Ruth Hendrickson

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: Just One Word for a New Year

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: Just One Word for a New Year

    Read Time: 2 Minutes 35 Seconds Here we are at the beginning of a brand-new year. Each year holds its share of ups and downs, joy and sorrow. We know that God has our very lives in the palm of His mighty hand. What would happen if you asked God for one word for the

  • Prophetic Dream: Are You Fitted in the Right Space?

    Prophetic Dream: Are You Fitted in the Right Space?

    Read Time: 2 Minutes 35 Seconds “My people are shrinking to fit into a space they are not meant for.” This morning, the Lord gave me a dream in which round pegs were dropping into square holes. This is an analogy that we usually use where the round peg would not be able to fit

  • The Wonder of a Baby and the Plans of God

    The Wonder of a Baby and the Plans of God

    When I was pregnant with my children, each one held a space of wonder in my heart. I thought about the exact date they would be born on. I would ponder what their height and weight would be. I wondered at times, by the amount of movement I felt, if they would be future break-dancers

  • The Power of Emotions

    The Power of Emotions

    How do you use your emotional currency? Do you use it to build up and strengthen or to tear down and destroy? Many straddle the two realms depending on the moment, primarily when dealing with intense emotions. Someone once said that every intense emotion is just an opportunity for a conversation with God. Feelings and

  • Do You Unintentionally Prefer the Demonic?

    Do You Unintentionally Prefer the Demonic?

    Do you prefer the presence and power of Jesus Christ over the demonic realm? You may immediately answer yes; however, I would caution that we get comfortable with what we live with. It is easy to adjust to our surroundings rather than allow Jesus in to bring healing. The media loves to create ghost stories

  • Crushing the Barrier Between You and God

    Crushing the Barrier Between You and God

    Have you ever felt like there is a wall between you and God? One of my favorite songs, as a high-schooler stated that I could run through the troops and leap over walls (Psalm 18:29). However, reality can hit hard, and I can feel like I hit that wall just as hard. Without any spring

  • When Your Family is Divided

    When Your Family is Divided

    Division in families is nothing new until it hits your family. It tears into the heart at breakneck speeds. Suddenly, your advice for others takes on a new meaning as your emotions swirl and rocks your foundational faith. Our culture is testing even further with this crazy idea of cancel culture. The biblical truth is

  • Morning Glory and God’s Mercies

    Morning Glory and God’s Mercies

    Read Time: 3 Minutes What did you notice the last time you went for a walk as the sun was rising? Did you see the darkness giving way to the light? Did you notice streams of light coming from the sun or the sun’s brightness as it begins to climb higher in the sky? As

  • Are You in Alignment for God’s Assignment?

    Are You in Alignment for God’s Assignment?

    Read Time: 3 Minutes, 8 Seconds Are you aligned with God’s plans and purposes for your life? How often have you prayed, asking God to open a door and then not found the door? The challenge is that if you are not in alignment, you will crash into a wall rather than walk through the

  • Why You Should Make the Language of Heaven Your Primary Language

    Why You Should Make the Language of Heaven Your Primary Language

    Some people are great at learning new languages. However, I get tongue-tied and provide a comedy routine rather than an accent as I try to speak in another language. However, there is a language that every believer is created to speak and understand, the language of heaven. For the believer, this is not their second

  • Can You Discern Spiritual Wind?

    Can You Discern Spiritual Wind?

    The wind is a funny thing. We do not know where it comes from nor where it goes. We cannot see it, but we can see and feel its effects. Wind can be gentle and refreshing, cold or hot, strong, and dangerous, and everything in between. When the wind blows, we must decide our stance.

  • Protecting the Promises of God for Your Life

    Protecting the Promises of God for Your Life

    I was walking along one of my favorite beaches, and it was turtle season. Early each morning, park services ride along the beach looking for new sea turtle nests. They record the nest’s location, place stakes and rope off the location so that people do not disturb the nest and the babies can develop. There

  • Do You Treat Prayer as Your Last Resort?

    Do You Treat Prayer as Your Last Resort?

    Do you sometimes think of prayer as the last resort? Prayer can be the thing that we go to when everything else has failed. Sometimes this behavior is unintentional. However, we can be sure that when it seeps into our lives, God will point it out. This morning, I was talking to the Lord about

  • Maps, GPS and Your Journey With God

    Maps, GPS and Your Journey With God

    When you go for a drive, do you like the process of planning using a map, or do you grab your GPS and hit the road? I have a friend who refuses to use her GPS. She loves planning and dreaming with a map in hand. She charts the mileage, looks at the route and

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am the Consuming Fire’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am the Consuming Fire’

    God says that during this season, He is turning up the heat, finding the gold and bringing His refining fire. Job makes a powerful statement of faith as he says of the Lord, “When he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” God knew Job’s heart and Job knew the heart of God.

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