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Mario Murillo Sends Special Urgent Message to Kingdom Leaders

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Mario Murillo

Attention. Several hundred leaders are registered for our special brunch on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. Seats are filling up and we must give our host a final number of meals to prepare.

Please do not wait. Make your reservation now for this free brunch.

I have a very special message of encouragement and direction for you. Hold on! Do not quit! A harvest is coming.

John 4:35 reads, “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are ready now for reaping.”

How do human souls ripen? They ripen in misery. The woke movement’s biggest mistake was that they made everyone miserable.

Wokeness drained the color, vitality and enjoyment out of American life. It was the God haters themselves that tilled the soil and added the ingredients that ripen vast fields of souls.

I have no doubt that this harvest is coming. I have never seen so many Californians open to Christ—not even during the Jesus Movement. But there are specific things we must do to be able to gather this great harvest.

Next, I want to talk to you about how divine direction is a weapon. We live in complex times that require guidance from on high. By the power of the Holy Spirit we need to understand what is going on and what we should do about it.

California government continues to increase its war on our faith and freedom. The pressure on Bible-based Christian leaders is at an all-time high. To make matters worse, that pressure is now a crossfire. It is not just coming from the Left, but also from woke ministers who have lost their way.

First Chronicles 12 is a chapter that lists the firepower of Israel’s armies. Each tribe is described by virtue of their skill and weapons. The strangest weapon listed is not a sword or a spear. Verse 32 speaks “of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…”

What should we be doing in this hostile and volatile situation? To be leaders in California today, we will need the wisdom of God. That is how we can exploit the weakness of the enemy and walk through doors that cause breakthrough.

Let me share the full message with you in person. I know this is going to be a life changing brunch. Remember that the brunch is free, but you must register so we know how much food to prepare. Use this link to register now! {eoa}

Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the University of California at Berkeley. His international ministry was launched after a four-day conference in San Jose, California, extended for six months with a total attendance of nearly 250,000 people. Since then, Mario’s voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society. He presents Christ clearly and intelligently, and openly declares the power of Jesus to totally transform a life. His simple declaration: Come and see. Christ has the power to end addiction, racism, violence and disease.

For the original article, visit our content partner at mariomurillo.org.

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