End Times

  • Are Humans on the Verge of Worshiping Artificial Intelligence?

    Are Humans on the Verge of Worshiping Artificial Intelligence?

    Experts are warning that humans could soon be shifting their devotion from traditional religious beliefs to worship Artificial Intelligence as if it were a deity. Lars Holmquist, a professor of design and innovation at Nottingham Trent University, highlights the psychological aspect of human-computer interactions, stating that people interpret AI responses, such as those from ChatGPT,

  • EU Unveils 10-Point Plan for Israel-Palestine Peace

    EU Unveils 10-Point Plan for Israel-Palestine Peace

    In a recent announcement, the European Union (EU) has presented a comprehensive 10-point plan aimed at finding a credible and lasting solution to the Israel-Palestine war. The draft document, obtained by Euractiv, emphasizes the urgency of preparing for an expedited Israeli-Palestinian peace in light of the current situation. The plan, prepared by the EU’s diplomatic

  • Alex Jones: People Need the Holy Spirit

    Alex Jones: People Need the Holy Spirit

    What does it say about the state of the church today when pastors shy away from teaching on eschatology and the end times in the fear of scaring away parishioners? Even more so, what does it say when the controversial host of “Info Wars” Alex Jones is openly declaring the truth in the Bible and

  • Online Pastor Charged in $1.3 Million Cryptocurrency Scandal

    Online Pastor Charged in $1.3 Million Cryptocurrency Scandal

    A Colorado-based pastor of an online church, Eli Regalado, and his wife are facing charges for allegedly pocketing $1.3 million through a cryptocurrency fraud scheme. What makes this case more astonishing is Regalado’s claim that he was following God’s instructions. Regalado and his wife marketed their cryptocurrency, INDXcoin, to Christian communities, assuring potential investors that

  • Anti-Israel Mob Protesting at Pediatric Cancer Hospital

    Anti-Israel Mob Protesting at Pediatric Cancer Hospital

    As the preparatory days before the End Times continue forward, biblical prophecy continues to unfold as the world grows increasingly cold to the Jewish people. Yet few would have imagine that in America the same hatred that led to the Holocaust would take root and perpetuate actions that make one’s skin crawl in disgust. But

  • Earthquakes Kickoff 2024 and End Times Speculation

    Earthquakes Kickoff 2024 and End Times Speculation

    In the past week, several major earthquakes have struck various parts of the world, leaving a trail of destruction and devastation in their wake. From the powerful tremors in Japan that claimed numerous lives and destroyed homes, to the quakes felt in Los Angeles, New York and India, the Earth has shown its immense power

  • US-Israel Relations Suffering Under Unbiblical Leadership

    US-Israel Relations Suffering Under Unbiblical Leadership

    Recent events have sparked concern among Christians who support Israel, as the United States’ long-standing alliance with the Jewish state appears to be under threat. As the Biden administration continues attacks against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, other elected officials are calling for the defunding of America’s support in the war against terrorism. Senator Bernie

  • Morning Rundown: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Morning Rundown: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation? Will God allow the church to go through the Tribulation? Since Christians have been tortured and killed throughout the last 2,000 years for their faith in Jesus Christ, many people believe that the answer to that question is

  • Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Will God allow the church to go through the Tribulation? Since Christians have been tortured and killed throughout the last 2,000 years for their faith in Jesus Christ, many people believe that the answer to that question is yes. Why would God spare us if He didn’t spare them? The Tribulation is defined as the

  • End-Times Alarm: AI and the Beast

    End-Times Alarm: AI and the Beast

    Today, experts in the field have been sounding the alarm, warning of the dark side of artificial intelligence. We know AI can be used for both good and evil, but let’s think about the people in power who direct the creation and programming of AI. Are these godly individuals with a moral compass and biblical

  • Icelandic Evacuation: Are Earthquakes Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy?

    Icelandic Evacuation: Are Earthquakes Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy?

    In a quiet Icelandic town, Grindavik, a state of emergency has been declared, and residents have evacuated their homes due to the threat of a volcano eruption. The ground beneath them is trembling with a surge in seismic activity, prompting authorities to take swift action. As thousands of earthquakes and tremors shake the southwestern peninsula

  • Is This Really the End of the World?

    Is This Really the End of the World?

    Since the start of the most recent war in Israel, it seems as if one question is on the minds of many people. I have been asked over and over: “Do you think this is the end?” I have read the Bible, books by modern day prophets, and of course, posts by social media prophets

  • End Times: Were You Born and Chosen for This Very Purpose?

    End Times: Were You Born and Chosen for This Very Purpose?

    God formed you in your mother’s womb to be alive at this very time. I am always amazed when I think about the depths of God’s creativity. He could have chosen you to be born to other parents in another country in a different time era, but He created and formed you in your mother’s

  • Is Western Civilization Really at Stake With the War in Israel?

    Is Western Civilization Really at Stake With the War in Israel?

    John Daniel Davidson covers politics, immigration, culture and religion at The Federalist. His illuminating article, titled “Israel And Hamas Are Embroiled In A Zero-Sum Religious War, And So Is The West,” provides a mindful evaluation: www.thefederalist.com/2023/10/11/israel-and-hamas-are-embroiled-in-a-zero-sum-religious-war-and-so-is-the-west/ Davidson states that the possibility of Israel coexisting with Hamas is just as inconceivable as the Christian West coexisting

  • Top of the Week: A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church

    Top of the Week: A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on mycharisma.com. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church Zuly Garcia, co-founder of Father’s Glory International with her husband, Chris Garcia, says God

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