Anahid Schweikert

  • Vibrant Church Brings Holy Spirit Overflow in Washington

    Vibrant Church Brings Holy Spirit Overflow in Washington

    It happened on a park bench, the same bench on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., where the homeless man occasionally made his bed. Andy Galatis’ childhood was so sweet when he lived comfortably with his family on the island nation of Mauritius, but later, as a young immigrant to the U.S., he fell into a

  • Solving the Adoption Crisis

    Solving the Adoption Crisis

    From the time Jamie and Maureen Cannalte were married, they were reaching out to children, throwing birthday parties for neighborhood kids and working in the children’s ministry at their church. But when they tried to start a family, they faced the heartbreak of three miscarriages, a stillbirth and the loss of a baby born prematurely.

  • Back From the Dead

    Back From the Dead

    At the end of an exhausting day at work in a small Wisconsin town, diesel mechanic Bruce Van Natta needed to take one last look beneath the logging truck he was fixing. Little did he know it could have been the last thing he did—ever. It was Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2006. Van Natta slid feet

  • A Place to Change a Life

    A Place to Change a Life

    Why did 10,000 adults volunteer as camp counselors at Royal Family Kids (RFK) camps across America last year? One volunteer sums it up: “Because it’s a vacation away from myself.” “We’re really about engaging adults in discovery of what it’s like to be a foster child,” says Glenn Garvin, RFK’s vice president of national camps.

  • 3 Ways to Volunteer

    3 Ways to Volunteer

    Despite a desperate need for foster and adoptive families across the nation and worldwide, many advocates recommend getting acquainted with children and their needs first. Good intentions without follow-through are often more hurtful than doing nothing at all, says David Jordan, executive director of Agape Child and Family Services in Memphis, Tenn. Staying power is

  • Paying It Forward

    After experiencing the instantaneous repair of his small intestine through healing prayer in 2007, Bruce Van Natta has since been privileged to play a part in the healing of many others—including the healing of another young man’s digestive system. Christopher Gunderson, 16 at the time, had been tube-fed his entire life because of an incurable

  • God Rescues Ministry From Fire

    God Rescues Ministry From Fire

    It started out as a typical day—at least a typical day for those living at the Children’s Vision International (CVI) compound in Bogotá, Colombia. One hundred children got up for school. The babies were fed and played with. Six hundred meals were cooked. And the house parents were home. At this refuge for homeless children—many

  • An Atheist Encounters God

    An Atheist Encounters God

    Growing up in rural Alabama in the 1960s, Dr. Reggie Anderson’s childhood sounds like a script from a Hallmark movie. He was raised in a Christian home, and life on the farm was innocent and honest. God was as real to him as the clay beneath his feet, he says. But the feel-good story of

  • A Hobo’s Gift

    A Hobo’s Gift

    David Watson had a good problem. The church he’d been pastoring in Girard, Pa., Bethel Assembly of God, needed more space for its exploding youth ministry. Though they had just built a new sanctuary, the church agreed as a step of faith to build a new youth center without borrowing any money. It was necessary,

  • Leading Your Children to God Takes Heart Work

    Leading Your Children to God Takes Heart Work

    Little hands raised toward the sky, some steady, some shaking. Little feet moving swiftly, dancing, marching. Tearful eyes pressed shut with visions and dreams. Small bodies bowed low in worship and prayer. Tiny voices silencing entire congregations, warning and pleading with the hope of Jesus Christ. These are the children of revival, fast-forwarding into the

  • Returning to the Land Mines

    Returning to the Land Mines

    Why a modern-day Indiana Jones and former soldier is venturing into a war-torn region for what could be his riskiest expedition yet This is a world of contrast, where barefoot children meet roaring military trucks, and tangled jungles meet satellites. It’s a world where East meets West, and despair meets hope. It’s where extreme courage

  • Healing the Pain of Childlessness

    Healing the Pain of Childlessness

    What do you say to a sister in Christ who can’t get pregnant? I said something stupid today. Trying to offer a word of wisdom without casting false hope to a woman with a high-risk pregnancy, I made a comment that went over like a lead balloon. Although Maria has two children, she has also…

  • A Voice for Immigrants

    A Voice for Immigrants

    Samuel Rodriguez is more preacher than politician. These days, however, the leader of the nation’s largest group of Hispanic Christians is caught in the crossfire of immigration reform.Lady Liberty has always lifted her lamp to the tired, the poor and the huddled masses, but Americans have not always welcomed immigrants with open arms. Today the climate is…

  • A Voice for Immigrants

    A Voice for Immigrants

    Samuel Rodriguez is more preacher than politician. These days, however, the leader of the nation’s largest group of Hispanic Christians is caught in the crossfire of immigration reform.Lady Liberty has always lifted her lamp to the tired, the poor and the huddled masses, but Americans have not always welcomed immigrants with open arms. Today the climate is…

  • Healing the Pain of Childlessness

    What do you say to a sister in Christ who can’t get pregnant? I said something stupid today. Trying to offer a word of wisdom without casting false hope to a woman with a high-risk pregnancy, I made a comment that went over like a lead balloon. Although Maria has two children, she has also…

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