End Times

  • Are People in Hell Before Judgment Day?

    Are People in Hell Before Judgment Day?

    Read Time: 2 Minutes 52 Seconds Are people in hell before Judgment Day? The answer is, yes. There are biblical reasons why we know that people are tormented in hell before Judgment Day. When a person dies in their sins, they exist separated from God and from all good. To be separated from God and

  • Jonathan Cahn: The Gods Have Returned

    Jonathan Cahn: The Gods Have Returned

    Read Time: 6 Minutes, 37 Seconds Is it possible that behind what is currently happening in America and the world lies a mystery hidden in inscriptions of ancient Mesopotamia? Could the ancient entities known to the nations as “the gods” be more than just fiction and myth, and actually possess an independent reality? Is it

  • Michael Youssef: How You Can Prepare for Christ’s Return

    Michael Youssef: How You Can Prepare for Christ’s Return

    If you do an internet search asking questions such as “What does the Bible teach about hell?” some of the first few results will be from false teachers. Here are the titles of webpages that popped up at the top of my search: “Hell Is Not a Biblical Concept.” “Jesus Christ Did Not Teach or

  • Will Many of the Elect Really Be Deceived by the Antichrist?

    Will Many of the Elect Really Be Deceived by the Antichrist?

    The most sobering and troubling statement in the Olivet Discourse is where Jesus says, “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matt. 24:24). This statement cries out for an explanation. What does Jesus mean when He says, “to deceive, if possible, even the

  • Why God is Laughing at Their World Domination Plans

    Why God is Laughing at Their World Domination Plans

    They will make the greatest bid for world domination in history. It is no longer just armies that threaten freedom—it is corporations and corrupt politicians. I believe that evil in all of its vile colors is even now rising to try to crush our freedom and our churches. They wield astonishing power. They have mountains

  • Do Current Bizzare Weather Events Point to Biblical Prophecy?

    Do Current Bizzare Weather Events Point to Biblical Prophecy?

    Read Time: 3 minutes 28 seconds A heartbreaking weather phenomenon is currently happening in Pakistan and many are wondering if it’s tied to biblical prophecy. More than 1 million homes have been destroyed and at least 1,100 people have died since massive flood rains started devastating the country in June. Pakistan typically gets three to

  • The Dangers of Socialism: Is It Coming to America?

    The Dangers of Socialism: Is It Coming to America?

    As an Alabama high school student, I was chosen to travel to the Soviet Union for the ‘People to People’ international student exchange program, as part of the first delegation from my home state. It shocked me to see the oppression and hopelessness of the people and their lack of choices and freedoms that most

  • Spirit-Filled Megachurch Pastor: We Need a Plan for the Trouble Ahead

    Spirit-Filled Megachurch Pastor: We Need a Plan for the Trouble Ahead

    I continue to be shocked by the rate of change happening around us. Things I thought would take place over decades seem to happen within the context of a week now. Economically, our nation is now more than $30 trillion in debt, yet our leaders on both sides of the aisle continue to promise us

  • Mario Murillo: If You Threaten the Democrats’ Power, You’ll Pay the Price

    Mario Murillo: If You Threaten the Democrats’ Power, You’ll Pay the Price

    Earlier this week, the Democrats raided all of our homes. If they can do it to a former president, they can do it to anyone. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. The Democrats have weaponized the Justice Department of the United States. They made the F.B.I. into third world goons. They have sent you

  • WATCH: Now They Are Bowing Down and Worshipping Baal Right in Front of Our Eyes

    WATCH: Now They Are Bowing Down and Worshipping Baal Right in Front of Our Eyes

    They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. During the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, England on July 28, a giant mechanical bull with glowing red eyes was rolled out into the center of Alexander Stadium. The bull was approximately 10 meters high, and it took more than five months to build.

  • Is This a Dress Rehearsal for Ezekiel 38?

    Is This a Dress Rehearsal for Ezekiel 38?

    In my entire life, I’ve never seen the leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey pictured together in the same place at the same time. But there they were: Russia’s President Putin, Iran’s secular leader President Raisi and Turkey’s President Erdoğan, all at a meeting of menacing allies, earlier this week in Tehran, Iran (formerly the

  • Have You Heard of the New Kingdom Invasion?

    Have You Heard of the New Kingdom Invasion?

    Before Jesus left the earth, He charged His disciples with these parting words, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all

  • Will Today’s Sanhedrin Usher in the Antichrist?

    Will Today’s Sanhedrin Usher in the Antichrist?

    An interview with the spokesman for the Sanhedrin was twisted into an evil conspiracy theory claiming that the Jewish elders are working to bring the Antichrist. A Christian Temple Mount advocate laments the negative message of the video, pointing out that it entirely misses the message that is enormously important to Jews and Christians alike.

  • Could the Antichrist Be Artificial Intelligence Instead of a Real Person?

    Could the Antichrist Be Artificial Intelligence Instead of a Real Person?

    Most people likely consider artificial intelligence as relatively harmless—maybe “creepy” at worst and, at best, perhaps helpful in medical and technological advances. But how many would connect the dots between AI and the arrival of the Antichrist? Pastor Mark Biltz, author of the new book, Decoding the Antichrist and the End Times: What the Bible

  • Exposing Demonic Roots of New Paganism That’s Reshaping America

    Exposing Demonic Roots of New Paganism That’s Reshaping America

    Last week, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote a provocative article entitled “Post-Christian Paganism Begins to Emerge” where he sees a new pagan religion beginning to take shape in America. While 40 percent of Americans now claim to have had a religious awakening, double the number from the 1950s, there has been a splintering

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