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Will Smartphones Pave the Way for the Antichrist?

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Charisma Magazine Staff

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has warned that the meteoric rise in smartphone usage may be cause for serious concern—namely, the coming of the Antichrist.

In an interview on Russian State Television Monday, the long-time Putin ally made a rather outlandish claim that the internet has opened the possibility for “universal control over humanity.”

“Such control from one place forebodes the coming of the Antichrist,” Moscow’s Patriarch continued, as reported by the Telegraph. “The Antichrist is the person that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling all of humanity. That means that the structure itself poses a danger. There shouldn’t be a single center, at least not in the foreseeable future, if we don’t want to bring on the apocalypse.” {eoa}

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