Boot Camp

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Rod Parsley

The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide. —Psalm 37:31

During boot camp the new soldier is issued a weapon. The drill instructor orders him to take it apart, then put it back together. It never leaves his side. It lies beside him at night, his arm wrapped around it in his sleep. In the morning, he starts all over again, taking it apart, putting it together, and carrying it until it becomes a part of him.

When the enemy comes, it is too late to go looking for your weapon. When the enemy runs toward your foxhole with a hand grenade, it is too late to consult the training manual. You must be ready to react immediately and automatically.

When the devil comes, it is too late to start looking for your Bible. You should have been eating and sleeping with the Word—taking it apart, examining it, studying it, carrying it with you, and practicing its precepts. When the devil comes, your training will take over. When you have no strength or presence of mind to fight, the Word you have hidden in your heart will rise up and drive the enemy back.

Jesus, continually fill me with a hunger and
thirst for Your Word. Help me know how
to fight the enemy at every
point of attack. Amen.

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