Mike Shreve

  • Prophetic Dream Forecasts Possible Chaotic Events Preceding the 2024 Presidential Election

    Prophetic Dream Forecasts Possible Chaotic Events Preceding the 2024 Presidential Election

    Just recently, upon awakening, I heard a voice that I believe was divinely inspired say: “1851 Insurrection.” Immediately, I was struck with the uniqueness and strangeness of that statement—primarily because I was completely unaware of its historical context. Having no knowledge of such an event in the past, I was also oblivious to any possible

  • What Does It Mean to Be ‘A Chosen Generation?’

    What Does It Mean to Be ‘A Chosen Generation?’

    In his first epistle, Peter lamented how many Jews rejected the “Chief Cornerstone,” and how the Messiah became a “stone of stumbling” and a “rock of offense” to them. Then he declared to those who are saved: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you

  • Your Amazing Inheritance in Christ

    Your Amazing Inheritance in Christ

    Read this powerful description of who we are and what we have as sons and daughters of God: “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirits that we are the children of God, and if children, then heirs: heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also

  • God’s Challenge: Be a ‘Good Soldier of Jesus Christ’

    God’s Challenge: Be a ‘Good Soldier of Jesus Christ’

    “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3, NKJV, emphasis added). Pause for a moment and prayerfully ponder whether or not you are fulfilling this divine mandate. A good soldier is known by seven primary traits: endurance, obedience, discipline, tenacity, fearlessness, bravery and willingness to sacrifice all. Countless

  • Why All God’s New Covenant Offspring Are ‘Children of Abraham’

    Why All God’s New Covenant Offspring Are ‘Children of Abraham’

    Many Christians do not realize their spiritual connection to God’s chosen nation in the Old Testament (Israel) nor the patriarch of that nation. Yet the Bible plainly declares, “They which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham” (Gal. 3:7, KJV). How can we fill this role, especially if we happen to be

  • What the Hundredfold Return Really Means—You May Be Surprised

    What the Hundredfold Return Really Means—You May Be Surprised

    Many times, especially during an offering, I’ve heard believers enthusiastically quote Jesus’ promise of a hundredfold return. Usually the forecasted results include astounding financial breakthroughs, the cancelling of debt, and material increase. However, when you study the original text, you will discover an interpretation that is surprisingly different. Here is the divine pledge Jesus shared

  • How Can We Be ‘More Than Conquerors’?

    How Can We Be ‘More Than Conquerors’?

    To be a “conqueror” means to overcome oppositions or challenges by personal strength. That sounds like the highest level a person can attain. Yet Paul declares members of the true church exceed that description. After mentioning some of the most challenging situations that we could face in life (tribulations, distresses, persecutions, famine, principalities and even

  • The Mystery of the Mercy Seat

    The Mystery of the Mercy Seat

    God calls His New Covenant people “vessels of mercy.” This is a glorious part of who we are and what we have received from the Most High God. Here’s the reference: “What if God, willing to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience the vessels of wrath prepared for

  • Former Yogi: What Really Is ‘The Kundalini?’

    Former Yogi: What Really Is ‘The Kundalini?’

    According to the yogic teachings found in Hinduism, there is an energy at the base of the spine called “the kundalini” (in Sanskrit it means “coiled snake”). Yogi Bhajan, the promoter of Kundalini Yoga in the West, called it “the dormant power of infinity.” Adherents teach that it is the impersonal essence of the divine,

  • This Is Still Our First Priority as Believers

    This Is Still Our First Priority as Believers

    As the world erupts around us in chaos and confusion, it is vital that we, the body of Christ, remind ourselves who we are and what our primary purpose is in this world. To accomplish that, we must draw the focus tight on one verse out of the 31,102 verses in God’s Word—Acts 1:8. These

  • Why True Disciples Are an Everlasting Foundation

    Why True Disciples Are an Everlasting Foundation

    There are over 1,000 names and titles for God’s people in His Word. One of the most awe-inspiring is found only one time in the Bible, in Proverbs 10:25 (NKJV): “As the whirlwind passes, so the wicked is no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.” The primary proof of the temporary existence of

  • An Amazing Night in India When 6 Killers Witnessed ‘A Wondrous Sign’

    An Amazing Night in India When 6 Killers Witnessed ‘A Wondrous Sign’

    A mysterious ancient prophecy declares that God’s New Covenant offspring are “for signs and for wonders” (Isa. 8:18, see Hebrews 2:13). That high calling was evidenced in the early church and it’s still true now. I have carried the gospel several times to India—the birthplace of Hinduism and yoga. When I tell the massive audiences

  • Why You Are the Apple of God’s Eye

    Why You Are the Apple of God’s Eye

    Three times in the Old Testament, God’s people—both nationally and individually—are described as “the apple of His eye” (Deut. 32:10, Zech. 2:8 and Ps. 17:8). Although this was originally a title given to the physical offspring of Abraham, born-again believers of the New Covenant have the right to claim this title also. Having been “grafted”

  • Why the ‘Heirs of Salvation’ Means Much More Than You Think

    Why the ‘Heirs of Salvation’ Means Much More Than You Think

    One of the most powerful names for God’s people is found only once in the Bible: But to which of the angels, did He say at any time, “Sit on My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool?” Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for those who shall be

  • How God’s Word Declares His People Are ‘The Rich of the Earth’

    How God’s Word Declares His People Are ‘The Rich of the Earth’

    “All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him” (Ps. 22:29, NIV). Psalm 22 contains some of the most detailed predictions of the crucifixion of Jesus to be found in the Old Testament. Consider the following three: – A statement He made on

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