
  • Red Heifer: Overcoming End Times Anxiety

    Red Heifer: Overcoming End Times Anxiety

    In a recent interview with Charisma News, Phil Hotsenpiller, senior pastor of Influence Church in Anaheim Hills, California, delved into the complex and prophetic significance of the red heifer sacrifice. Offering insights rooted in Scripture and contemporary events, Hotsenpiller shed light on various facets surrounding this ancient ritual which has struck fear in the hearts

  • Is This the Man Who Will Sacrifice the Red Heifer?

    Is This the Man Who Will Sacrifice the Red Heifer?

    Amid worldwide speculation about the ceremony of the red heifer, the Temple Institute may have found the young man who will lead the ceremony. The kohen (Hebrew for priest) was shown in a picture posted to Facebook looking over the red heifers in their secret location in Shiloh. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma

  • WATCH: Is the Ark of the Covenant really located in Ethiopia?

    WATCH: Is the Ark of the Covenant really located in Ethiopia?

    *Note: Part one of a fascinating four-part series that delves into the biblical mystery alongside ALL ISRAEL NEWS’ Aaron Goel-Angot This video aims to present various possibilities for the current location of the elusive Ark of the Covenant, mentioned throughout the Old Testament but most notably in the Book of Exodus. Does the Ark still

  • Prophecy Fulfilled: The Daily Wire is Coming Into Order

    Prophecy Fulfilled: The Daily Wire is Coming Into Order

    Was a prophecy by Amanda Grace about The Daily Wire fulfilled? Back in November, Amanda Grace had a prophetic word about a necessary order that needed to happen for The Daily Wire. From her word, God has every intention of using The Daily Wire to do great things for His kingdom, but that these things

  • Iran, Proxies Blame Israel for Deadly Damascus Airstrike, Promise Revenge

    Iran, Proxies Blame Israel for Deadly Damascus Airstrike, Promise Revenge

    JERUSALEM, Israel – Iran is blaming Israel and threatening revenge for an airstrike on a building close to the Iranian Embassy in Damascus Monday that killed senior Iranian commanders. The attack in the Syrian capital is considered an attack on sovereign Iranian territory. Israel is not taking credit for the blast that killed Mohammed Reza

  • As War Rages, Why Are Israelis Searching for God, and Even Considering Jesus?

    As War Rages, Why Are Israelis Searching for God, and Even Considering Jesus?

    Every year, tens of thousands of Christians visit the Garden Tomb – that is, the empty tomb – in Jerusalem to reflect on the life, death, and miraculous resurrection of Jesus. But this year, with Israel engaged in brutal war against Hamas in Gaza for almost six months, more and more Israeli Jews than ever

  • Why These Prophetic Warnings Must Prompt Our Prayers

    Why These Prophetic Warnings Must Prompt Our Prayers

    This past week may turn out to be a historic prophetic juncture in the relationship of the United States and Israel and in the trajectory of the nation. It started with a spiritual law dating back to the call of Abram: “I will make you [Abram] a great nation; I will bless you and make

  • My Traumatic yet Joyous Homecoming to Israel

    My Traumatic yet Joyous Homecoming to Israel

    Coming home to Israel after a trip overseas to anywhere, for any length of time, is always emotional. Choking back tears, in a matter of minutes I see the coast, cities with countless construction sites indicating growth and building for the future, low-lying houses and buildings surrounded by fertile cultivated fields. I anticipate seeing my

  • Red Heifers and the Return of Christ

    Red Heifers and the Return of Christ

    We are witnessing biblical prophecy unfold right before our very eyes, yet far too many Christians remain oblivious to its significance. The red heifer, a seemingly mundane aspect of ancient Jewish faith, is emerging as a pivotal symbol in the prophetic timeline. While its significance may sound obscure to some, it holds profound implications for

  • The Dirty Side of Biblical Prophecy

    The Dirty Side of Biblical Prophecy

    “For I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands and bring you into your own land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols” (Ezek. 36:24-26). Many times, we read about prophecy

  • Hamas Wears the Smiling Face of Demonic Evil

    Hamas Wears the Smiling Face of Demonic Evil

    Less than three hours ago, I was sitting in the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., watching 47 minutes of footage from the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7, together with a small group of specially invited evangelical leaders. The images, as expected, were jarring, disturbing, horrific. Little children in their pajamas, butchered in their own beds,

  • ‘We Believe in Jesus the Messiah’: Christian Community in Israel Enduring Daily Hezbollah Rocket Fire

    ‘We Believe in Jesus the Messiah’: Christian Community in Israel Enduring Daily Hezbollah Rocket Fire

    JISH, Israel – Tensions are rising here in northern Israel after Hezbollah fired more than 50 rockets at the Galilee over the weekend. As the IDF prepares for a potential war with Hezbollah, the remaining residents in this area could soon be on the frontlines. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!

  • Jews, Christians Celebrate Purim, Palm Sunday as Israel Fights for Victory over Hamas

    Jews, Christians Celebrate Purim, Palm Sunday as Israel Fights for Victory over Hamas

    JERUSALEM, Israel – As Jews celebrated the holiday of Purim and Christians celebrated Palm Sunday, Israel and the U.S. continue to spar over whether or not Israel’s military will launch an operation into Rafah, the last stronghold in Gaza. The faceoff puts the Biden administration and the Netanyahu government on a collision course. Israel’s defense

  • TRAIN WRECK: Biden, Schumer Putting US-Israeli Relations On a Collision Course

    TRAIN WRECK: Biden, Schumer Putting US-Israeli Relations On a Collision Course

    DALLAS, TEXAS — The state of U.S.-Israeli relations is rapidly deteriorating. And senior American Democrats are to blame. Let me explain. First, some context. I’m in Dallas this week as part of a six-week media and speaking tour across the United States. At churches and conferences, in meetings with pastors and other Evangelical leaders, and

  • Top of the Week: ‘Massive Altar’ for Red Heifer Sacrifice Constructed in Israel

    Top of the Week: ‘Massive Altar’ for Red Heifer Sacrifice Constructed in Israel

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. ‘Massive Altar’ for Red Heifer Sacrifice Constructed in Israel Since the time of Moses, only nine red heifers have been sacrificed. Now, a “massive altar” for the 10th

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