
Jonathan Cahn Filmgoer: ‘As the World Gets Darker, I Need to Get Brighter’

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Shawn Akers

In Franklin, Tennessee, a showing of Jonathan Cahn’s new film, The Harbingers of Things to Come, was sold out. Gayle, a woman who lives in Franklin, had to drive over 20 minutes into Nashville to get to a showing that still had seats available.

Gayle came to see the film because, since 9/11, she’s taken notes on what preachers are saying about judgment and the last days.

“When 9/11 happened,” she says, “there were different preachers that were talking about repenting. Then, all of a sudden, the president would say something and it was silenced. It was just a different message. I feel like the whole repentance message got lost.”

That’s where Cahn’s first foray into movies comes into play. The message of repentance is brought back to the forefront, and the film encourages people to pray and turn back to their Creator for answers.

Last week in its debut in more than 820 theaters in the U.S., The Harbingers of Things to Come registered as the second-most-watched movie in America behind only the new Doctor Strange movie. Charisma News reported that prayer and intercession for revival broke out in theaters across the country.

Cheryl Seneff and her husband, Greg, bought tickets and drove an hour to the theater in Franklin for many of the same reasons Gayle did.

“As I search the Scriptures, I’m fascinated by the details of God,” Cheryl says.

Greg agreed.

“For me, I know that God’s Word is very symmetrical. The more mysteries that are revealed about God’s Word, the more it improves life,” Greg says.

When asked about how the movie impacted them personally, both Gayle and Cheryl had similar answers. Gayle said that she would “try to be a light in spaces of darkness,” and Cheryl said, “As the world gets darker, I need to get brighter.”

Greg had a slightly different takeaway.

“Any outreach that increases an individual’s search for God or search for truth is important,” he says. “And if this inspires and motivates people to seek God’s Word to prove it to themselves or to double-check what Jonathan Cahn says, it’s good. That’s important.”

Gayle was inspired by Cahn’s message of repentance, and she thinks the film will inspire others to repent, read the Word and know the Scriptures for themselves.

While its two-night run in the theaters came to an end on Thursday, churches and schools can still register to host the film from now until June 13. Visit fathomcontentnetwork.com for details. It just may start a Holy Ghost revival in your area. {eoa}

Rob Vischer is a freelance writer for Charisma News.

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