Steve Strang

  • Oppose Federal Funds for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

    This was sent in a newsletter by Tony Perkins, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council. On March 9, 2009, President Obama issued an executive order that opened the floodgates for funding more human embryonic stem cell experiments. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has drafted guidelines for distributing these funds. These guidelines devote…

  • The Eve of the American Reawakening

    Rep. Tom McClintock gave the following speech to the Council for National Policy in Washington D.C. on May 16, 2009. Here, in the winter of our despair, I want to pause to take stock of the state of our nation on this date of May 16. Voters have swept our party from office after a…

  • Meeting God on the Mountain

    Meeting God on the Mountain

    Somehow it seemed impossible-retracing Moses' footsteps in the Sinai desert in nine days when it took the children of Israel 40 years. When I was first invited to join a pilgrimage to the mountain of God, it seemed so remote, I could barely comprehend the fact I might actually go. But I determined to go,…

  • Israel’s Independence Day: A Personal Look Back

    Israel’s Independence Day: A Personal Look Back

    On our calendar May 14 is the date of Israel's independence. The Israelis celebrate their Independence Day on the 5th day of their month Iyar, which was April 29 this year because they go by the Jewish calendar. Thirty years ago today I was in Israel when the country celebrated its 31st anniversary. Jamie Buckingham, 12 other Americans and I went…

  • Be a Friend to Israel

    The cover of Charisma asks an ominous question: Can Israel survive? The answer is a resounding yes. Besides the fact that the Israelis are perhaps the most determined people on the face of the earth, God’s Word says that the Jews are His chosen people, the apple of His eye, and they will survive. Yet

  • Dire Situation in Sri Lanka

    Dire Situation in Sri Lanka

    The situation in Sri Lanka for the Tamil people, many of whom are Christians, is very dire. The United Nations reports that 6,500 people have been killed and 14,000 injured in last three months alone. You can read more about this in a news article through the link provided at at the bottom of this report.  This Friday a…

  • Revival Thriving in Communist Cuba

    With all the bad news coming out of Washington, D.C., and the assault on what I perceive as our religious freedoms, it's good to get some good news. On Tuesday I was reminded by Dan Betzer, a well-known pastor in the Assemblies of God circles, that never has there been a greater time to spread the gospel nor…

  • Standing With Miss California

    Standing With Miss California

    I know many of you have heard about the stance that Miss California took at the recent Miss USA contest. She said: "I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised." Although she has been maligned by some, many…

  • Stop the Hate … Bill

    Stop the Hate … Bill

    You may have heard the news that late Wednesday afternoon the so-called Hate Crimes Bill, HR-1913, passed the U.S. House with a vote of 249 - 175. Around 5 p.m. a motion to reconsider was agreed to without objection. I believe that this is a real blow to our liberties as outlined below. We must get the…

  • Pastors Wanted for a Free Trip to Israel

    If you’ve ever been to Israel, you know that it is a life-changing experience. My first trip was almost 30 years ago. I’ll write more about that at another time. I was recently asked to help find pastors who’d like to visit the Holy Land. The Israel Ministry of Tourism is willing to fly pastors

  • Is America ‘De-Christianizing’?

    In a recent blog posted on MSNBC, Patrick Buchanan, former White House adviser and outspoken Christian, details evidence of how America is “de-Christianizing.” He says that “secularism has become the established religion of the American state and judges are the high priests of the new order.” You can read his full commentary here. Come back

  • The Fall of ‘Newsweek’

    The Fall of ‘Newsweek’

    Numerous blogs and columns have been surfacing about Christianity’s “decline.” Most recently, during the week of Easter, Newsweek‘s cover story cavalierly announced Christianity’s impending doom and eventual destruction. This week, I ran across a telling article at called The Decline and Fall of Newsweek. The author, Brent Bozell, questions how Newsweek, a magazine whose

  • Just in Time for Earth Day, Christians Focus on “Caring for Creation”

    Just in Time for Earth Day, Christians Focus on “Caring for Creation”

    Around the world people will be celebrating Earth Day on Wed., April 22. Though care for God's creation is not usually an issue that motivates conservative Christians, I felt it would be good to focus on what some Christians--especially the younger generation--are doing to raise ecological awareness within the Christian community. Below is an interesting…

  • Christian Leaders Focus on Helping Israel

    Christian Leaders Focus on Helping Israel

    I just returned from an important "Israel Summit" in San Antonio, Texas, with about 140 leaders from around the United States. We came away deeply concerned about the situation in Israel because of the threat from Iran and with an awareness that what we are doing through Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is more important…

  • It’s Time to Take a Stand

    It’s Time to Take a Stand

    The cover of the May issue of Charisma asks an ominous question: "Can Israel Survive?" The answer is a resounding yes. Besides the fact that the Israelis are perhaps the most determined people on the face of the earth, God's Word says that the Jews are His chosen people, the apple of His eye, and they will survive. But Israel needs…

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