Prophetic Fire

  • Why the Spirit of Death Is Rising Today—and How We Can Conquer It

    Why the Spirit of Death Is Rising Today—and How We Can Conquer It

    The spirit of death is running rampant throughout this earth, and its forerunner is the spirit of fear. But God’s Word tells us that Jesus came to this earth to undo the works of Satan. If this is so, and we know that it is, then why are these spirits so strong upon this earth

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Asks, ‘Will You Give Me Your Dream?’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Asks, ‘Will You Give Me Your Dream?’

    Recently, I was in my study in worship when the Lord asked me a simple question: “Will you give Me that dream?” I had been dreading this question for months, knowing it was coming. Since September of last year, I’ve felt like I’ve been in a season of surrendering everything again and watching as unexpected

  • Prophetic Word: We Need to Keep Our Spiritual Eyes Open to Discern the Chaos in the Natural

    Prophetic Word: We Need to Keep Our Spiritual Eyes Open to Discern the Chaos in the Natural

    Recently as my team and I were in worship, there was a convergence in the spiritual realm, and the glory of God was present. I could see this big mass of prophetic insights coming together. The convergence consisted of information that the Lord had been revealing to me and the new impartation He was giving

  • Prophecy: Caring for Ukrainian Refugees in Israel

    Prophecy: Caring for Ukrainian Refugees in Israel

    When the Lord returns, He will divide people and nations. There will be sheep nations and goat nations. The sheep will be on His right, and the goats will be on His left. This is a prophetic word for the church today: When the Son of Man, Yeshua HaMashiach — Jesus Christ — returns in

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Give Me the Control’

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Give Me the Control’

    Hello from Warsaw, Poland! Mike and I are on the road! We have been in Oslo and now we’re in the magnificent city of Warsaw. We had meetings here with Ukrainian refugees and with wonderful leaders from Poland. Then we had a conference that was just so special. Even though I’m far away, I wanted

  • Prophetic Dream: God Is Raising Up Surrogates in the Spirit

    Prophetic Dream: God Is Raising Up Surrogates in the Spirit

    On the night of January 20, 2022, I dreamed I was pregnant. In the dream, I was a surrogate for another woman who happens to be a personal, real-life friend of mine. Ironically, she was my surrogate as well. In the natural, a surrogate is “a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘I Have Seen Your Surrender’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘I Have Seen Your Surrender’

    It’s due time; get ready for recompense. The Lord has seen the wrestling in your heart, the release of what had been deeply held, and your yielding to His leading. He has seen your willingness to place on the altar what you have desired in your heart; you have surrendered under the light of the

  • Dutch Sheets Prophesies: Rejoice Over ‘Roe,’ But Stay Focused

    Dutch Sheets Prophesies: Rejoice Over ‘Roe,’ But Stay Focused

    In Ezra 3, the Israelites were attempting to see Jerusalem restored. The first step was rebuilding the temple. After the successful laying of the foundation, there was a great celebration — they poured a slab and threw a party. However, their enemies regrouped very quickly, organizing an intimidation and slander campaign, including the hiring of

  • Prophetic Dream: There Is a War Over Our Destiny

    Prophetic Dream: There Is a War Over Our Destiny

    Some years ago, I had a profound dream that I know was from the Lord. It was very surreal and prophetic. The Lord has been impressing upon me to share it, as it will help many who are in transition. The dream had five distinct segments, each revealing transitions in the journey of fulfilling our

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘You Are Stepping Into a Grand Manifestation’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘You Are Stepping Into a Grand Manifestation’

    Recently as I was talking to the Lord, I heard Him speak this over many people: “Get up again! Get ferocious in faith over the vision and what I have promised you. You are stepping into a grand manifestation.” At that moment, I sensed an empowering wind of the Holy Spirit blowing fiercely into the

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Get Your Eyes Off the Natural’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Get Your Eyes Off the Natural’

    As believers, we are kingdom citizens and not of this world. We don’t abide by this world’s economy and the natural things happening. Repeatedly over the last four weeks I’ve been hearing from the Lord, “Don’t look at the circumstances of this world. We are not of this world. Get your eyes off the natural.”

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘It Is Time for My Church to Come Out of Hiding’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘It Is Time for My Church to Come Out of Hiding’

    I heard the Lord say, “It is time for My church to come out of hiding and fulfill My purpose. I am raising up those who will be deliverers to this generation. The earth is groaning and travailing. The time is now! You have been hidden away, but now you have outgrown the place of

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘You Must Listen for My (Abba’s) Voice’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘You Must Listen for My (Abba’s) Voice’

    God is calling you to be a mighty warrior. The world we live in is not for the faint of heart. We must stand in our position as sons and daughters of Christ, finding our strength in Him, to have an impact. It can seem easier to sit back and say “I am trusting God”

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Will Never Fail Your Children’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Will Never Fail Your Children’

    “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” (Mal. 4:6, KJV). Recently, the Lord has been working overtime in many family relationships, especially between the parents and the children. Speaking as a father, looking back, I can become overwhelmed by how I

  • Prophetic Word: May Is a Month of Promotion; a Coronation Is About to Take Place

    Prophetic Word: May Is a Month of Promotion; a Coronation Is About to Take Place

    The Lord recently showed me that May will be a month of promotion. In the natural, May is often associated with promotion in the form of graduation — whether from grade or high school, or from some form of postsecondary education. Interestingly enough, I myself just completed my master’s in theological studies, so I join

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