How to Plant Deep Roots to Grow Your Relationship With God

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Sharon Mancha

In this episode of The Power of Intimacy With Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network, I share the necessity and benefits of planting deep roots in Jesus Christ. It speaks to anchoring your confidence in the God that answers prayer. This very practice will result in deepened relationship with God and establishing habits for strengthening your ability to sustain an intimacy with Jesus Christ.

Practicing simple behaviors that deepen our faith result in a belief system founded on promises of the Scripture, and thereby, we ensure our spiritual roots are planted for reaping a spiritual harvest in God.

You will take away from this episode:

—Principles for how to deepen your faith.

—How I practiced behaviors that caused me to reap a harvest of response from God so I can live a spiritual life that reveals God’s presence.

—How I deepened my confidence to survive and thrive for empowered living.

I have been tried in the fire and have learned the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force (see Matt. 11:12, AMP). I discovered victory is actualized through taking the blessing by force through an aggressive, intentional diligence. Forcing this actualization produces deepened faith in our lives. Developing an intimacy with Christ is the process to spiritual maturity that heals, replenishes and establishes our faith in the God of the Bible.

I know relationship with God empowers the whole life and provides a solid foundation for understanding and successfully possessing the promises of biblical text. Relationship with God is necessary to experiencing ultimate access to the resources of God’s for healthy intellectual poise, leading a victorious relational life and all that concerns us as believers in Christ (see 3 John 1:1-3).

An open and intentional effort to discern God’s voice leads to abundant life in Christ. {eoa}

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