Harry R. Jackson

  • Energy Wars Discourage the Poor

    Energy Wars Discourage the Poor

    Summer is here, and everyone expects to pay a little more to keep the temperature in the house bearable. But do you expect to pay eight times as much as you have in previous years? Unfortunately, that is exactly what will happen to consumers in some parts of the country unless Congress stands up to

  • Obamacare Negatively Impacts Minorities

    Obamacare Negatively Impacts Minorities

    The Supreme Court ruled Obamacare constitutional, and I’m concerned about its effect on the poor and vulnerable. They are the ones who need quality health care the most. The Court, of course, was not called upon to determine whether Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act, would actually have its intended effect. While the

  • Energy Policy: ‘Change or Die!’

    Energy Policy: ‘Change or Die!’

    Several years ago I came across a well-written book that outlined a step-by-step process for personal change. The book, Change Or Die, actually explored the psychology of change. The author, Alan Deutschman, helped me to focus several important health changes in my personal life. I chose to “change,” not “die.” The Obama administration is at

  • Father in Chief? Or Just Another Politician?

    Father in Chief? Or Just Another Politician?

    I have always appreciated President Obama as a family man. He and first lady Michelle have popularized several healthy family practices. For example, his practice of date night is something that thousands of congregations have taught for several decades. In some ways, he is the nation’s father in chief! He has had the opportunity to

  • What Money Can’t Buy

    What Money Can’t Buy

    The scene in North Carolina was a familiar one: Traditional marriage supporters were outspent two to one and were subjected to smear campaigns that painted them as bigots for merely upholding their moral convictions. Yet despite irresponsible and deceptive media coverage, North Carolina voted overwhelmingly to affirm the traditional definition of marriage, 61 percent to

  • A New Coalition Emerges to Protect Marriage

    A New Coalition Emerges to Protect Marriage

    Last week (May 23 and 24), 175 Christian leaders from around the country gathered for a 24-hour marriage summit in the Washington, D.C., metro area. The small group represented nearly 100,000 individual churches and several denominations. The purpose of the summit was to strategize how we would respond to President Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage.…

  • Why I Condemn Obama’s Support of Same-Sex Marriage

    Why I Condemn Obama’s Support of Same-Sex Marriage

    The president’s decision to endorse same-sex marriage is a great disappointment for many people. His statement—which he announced Wednesday—is of great concern to those who still believe in traditional marriage. These people fall into two major categories—those whose belief systems are informed by their spiritual background and those who have been convinced that redefining marriage…

  • Where Did Black Parents Go Right?

    Where Did Black Parents Go Right?

    I remember sitting at the dinner table with my parents at 8 years old. During that season, the “no elbows on the table” rule was in full force. In addition, my mother constantly chided me for using slang as opposed to proper English. Those three to four years seemed like hell on earth. Nonetheless, years…

  • Trayvon Martin Case Not Emmett Till Revisited

    Trayvon Martin Case Not Emmett Till Revisited

    As we mourn Trayvon Martin’s death, we should remember another black teenager killed just four years ago. On March 2, 2008, high school senior Jamiel Shaw was gunned down in Los Angeles. According to police, Shaw was walking home when two men he had never met jumped out of a car and one shot him.…

  • Contraception Mandates, Population Control

    Contraception Mandates, Population Control

    I often am asked questions by the media on choices the government makes about our society. It is an anomaly to me to see the drift in government to control in micro-detail certain aspects of our society, and yet determine to be hands-off on other key issues. Recently the American public was given an edict…

  • What Happens in Maryland Stays in Maryland

    What Happens in Maryland Stays in Maryland

    Lately I’ve been discussing the battle over the marriage definition with friends and parishioners. I have been amazed by a new collaboration between former political rivals in all of our urban, minority communities. The largely white religious right is literally becoming a melting pot of diversity as far as this marriage issue is concerned. Huge…

  • Live Free or Die: A Promise

    Live Free or Die: A Promise

    What would you do if someone was threatening to kill you? Imagine that this person not only hated you vehemently, but was thought to have killed many of his own family members in cold blood. You know for a fact he owns several weapons and strongly suspect he has been attempting to purchase more. On…

  • Class Warfare African-American Style

    Class Warfare African-American Style

    The New York Times recently featured an innovative MBA program at George Washington University. Not only was the course of study designed to enhance the professional business skills of its participants, it hoped to teach personal business and economics to people vulnerable to personal financial failure. Who were they? Astute cultural analysts? Children of single-parent…

  • Rewriting History: The Victor’s Privilege

    Rewriting History: The Victor’s Privilege

    The last few years I have been repeatedly disappointed by the bickering and pettiness displayed by our legislators, political pundits and candidates for office. I have longed for representatives who are informed and articulate, who habitually seek the best laws and results for the land. Unfortunately, the history I have reviewed recently suggests that we…

  • America’s Way Out

    America’s Way Out

    The role of the church in the public square has been the subject of many recent debates. Much of the concern about Christians and the evangelical church has centered on how we will use our considerable secular power at the ballot box. While I agree that the church should fully engage in the democratic process,…

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