Sharon Mancha

  • Don’t Be Spiritually Lazy—Embrace These Disciplines to Work Well for God

    Don’t Be Spiritually Lazy—Embrace These Disciplines to Work Well for God

    This episode of The Power of Intimacy With Christ on Charisma Podcast Network discusses your call to find purpose in God. I also discuss how a shifting of focus to the call of God must occur, so others may hear the gospel message. I share in this episode the crucial role of your giftedness and

  • The Lord Is Calling the Church Back to Authenticity in Him

    The Lord Is Calling the Church Back to Authenticity in Him

    Can you discern what God is saying to you, His church and His world? I share in this episode of The Power of Intimacy With Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network a prophetic proclamation of God intervening in our norm to get our attention. He is pulling us back into authenticity. The signs of the

  • Turn to the Liberator of Sin to Gain Freedom

    Turn to the Liberator of Sin to Gain Freedom

    In this episode of The Power of Intimacy With Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network, I share the origin of sin and how it affects us as human beings and our relationship with God. If you are struggling with being liberated from the sin nature, there is a resolution and a way out. In this

  • An Open Invitation for More of God’s Presence in Your Daily Life

    An Open Invitation for More of God’s Presence in Your Daily Life

    Are you struggling with discerning God’s voice in your daily interactions, but are keenly aware you need Him present in your life activity? We are so busy that in many seasons in our lives we struggle to discern God’s voice because we are responding to so many other voices that demand our attention. The Holy

  • Hold Fast to These Reminders When It Feels Like God Is Silent

    Hold Fast to These Reminders When It Feels Like God Is Silent

    There are times in my life when it seems like God is silent when I need Him most. In these difficult moments, we find ourselves struggling. We don’t want to do the wrong thing but feel like God is not helping us get through the situation. It may feel like abandonment, but it’s not. These

  • Why Developing Intimacy With Christ Is Vital to Your Faith

    Why Developing Intimacy With Christ Is Vital to Your Faith

    Deciding to live in intimacy with Christ is to believe and respond to the work He did on the cross. This allows us to remove the middle wall of petition, granting us access to the holy of holies (see Eph. 2:14). His call to intimacy situates each believer with the privilege of access to His

  • Employ the Lord’s Power When Facing Spiritual Warfare

    Employ the Lord’s Power When Facing Spiritual Warfare

    Living in the power available through Jesus Christ is an intentional effort of faith. Faith is necessary in order to defeat the devil in spiritual warfare, to overcome the thoughts that impede our faith and, most importantly, to access the power available to us as believers. On a recent episode of The Power of Intimacy

  • How to Overcome Doubt and Mature in Your Faith

    How to Overcome Doubt and Mature in Your Faith

    Faith is a gift from God, a seed planted in the heart of the believer at the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. However, maturating the seed of faith demands discipline. Herein lies the challenge for many believers taking the next step to climb the mountain that separates doubt from faith. A recent

  • This Is the Most Important Spiritual Work You Can Do

    This Is the Most Important Spiritual Work You Can Do

    Facing ourselves is one of the most difficult things we will ever do because in many cases we live outside ourselves. We are driven by what’s going on around us and the information flowing in through our surroundings. Many are simply surviving it all day to day without much inner reflection on its impact on

  • How to Plant Deep Roots to Grow Your Relationship With God

    How to Plant Deep Roots to Grow Your Relationship With God

    In this episode of The Power of Intimacy With Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network, I share the necessity and benefits of planting deep roots in Jesus Christ. It speaks to anchoring your confidence in the God that answers prayer. This very practice will result in deepened relationship with God and establishing habits for strengthening

  • Use These Principles to War Against the Enemy’s Attacks on Your Mind

    Use These Principles to War Against the Enemy’s Attacks on Your Mind

    With everything we’re coping with in 2020, and the mental and emotional strains of life, it is only reasonable that many people are struggling with a myriad of negative thoughts as they view media and experience the outcome of today’s issues. In addition to these realities, many people struggle with past traumas, pain and negative

  • Is There Peace for Me in a Time Such As This?

    Is There Peace for Me in a Time Such As This?

    As we cope with all of the issues of today’s pandemic, racial tension and responsive protests, we find our emotions raging and all over the place as to how we should feel and think. In particular, children are struggling to understand and grasp what is happening to their world. Parents are searching for answers, worried

  • How God Can Use Great Loss to Strengthen Your Faith

    How God Can Use Great Loss to Strengthen Your Faith

    On this episode of The Power of Intimacy with Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network, Dr. Sharon Mancha interviews two women who have lost a child to violent deaths. These powerful women of God share their faith in God. This interview and conversation is heart-wrenching but empowering on how to survive the unimaginable. You will

  • How Seeing Your Heart as the Seat of Power Will Draw You Closer to God

    How Seeing Your Heart as the Seat of Power Will Draw You Closer to God

    On this episode of The Power of Intimacy with Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network, Dr. Sharon Mancha shares how the heart is the place where we fight to keep ourselves healthy spiritually and emotionally. It is the seat of our passion and emotions. How we manage the care of our hearts spiritually will determine

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