Change Me, O Lord!

My thoughts were racing as I headed for a ministers’ conference in Des Moines, Iowa, with my husband. I was continually crying out to God, “I need to change!”

I noticed the beautiful trees, with their leaves turning from green to gold and from orange to red. God spoke to my heart and said: “Just as these leaves are changing as part of my new season, so are you changing in a new season. But I, the Lord your God, determine the season.”

The wind blew, and the leaves fell to the ground. Although I could not yet see the new leaves that would come in spring, God was already announcing their coming.

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Little Things Mean a Lot

My husband, being relatively new in town, met with a local banker on a business call. As they sat across the desk from one another, getting acquainted, my husband felt an unusual lump near the cuff of his shirt sleeve.

Trying hard to continue with what he believed to be an impressive presentation, he finally could not ignore the bothersome lump any longer.

He tugged underneath the cuff with his fingers, and out came a lost sock that had apparently clung to his shirt through the laundry cycle.

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Extreme Faith

They call themselves 777 Skateboards. Their goal is unorthodox: to take the gospel to the thousands of teenagers who spend most of their lives on skateboard ramps. On this sun-drenched Southern California day, thousands of barely clad beachgoers stroll along the boardwalk, taking in the scene at fabled Venice Beach, southwest of Los Angeles. Kids

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