Jesus & the Gospel

  • Mario Murillo: How Do We Bring God Into This National Crisis?

    Mario Murillo: How Do We Bring God Into This National Crisis?

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 24 Seconds Some of us are enraged and others are exhausted. Is there proof out there that a handful of villains control our choices and overrule our rights? The answer is yes. But that proof is a viciously—even supernaturally—guarded secret. Many are roaring that we are not a free people, and

  • What Do You Really Know About God’s Plan for Your Life?

    What Do You Really Know About God’s Plan for Your Life?

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 15 Seconds I’m not a heavy user of digital media. I get friend requests in messages from Facebook, but while I do have a Facebook account and “follow” some friends and relatives, I just don’t have time to be regularly involved with the minutiae of other people’s lives. Consequently, I don’t

  • How the Words of Luke 3 Convicted and Convinced This Devout Muslim to Accept Christ

    How the Words of Luke 3 Convicted and Convinced This Devout Muslim to Accept Christ

    Read Time:4 Minutes 3 Seconds It took nine years for Muslim Abdu Murray to realize that God’s greatest ethic—love—was demonstrated by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for sin. Along his journey out of Islam and during his study of the Bible, Murray nearly surrendered to Jesus two times when the Holy Spirit

  • Marilyn Hickey Ministries: Don’t Miss Out on Experiencing the Holy Spirit

    Marilyn Hickey Ministries: Don’t Miss Out on Experiencing the Holy Spirit

    Read Time: 1 Minute 56 Seconds Have you settled for less than everything God has for you by putting the Holy Spirit in a spiritual-gifts box or in a fruit of the Spirit box? If so, you’re missing out on doing life with the Holy Spirit and on all the incredible benefits of having the

  • How Understanding the Complete Love of Christ Will Transform Your Life

    How Understanding the Complete Love of Christ Will Transform Your Life

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 6 Seconds The love of God. I deeply think about it, ponder it, wade through it, contemplate its depth and enjoy its fullness. The love of God is likely one of those mysteries this side of heaven that we will wrestle with until we are in the presence of Him who

  • What Will It Take for America to Become a Christian Nation Again?

    What Will It Take for America to Become a Christian Nation Again?

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 59 Seconds If America becomes a Christian nation once again, it will come from below—from “we the people.” It will not come from politicians in Washington, D.C. Consider the following facts. America was considered a Christian nation for the first 150 years of her existence, not because of an act of

  • How Psalm 19:14 Became a Way of Life for Johnny Cash

    How Psalm 19:14 Became a Way of Life for Johnny Cash

    Read time: 3 Minutes 48 Seconds The large gilt-edged slab of black marble marking the gravesite of Johnny Cash is inscribed in gold lettering: John R. Cash Feb. 26, 1932 Sept. 12, 2003 PSALM 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, My strength, And my redeemer. As

  • Why Fasting Brings Miraculous Benefits for Believers

    Why Fasting Brings Miraculous Benefits for Believers

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 10 Seconds Because I believe in a good God, I believe in fasting as one of the primary ways we come to express our full trust and dependence on Him—that fasting is a way of leaning into the goodness of God. There is a long-established link between fasting and miracles. Fasting

  • What’s Keeping You From Knowing Jesus?

    What’s Keeping You From Knowing Jesus?

      Read Time: 3 Minutes 38 Seconds People don’t automatically go to heaven when they die. Regardless of what they believe, heaven is not their default destination. It takes a purposeful act on your part to choose to place your faith in Jesus Christ. Thankfully, Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose from

  • Prophecy: Hurricane Ian Will Pale in Comparison to the Holy Spirit Wind That’s Coming

    Prophecy: Hurricane Ian Will Pale in Comparison to the Holy Spirit Wind That’s Coming

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 22 Seconds On Tuesday, Sept. 27, I (Troy Anderson) texted Rev. Kevin Jessip, co-founder of The Return International, asking how things were going as Hurricane Ian approached Florida. I inquired if he and his wife, Donna, planned to evacuate their home in Venice along the Gulf Coast. I told him that

  • Bestselling Author Jonathan Cahn Reveals Ancient Mystery Behind the Paganization of America

    Bestselling Author Jonathan Cahn Reveals Ancient Mystery Behind the Paganization of America

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 58 Seconds Is it possible that ancient gods have come back and are behind what is currently happening in America? Could their existence be transforming culture, families, children, businesses, government, technology—and even our very lives? Is there a more sinister force that is the mastermind behind the desensitization of Americans towards

  • When Your Storms Become Your Finest Hour

    When Your Storms Become Your Finest Hour

    Read Time: 3 Minutes, 42 Seconds Has a storm blown into your life lately? Are you—or someone you love—suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? If you answered yes to any of these questions, stay with me because how you

  • 3 Lessons From the Prophetess Anna

    3 Lessons From the Prophetess Anna

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 34 Seconds I have been slowly—very slow—reading through the Gospel of Luke in my daily time with Jesus. Though Christmas is two months away, I find myself luxuriating in the story of Jesus’ birth. Tucked in the second chapter of Luke is the story of a rather insignificant woman named Anna

  • Seer in the Spirit Takes a Prophetic Look into the Past and Future

    Seer in the Spirit Takes a Prophetic Look into the Past and Future

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 22 Seconds I used to work in the meat department at a store on the north side of Atlanta. I was cleaning up one Friday evening, keeping one eye on the clock as it approached closing time. I had finished all my main tasks, so I decided to take my time

  • Kingdom Economics: Increasing Your Kingdom Treasure

    Kingdom Economics: Increasing Your Kingdom Treasure

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 36 Seconds Inflation is not only a problem, but an increasing problem, throughout much of the world. Annual consumer inflation rates which are higher than the U.S. rate (8.2%) include Turkey (83.5%), Argentina (83.0%), Netherlands (14.5%), Russia (13.7%), Britain (10.1%), Germany (10.0%), Spain and Italy (8.9%) and Mexico (8.7%). Countries which

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