Prophetic Fire

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Raising Up a New Breed of Prophets’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Raising Up a New Breed of Prophets’

    “And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over” (2 Kings 2:14, KJV). A New Breed of ‘Sent Ones’ The hand of the

  • Mario Murillo Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace’

    Mario Murillo Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace’

    This is the clearest warning God has ever given me. God is emphatically telling the American church, “Speak now, or forever hold your peace.” Whatever we are going to say, whatever we are going to do, whatever action we are going to take to protect our rights as Christians and Americans, we must do now.

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Coming With a Wave of Joy’

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Coming With a Wave of Joy’

    The Lord would say that Satan has come to rob you of your joy and to diminish you. In fact, the Lord gave me the Scripture where David was praying, “Restore to me the joy of salvation.” And the Lord would say to you, “You have been in a season where Satan has literally been

  • Prophetic Dream: ‘Wisdom Speaks—Hold Fast the Head’

    Prophetic Dream: ‘Wisdom Speaks—Hold Fast the Head’

    I had a dream some years ago that I knew was from God. It speaks of the headship of Christ. In the dream, a woman who is a very mature spiritual leader was seated at a table that had a candle sitting on it. The room was completely dark; the candle was the only source

  • Prophetic Dream Forecasts Possible Chaotic Events Preceding the 2024 Presidential Election

    Prophetic Dream Forecasts Possible Chaotic Events Preceding the 2024 Presidential Election

    Just recently, upon awakening, I heard a voice that I believe was divinely inspired say: “1851 Insurrection.” Immediately, I was struck with the uniqueness and strangeness of that statement—primarily because I was completely unaware of its historical context. Having no knowledge of such an event in the past, I was also oblivious to any possible

  • ChĂ© Ahn Prophetic Dream: Keeping the Unity of the Spirit

    Ché Ahn Prophetic Dream: Keeping the Unity of the Spirit

    The No. 1 problem facing the church today is a lack of unity. There are a lot of people who have very similar values but who are constantly and maliciously divided by small, meaningless details that are pushed through media channels and by groups who profit over such divisions. We need to come back to

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Raising Up Matriarchs’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Raising Up Matriarchs’

    This past month, the Lord spoke to me as we were nearing Mother’s Day. I had been watching, with a discerning eye, the attacks that the enemy had been waging against women and children, as well as the function and identity of men and women. The enemy’s tactic is to destroy the kingdom partnership between

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘You Shall See Judgment and Deliverance Occur in Tandem’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘You Shall See Judgment and Deliverance Occur in Tandem’

    The Spirit of the Lord says this day: “A Lazarus moment—a defining moment—is coming to your nation, O America. For the wicked have attempted to put you in a grave and proudly mark it as a trophy of their power. However, I, the Lord thy God, am saying this day—I am decreeing from My throne—that

  • Prophetic Word: It’s a Season of Wide-Open Doors — Don’t Hold Back

    Prophetic Word: It’s a Season of Wide-Open Doors — Don’t Hold Back

    My husband and I just recently returned from Ft. Worth, Texas where we attended the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) World Finals. The backstory is that I just finished a Master in Theological Studies, and somewhere in the long, challenging process of completing this degree, my husband had told me he’d take me on a trip

  • Prophecy: God Had a Purpose for Your Journey Through the Wilderness

    Prophecy: God Had a Purpose for Your Journey Through the Wilderness

    What a journey it has been for some of us in recent times. Many have been on a path that seems like the absolute roundabout course of direction. “But God, I thought you were going to do this—this way. I didn’t expect my miracle and breakthrough to come about like this,” you might find yourself

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Be Faithful to Contracts in the Month of Sivan’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Be Faithful to Contracts in the Month of Sivan’

    Our God is a covenant-keeping God! He keeps His promises from generation to generation. He wants you to be faithful to Him and keep your covenants or contracts too. The very special Hebrew month of Sivan began on Monday, May 30, at sundown. This is the month when the Lord came upon Mount Sinai and

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Allowed the Enemy to Think He Had Won’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Allowed the Enemy to Think He Had Won’

    “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:2-3, NKJV) As a prophet, I often stand as a watchman

  • Prophecy: The Lord Is Looking for Courageous Knights in Shining Armor

    Prophecy: The Lord Is Looking for Courageous Knights in Shining Armor

    As things around you seem to get darker, know that the Lord is working all things together for good for those who love Him. The light of the Lord shines brighter, dispelling all darkness. Just as the sun is behind the clouds, call forth His light to break through and reveal His glory in your

  • Prophecy: ‘I Saw God Striking a Match’ to Set His Church on Fire

    Prophecy: ‘I Saw God Striking a Match’ to Set His Church on Fire

    As we are about our Father’s business, He will often come and meddle in our business. A few nights ago I was awakened by the words, “That’s not gold, that’s wood. That’s not silver, that’s hay. Those are not costly stones, that’s straw and stubble.” Often what’s gold to us is wood to God. I

  • Prophetic Word: ‘I Am Removing the Lens of Loss and Positioning You for Expectancy’

    Prophetic Word: ‘I Am Removing the Lens of Loss and Positioning You for Expectancy’

    Recently I heard the Lord speaking over many that have been through an intense season of trauma and loss. He was highlighting perspective and how what many had been through had shifted their lenses. He showed me that because of the trauma many had endured, they were now looking at life through lenses of loss

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