Sara Whitten

  • 5 Messages of Encouragement About Miracles from the Book of Numbers

    5 Messages of Encouragement About Miracles from the Book of Numbers

    Whenever I had read the miracle of the quail in Numbers chapter 11, I had seen it as just that: a miraculous provision of quail. As the Lord brought me back to this story this past week, I began to notice there is much more God is saying in that story. It’s a message for

  • Prophecy: What We Remember Can Change History

    Prophecy: What We Remember Can Change History

    Read Time: 3 Minutes, 18 Seconds The word “memory” has been populating the news headlines, and the Lord has drawn my attention to it. A memory card was credited in flipping an election. A report came out about attempts to try to rewrite different events that happened during 2020 and 2021, but those who remember

  • Prophecy: God is Preparing You for a Transplant Season

    Prophecy: God is Preparing You for a Transplant Season

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 23 Seconds Recently, God gave me an image of a big tree growing atop a very narrow, tall hill. “How can this tree grow bigger?” the Lord asked me. I replied, “I guess it would need to be transplanted. It can only grow so big with that narrow piece of land.”

  • How Does—and Doesn’t—God Speak Through Numbers?

    How Does—and Doesn’t—God Speak Through Numbers?

    Read Time: 2 Minutes, 44 Seconds “$2.22 will be your change”, smiles the barista as you check out with your latte. You glance at your watch to note how long you have before your next meeting, and it’s 2:22pm. As you exit to the parking lot you nearly step in front of a car and

  • When the Manna Runs Out

    When the Manna Runs Out

    Read Time: 2 Minutes, 7 Seconds Do you ever have times when your normal “daily rhythm” just isn’t working for you? You feel like you’re unable to go deeper spiritually, unproductive, or unimaginative. The excitement of progress or new inspiration feels like it was ages ago. I’ve been there. In this place the Lord spoke

  • Prophetic Word: Look to the Next Three Months and Coming Regeneration

    Prophetic Word: Look to the Next Three Months and Coming Regeneration

    As we embark on the beginning of Jewish New Year 5783, God highlighted the three months of overlap between its beginning and the beginning of 2023 in the Gregorian calendar. Strong’s Concordance’s reference for 5783 (the Hebrew year beginning now) is the Hebrew word “ur”, meaning “to be exposed or bare.” It’s specifically used in

  • Prophecy: With Jesus, There Is Always an Expiration Date on Bad News

    Prophecy: With Jesus, There Is Always an Expiration Date on Bad News

    As I stopped to get gas recently, I reached for the pump and noticed a winged bug I hadn’t recalled seeing before. It didn’t move from the pump even as I moved the handle. It got my attention, and I wondered what it was. Immediately the word “mayfly” popped into my head. I wasn’t sure

  • How You Can Begin to Heal From Unanswered Prayer

    How You Can Begin to Heal From Unanswered Prayer

    The best way to grow in the prophetic is to look at the past. As backwards as that sounds, Revelation 19:10 tells us, “For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.” In other translations, this is said, “For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus.” The problem is,

  • Prophecy: 5 Heavenly Responses to Current Earthly Circumstances

    Prophecy: 5 Heavenly Responses to Current Earthly Circumstances

    As we’ve watched current events unfold, there is a temptation to feel powerless. The truth is, behind every negative headline and evil agenda is a redemption plan of the Lord. Recently the Lord has been highlighting five responses or postures for the church that partner with the “working all things for good” that He is

  • What Is the Difference Between Revelation and Understanding?

    What Is the Difference Between Revelation and Understanding?

    “I got a word from the Lord, but I don’t understand it.” “I’m feeling called in this direction, but I’m waiting for full understanding before I act on it.” These and statements like them are common during that all-too-familiar waiting time between a word being given and its fulfillment. We hold on to words and

  • Prophetic Word: Keep Moving Forward to Go Deeper with The Lord

    Prophetic Word: Keep Moving Forward to Go Deeper with The Lord

    If you feel like you had some momentum and began stepping into a new season when, all of a sudden, you felt halted, this Word is for you. It’s like you’re in a holding pattern, and things have not been progressing. God gave me an image of a pool. This pool—like many—had a couple of

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