An Open Invitation for More of God’s Presence in Your Daily Life

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Sharon Mancha

Are you struggling with discerning God’s voice in your daily interactions, but are keenly aware you need Him present in your life activity?

We are so busy that in many seasons in our lives we struggle to discern God’s voice because we are responding to so many other voices that demand our attention. The Holy Spirit solicits us to be actively engaged with Him daily. He beckons us to lean on His voice and guidance for living an empowering God-life that deepens our intimacy with Him.

In this episode of The Power of Intimacy with Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network, I share the necessity of learning how to discern God’s voices from all others. Intentionality is essential to developing behavior that refines your ear to become sensitive to the voice of God. We must ask, “Do we want God most and believe He is ever-present to help us become who He wants us to be?”

You will take away some practices and spiritual processes for developing discernment and for inviting God into your mental, social and emotional life. Be blessed as you develop sensitivity to discern God’s voice for accessing God’s wisdom and power to become who He wants you to be in Him.

An open and intentional effort to discern God’s voice leads to the abundant life in Christ. For additional information on this topic, check out my article: “God Calls Us to Intimacy.” {eoa}

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