Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Top of the Week: Greg Locke Releases Groundbreaking Plans for Church

(Charisma Media)

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Greg Locke Releases Groundbreaking Plans for Church

In a live Facebook stream, Pastor Greg Locke revealed the plans for a new building at Global Vision. After seeing his ministry explode in the past few years, meeting under a tent because of the influx of people coming to the church, he says it is now time to move into a new era.  

“This today is a teaser,” Locke says. “For four years we have seen the glory of God in this church in ways that most pastors would saw their right arm off to experience. So, we can never take it for granted. If God lifted it today, we’ll go down in the history books as one of the churches that has been a portal of the glory of God in this nation for the last few years.”

Locke says there is a season for meeting in a tent to see God’s visitation and a time then for experiencing His long-term dwelling.

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Police Shut Down Jenny Weaver and Mike Signorelli Baptisms

The V1 Miami Church held a revival service with Pastor Mike Signorelli and Jenny Weaver where many decided to get baptized. However, during this time of spontaneous baptisms, law enforcement arrived to shut down the event.

“We responded to the gathering here,” a law enforcement officer said. “Now this is private property, and they’re asking that you guys leave. I need the crowd to disperse and you guys need to go right now.”

Before the event concluded, Signorelli was allowed to let one more person get baptized. With all grace and kindness, Signorelli respected what the police was asking for.

Mandisa’s Celebration of Life to Be Livestreamed

Christian artist Mandisa Hundley will have her life and legacy celebrated this weekend after her death on Thursday, April 18.

As The Tennessean reported, Hundley, more affectionately known as Mandisa by fans, will be celebrated in two different services. The first service will be held at Fisk University, Mandisa’s alma mater on Friday April 25.

Fisk University’s Jubilee Singers are also planning to dedicate a song to Mandisa during their commencement ceremony on May 5.

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Kanye West Goes Into Adult Entertainment After Leaving Faith

As the Independent noted, the rapper shared a video on X that announced his “Yeezy Porn” was on the way.

The rumors have been confirmed that Kanye West is going into the adult entertainment business following his departure from the Christian faith.

Following this announcement, a former adult film star turned Christian, Brittni De La Mora is pleading that West remember his time when he declared that Jesus is king.

Prophetic Dream: Angels at the White House Gates

The spiritual warfare taking place in our nation’s capital is at a fevered pitch.

Recently, author Dutch Sheets shared a prophetic dream that his brother, Tim Sheets, had concerning the uprooting of Baal’s roots that have taken hold of the White House.

In the dream, Sheets saw a massive angel, a soldier he explains, carrying a battering ram toward the White House grounds and asks the angel what he and the other three angels surrounding the building were doing.

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