Jesus & the Gospel

  • If Spiritual Courage Was Sold in a Bottle

    If Spiritual Courage Was Sold in a Bottle

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 26 Seconds What if we could go to the store or pharmacy and purchase a bottle of courage as easily as a bottle of cough syrup? I believe it would be flying off the shelves. Courage is defined as the “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear

  • ‘He Gets Us’ Phenomenon Radiates Bold Cultural Agenda

    ‘He Gets Us’ Phenomenon Radiates Bold Cultural Agenda

    Read Time: 7 Minutes One of the most frequent questions members of the He Gets Us movement receive are, “who is behind this, and is there an agenda?” In a culture that has become increasingly hostile to the kingdom of God, the suspicions run deep because the “He” in that phrase just happens to be

  • Todd White: Knowing Who You Are and Whose You Are

    Todd White: Knowing Who You Are and Whose You Are

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 56 Seconds God thought about you before the foundation of the world. God planned you. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the thoughts and the plans He has for you. The Bible says that all life comes from God. So, if you’re reading this, no matter how you came into the world; whether

  • Kingdom Economics: Choosing A Better Way

    Kingdom Economics: Choosing A Better Way

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 41 Seconds The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released its third and final estimate of second quarter GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and its PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index). Since core (less food and energy) PCE is one of the Fed’s preferred measures of inflation, it was watched particularly closely. For

  • What Do Pastors Think About Halloween? Study Reveals Surprising Results

    What Do Pastors Think About Halloween? Study Reveals Surprising Results

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 24 Seconds It’s a question that believers grapple with every year at this time. Should Christians avoid Halloween? Some believers simply don’t feel that it carries any spiritual implications, while others see it as a dangerous event to celebrate, especially for Christians. But what do pastors think about Halloween and how

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: Why His Presence Must be Our Pursuit

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: Why His Presence Must be Our Pursuit

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 9 Seconds Although God is everywhere, or what theologians call omnipresent, there is a marked difference between a believer who is dry spiritually and dead inside compared to one who is full of passion, desire and fire. The corridors of church history are filled with stories of Christians being spiritually dead

  • 7 Ways Believers Neglect Their Salvation

    7 Ways Believers Neglect Their Salvation

    Read Time: 5 Minutes 3 Seconds The writer of Hebrews says, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation” (2:3, NKJV). The Greek word for neglect, (“having neglected” in its original tense in Greek), is “amelēsantes.” This means to pay no attention to, to make light of or to be negligent of.

  • Are People in Hell Before Judgment Day?

    Are People in Hell Before Judgment Day?

    Read Time: 2 Minutes 52 Seconds Are people in hell before Judgment Day? The answer is, yes. There are biblical reasons why we know that people are tormented in hell before Judgment Day. When a person dies in their sins, they exist separated from God and from all good. To be separated from God and

  • As Believers, We Must Always Be Covered in His Word

    As Believers, We Must Always Be Covered in His Word

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 35 Seconds Most of our battles begin in our minds. That is why it is so important to protect our minds with the helmet of salvation. God wants you to learn how to take every thought captive and bring it to the obedience of Christ. “For the weapons of our warfare

  • Kingdom Economics: Are We Participating in the Kingdom of God?

    Kingdom Economics: Are We Participating in the Kingdom of God?

    Read Time: 4 Minutes, 48 Seconds The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its much-anticipated September Employment Situation Report. Stock market traders had been hoping that a weaker than expected report would cause the Fed to pivot with its plans to aggressively fight inflation by increasing interest rates and reducing liquidity (via balance sheet reductions).

  • What Praises of Thanksgiving Mean for Your Soul

    What Praises of Thanksgiving Mean for Your Soul

    Read Time: 5 Minutes 24 Seconds We tend to think of gratitude as an obligation as opposed to a weapon of warfare. A nicety, not a ferocious force for transformation. We are wrong. From our earliest days we are trained that polite people say “thank you.” Certainly, this is true and proper. Those of us

  • Chris Reed: Why God Wants to Change Our Thinking

    Chris Reed: Why God Wants to Change Our Thinking

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 32 Seconds “Now it came to pass when the king was dwelling in his house, and the Lord had given him rest from all his enemies all around, that the king said to Nathan the prophet, ‘See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells

  • Why America Needs a Higher Being

    Why America Needs a Higher Being

    Read Time: 2 Minutes 46 Seconds “We need God.” Americans have long uttered this belief. The Declaration of Independence, adopted in 1776 proclaims that “everyone is endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” The United States Constitution does not refer either to the word “God” or the phrase “the divine,” but according to the

  • An Angelic Miracle in Shanghai

    An Angelic Miracle in Shanghai

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 9 Seconds God is always faithful to His beloved sons and daughters. That is why we never have to be anxious or afraid, because no matter what is going on in the world around us, we are citizens of a different kingdom. We know that where there is hurt, there is

  • Greg Laurie: Your Most Effective Weapon Against Worry and Anxiety

    Greg Laurie: Your Most Effective Weapon Against Worry and Anxiety

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 26 Seconds I don’t even want to contemplate what life would be like if I didn’t have the privilege of taking my sorrows, cares and worries to the Lord. In Acts 12, when the apostle Peter was in Herod’s prison facing imminent execution, the young church met one of its greatest

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