Jesus & the Gospel

  • It Is So Easy for Us to Lean on the Arm of Flesh

    It Is So Easy for Us to Lean on the Arm of Flesh

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 1 Second It was a problem for Israel in the Old Testament and for believers in the New Testament. And it is a problem for followers of Jesus to this day. I’m speaking about our tendency to lean on the arm of the flesh, to look to people to do what

  • David Jeremiah: The Significance of a Small Sacrifice

    David Jeremiah: The Significance of a Small Sacrifice

    Read Time: 4 Minutes, 28 Seconds Did you hear about the boy who took off his favorite bow tie during the church service and put it in the offering plate? When his dad asked him why he had done such a thing, the youngster replied, “Don’t you know? The pastor tells us to put our

  • Joseph Mattera: 7 Traits of the Sown Life

    Joseph Mattera: 7 Traits of the Sown Life

    Paul said he was a “drink offering.” This meant that he offered his very life, spirit, soul, and body, to the Lord and to His church as a “living sacrifice” (Num. 15:4-10; 2 Tim. 4:6; Rom. 12:1-2). He also said he not only “spent” but “was spent” for the gospel (2 Cor. 12:15). When you

  • Jonathan Cahn Explores the Loss of American Christianity and the Rise of Shedim

    Jonathan Cahn Explores the Loss of American Christianity and the Rise of Shedim

    America is losing it’s religion. As more and more Americans fall away from the country’s Christian roots and values, what is taking the place as the predominate religion of America? According to “New York Times” bestselling author Jonathan Cahn, ancient deities of old that have come back to fulfill an ancient prophecy. On September 6,

  • Michael Youssef: How You Can Prepare for Christ’s Return

    Michael Youssef: How You Can Prepare for Christ’s Return

    If you do an internet search asking questions such as “What does the Bible teach about hell?” some of the first few results will be from false teachers. Here are the titles of webpages that popped up at the top of my search: “Hell Is Not a Biblical Concept.” “Jesus Christ Did Not Teach or

  • Now or Never: It’s ‘Go Time’ For the Body of Christ

    Now or Never: It’s ‘Go Time’ For the Body of Christ

    Have you been feeling hopeless, sick, depressed, anxious or fearful over the course of these past two years? The enemy of our souls has been turning up the heat every way possible. But his plan is failing and we must remember, especially during the intensity of these harsh days, that the enemy has not only

  • Mario Murillo Sends Special Urgent Message to Kingdom Leaders

    Mario Murillo Sends Special Urgent Message to Kingdom Leaders

    Attention. Several hundred leaders are registered for our special brunch on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. Seats are filling up and we must give our host a final number of meals to prepare. Please do not wait. Make your reservation now for this free brunch. I have a very special message of encouragement and

  • Michael Youssef Ministry Launches Ministry to Spark the Urgency of Sharing the Gospel

    Michael Youssef Ministry Launches Ministry to Spark the Urgency of Sharing the Gospel

    Dr. Michael Youssef and Leading The Way’s global ministry are excited to announce their upcoming Evangelistic Celebrations as an additional method to achieve their mission to see one million lives changed by the gospel. Leading The Way’s Evangelistic Celebrations are part of the ministry’s Vision 2025 initiative to expand every area of ministry. For the Evangelistic Celebrations, the Leading The Way team will partner

  • What Praises of Thanksgiving Mean for Your Soul

    What Praises of Thanksgiving Mean for Your Soul

    We tend to think of gratitude as an obligation as opposed to a weapon of warfare. A nicety, not a ferocious force for transformation. We are wrong. From our earliest days we are trained that polite people say “thank you.” Certainly, this is true and proper. Those of us who were raised correctly instinctively say

  • Jonathan Cahn’s Blockbuster Film Now Available via Streaming and DVD

    Jonathan Cahn’s Blockbuster Film Now Available via Streaming and DVD

    In theaters across America for two nights only on May 12 and May 19, 2022, New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn—author of “The Harbinger,” “The Harbinger II—The Return,” “The Oracle,” “The Book of Mysteries” and other critically acclaimed books—partnered with Fathom Events to bring “The Harbingers of Things to Come”to movie theaters nationwide. The

  • Why You Can Say With Confidence That ‘God Saved the Queen’

    Why You Can Say With Confidence That ‘God Saved the Queen’

    It’s strange being a British-born American. The recent death of Queen Elizabeth II was another reminder of how my British and my American self often see things from different perspectives. Now living in the UK, I made the pilgrimage to London last weekend to pay my respects to the late Queen. I, like many others,

  • Mario Murillo: The Fuse to a National Awakening

    Mario Murillo: The Fuse to a National Awakening

    A lot of churchgoers yearn for soothing sermons. Meanwhile, a growing company seeks to understand authority, brokenness and Resurrection life. Who are these “others” who have their eyes wide open? They are too loud for most. They pray longer and deeper than what is “acceptable” in respectable circles. They do their duty and suffer through

  • Bill Wiese: Don’t Overlook This Terrifying Aspect of Hell

    Bill Wiese: Don’t Overlook This Terrifying Aspect of Hell

    To be isolated and alone is not the way God designed us to live. Man needs companionship. We were made for community, for relationships and for human touch and sound. That’s why it’s so important for us to connect with other people. That’s just one reason why God created the church. Now try to imagine

  • The Church Must Embrace These Virtues Before the Father Can Send His Power 

    The Church Must Embrace These Virtues Before the Father Can Send His Power 

    Each month, Grant Berry and Bob Wolff join Dai Sup Han on “Prayer Surge Now,” a national prayer conference call for the Watchmen of the Lord. Their focus in this prayer hour is on unifying the Ekklesia/church in “The One New Man” (TONM) between Jews and Gentiles to help fulfill Yeshua/Jesus’s prayer of John 17,

  • David Jeremiah: It’s the Little Things That Mean So Much to God

    David Jeremiah: It’s the Little Things That Mean So Much to God

    The world we live in today is filled with extraordinary technological advancements, and developments in the understanding of physics and scientific discoveries. We are constantly learning more about things that are invisible to the human eye, and yet have been present since the beginning of time when God created the heavens and the earth. Some

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