End Times

  • Could the Antichrist Be Artificial Intelligence Instead of a Real Person?

    Could the Antichrist Be Artificial Intelligence Instead of a Real Person?

    Most people likely consider artificial intelligence as relatively harmless—maybe “creepy” at worst and, at best, perhaps helpful in medical and technological advances. But how many would connect the dots between AI and the arrival of the Antichrist? Pastor Mark Biltz, author of the new book, Decoding the Antichrist and the End Times: What the Bible

  • Exposing Demonic Roots of New Paganism That’s Reshaping America

    Exposing Demonic Roots of New Paganism That’s Reshaping America

    Last week, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote a provocative article entitled “Post-Christian Paganism Begins to Emerge” where he sees a new pagan religion beginning to take shape in America. While 40 percent of Americans now claim to have had a religious awakening, double the number from the 1950s, there has been a splintering

  • Will Smartphones Pave the Way for the Antichrist?

    Will Smartphones Pave the Way for the Antichrist?

    The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has warned that the meteoric rise in smartphone usage may be cause for serious concern—namely, the coming of the Antichrist. In an interview on Russian State Television Monday, the long-time Putin ally made a rather outlandish claim that the internet has opened the possibility for “universal

  • Sudden Destruction Is Coming to the Whole World

    Sudden Destruction Is Coming to the Whole World

    The images are disturbing, unnerving. But they are real. All too real. A rock band is performing in Indonesia to the delight of the audience when suddenly, without warning, a massive wave sweeps them off the stage to their deaths. There are screams of terror; then there is blackness. This is what sudden destruction looks

  • Sanhedrin Seduction and Third-Temple Temptations: A Warning to Christians

    Sanhedrin Seduction and Third-Temple Temptations: A Warning to Christians

    Recently, a pastor contacted me to see if I was interested in covering, for GOD TV, a concert in Jerusalem. The event was sponsored by a group called The Sanhedrin. You will recognize that name from the New Testament. The Sanhedrin was the Jewish high court and police system, overseen by 71 judges from among

  • Are We Watching the 150-Year War of Revelation 9 Unfold Right Now?

    Are We Watching the 150-Year War of Revelation 9 Unfold Right Now?

    Earlier this week as we celebrated Yom Kippur, the Hebrew Day of Atonement, we should also remember the miracle of the 1973 Yom Kippur war. After their miraculous victory over the Arabs in the 1967 war, Israel had become complacent and confident in its military superiority. Its 1967 enemies, Egypt and Syria, seethed with resentment

  • Prophesied End-Times Persecution Is Here

    Prophesied End-Times Persecution Is Here

    Many Christians in the Western world don’t even realize that the persecution of the end times has already started. All over the world, Christians are being attacked, Bibles are being burned and churches are being shut down. This persecution has been escalating for quite some time, but what prompted me to write this article today

  • Signs in the Sky: Christ Is Coming Soon With the Judgment of the Scorpion

    Signs in the Sky: Christ Is Coming Soon With the Judgment of the Scorpion

    On Nov. 20, 2017, the Star Bible’s third chapter is opened as the constellation Scorpio (“The Scorpion”) moves into the Sun. The constellation Scorpio and its associated constellations of Serpens (The Serpent) and Ophiuchus (The Serpent Held) present the picture of a giant man holding a Serpent and standing over a Scorpion, about to crush it. The man

  • Michael Evans: Jesus, ISIS, and the End Times

    Michael Evans: Jesus, ISIS, and the End Times

    When the topic of Jesus and the end times is introduced, one would expect it to originate with evangelical Christians. It is, rather, coming from ISIS. The music emanating from the flute of the ISIS snake charmer is prophecy, the end times and Jesus.  The House of Islam, ISIS, has raised its black apocalyptic banner

  • Franklin Graham Reminds Islam of End-Times Theology

    Franklin Graham Reminds Islam of End-Times Theology

    Franklin Graham is hammering Islam. After making global headlines for rebuking Obama for comparing ISIS to the Christian crusades earlier this month, Billy Graham’s once-prodigal son asked us to imagine the outcry if Christians beheaded 21 Muslims. Now, Graham is pointing to Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10 and Isaiah 45:23 in his latest response to Muslim terrorism. “The evil of

  • The Danger of an Exaggerated End-Time Mentality

    The Danger of an Exaggerated End-Time Mentality

    On a regular basis, whenever there are reports of moral collapse in our country or of wars and crises worldwide, someone will say to me, “This is it! Jesus is about to return! Everything is coming down!” Of course, according to one system of interpretation, that could be true, and the Lord could return within

  • The Spirit’s Outpouring

    And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh...And I will show wonders in heaven above...—Acts 2:17, 19

  • The Deep Things of God

    But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. —1 Corinthians 2:10

  • Sound the Alarm

    But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love: and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. —1 Thessalonians 5:8

  • End-Time Exhortations

    1 Peter 4:7-5:14 As Peter wrote this letter he had a sense of urgency. He felt the Lord's return was imminent, and he wanted his fellow believers to be ready for His return. He says, "But the end of all things is at hand: therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers" (1 Pet. 4:7).…

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