Respect Yourself

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Harry R. Jackson

Last month Catherine Davis and her
Atlanta-based Georgia Right to Life  (GRTL) organization launched a groundbreaking effort to stop the
egregious number of black abortions in their state. The organization decided to
use billboards to present its case for life – that’s right – billboards.

The 80-billboard campaign permeates the
skyscape of Atlanta. Because of its scale, the campaign is nothing less than
cutting-edge innovation. The billboards read, “Black children are an endangered
species.” The words encircle the face of an adorable black child. In addition
to the message, the only Web address listed is

At the Web site, the message is very
clear. Their research and statistics are complete. The editorials are also
compelling. The Georgia Right to Life group has designed a sophisticated
communications vehicle. Yet, it all starts with a winsome message from the
billboards. The graphics experts say that billboards can only effectively use
seven words – just seven words and a visual impression. Therefore the designers
tastefully showed the innocence of a beautiful black baby.

This campaign is controversial, not because of its effect
on Atlanta drivers or the average Joe. Changing lives by saying, “Respect
yourself!” should hardly be controversial. The controversy arises from their
effectiveness as record numbers of black girls are going to their Web site.
Angry pro-abortion groups and Planned Parenthood have attempted to label
GRTL as deceptive. GRTL is also accused of working against the best
interests of young black women. Some even have demeaned Davis as, you guessed
it, a “sell out.”  Once again in opponents’ minds, the “naive black
crusader” is being used by white extremists. In response to pro-abortion
advocates, Davis has also been pitted against them on CNN, NPR and in a recent New
York Times article.

Despite opponents’ vitriol, GRTL’s work
is both tasteful and historic. How is it historic? First its
anti-abortion message is direct and hard-hitting. Second targeting blacks so
directly, without condemnation, is revolutionary. This is a major course
correction in anti-abortion marketing. As a result, it is finally piercing the
cultural veil over the issue of abortion in the black community.

So who is Davis?

She is a native of Stamford, Conn., a
lawyer, and a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the prestigious Tufts University.
Thirteen years ago she moved to Georgia to become a change agent. In 2006 Davis
ran for Congress in Georgia, because she had a desire to impact her
community. After a crushing political defeat, she felt unsupported by her
Republican Party and ostracized by the democrats. She decided to take on an
advocacy role.

For the last few years she has served
tirelessly to give a voice to the voiceless. She focused on positive change
through education, local/state involvement and peaceful action. Davis’ Radiance
Foundation and Operation Outrage exposed the destruction of the
African-American community through the abortion industry.  Then in 2009
Davis became the Minority Outreach Director for the 30-year old organization
GRTL. In her new post she simply continued grass root activism. Davis traveled
the state of Georgia returning to the real strength of the black community –
the Church.

Her education and experience have
catapulted her to the forefront of the abortion struggle. She has mobilized a
coalition of over a hundred black pastors who have begun to confront the issue
of abortion politically. This informal coalition has educated, debated and won
over many legislators on both sides of the aisle.

Today, however, a fresh wind is
blowing. Recent studies show that black attitudes about abortion are changing
nationally. The community is waking up to a truly genocidal trend that cannot
be masked by the term “reproductive freedom.” 

Davis’ rise to prominence is a sign
that the religious and political landscape is changing. She and other pro-life
black champions are passionate because of the horrifying abortion statistics of
our day. Since 1973 more than fourteen million African-American babies have
been aborted.  In Georgia, like most communities in America, the black
abortion rate is skyrocketing. Over half of Georgia abortions (57 percent) are
performed on blacks, who make up only 29 percent of the population.

I want to challenge you to become a
part of the growing number of people who are taking a stand against abortion.
 I also want you to celebrate and congratulate preachers like Bishop
Wellington Boone of Wellington Boone Ministries, pastor Clenard Childress of
LEARN and the Rev. Johnny Hunter founder of the black pro-life movement and
LEARN, who have been blowing a trumpet for years. They have been maligned and
persecuted. It’s time to honor them and their message. Become educated about the
issue. Speak to others about the genocide that is currently accepted among many

Respect yourself and God’s gift of

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