Will You Ride With Him?

There is no difficulty in life that can hold you captive when you know that the victor, the word of God, lives in you.

As Christian women we are often told to read the Word of God. “The Word is your defense against the attacks of Satan,” people say. So how come it looks as if the enemy is winning in our lives more often than not?

“Lord, am I faithless?” I cried out to Him not long ago. “Do I doubt your Word? Why isn’t there more victory in my life?” In response, God led me to Revelation 19:11-13–a picture of the victorious Christ riding into battle on a white horse. But what did this Rider have to do with me and my battles, right here and right now? I wondered. Again, God responded, leading me step by step through the Scriptures until I understood this powerful message of hope and victory.

Will You Ride With Him? Read More »

Will You Ride with Him?

We know that Jesus Christ is the revelation of all God is. But our ability to activate the life of Christ within us determines the level of victory we experience.

Author Anne Graham Lotz noted the powerful correlation between the way we view Christ the living Word and the way we approach the written Word of God. In Vision of His Glory, Lotz wrote: “[God] considers our reception or rejection of the Bible to be reception or rejection of Himself. Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, is so identified with it, it is His Name!”

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