Don’t Be Spiritually Lazy—Embrace These Disciplines to Work Well for God

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Sharon Mancha

This episode of The Power of Intimacy With Christ on Charisma Podcast Network discusses your call to find purpose in God. I also discuss how a shifting of focus to the call of God must occur, so others may hear the gospel message.

I share in this episode the crucial role of your giftedness and how surrendering to God is essential to achieving God’s ultimate purpose in you and to those you will influence. It is important to know the significance of your God-given gift. Identifying the gift requires a commitment to work in the ministry of God, which is the pathway for discovering and growing the gift seed planted inside of you.

You will take away from this episode biblical principles for understanding our partnership with God in winning the hungry to Christ and how our gifts are learned and developed as we work in God’s kingdom.

List to this episode, titled Gifted by God to Work, on the Charisma Podcast Network today. {eoa}

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