief is unfounded.

How is it that women would venture to preach when female ministry is forbidden in the Word of God?

This is a serious objection to consider and, if capable of substantiation, would receive my immediate and cheerful acquiescence; but I think I can show, by a fair and consistent interpretation, that the very opposite view is the truth–that the public ministry of women is absolutely enjoined by both precept and example in the Word of God.

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Zilpha Elaw

Nineteenth Century Revivalist

One day while milking a cow, Zilpha saw Jesus walking toward her. He appeared to say, “Thy prayer is accepted; I own thy name.” Zilpha first thought she was seeing things; but when the cow looked in the same direction, bent its front legs and lowered its head to the ground, she knew the Lord had come to answer her prayer.

Zilpha was born free to religious parents in Pennsylvania around 1790. Her mother died when she was 12 years old, and her father sent her to live with a Quaker family. He died a year and a half later.

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