Prophetic Fire

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Launch Out and Speak What You Believe’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Launch Out and Speak What You Believe’

    I was not planning on writing anything for the new year, but as I was reading my Bible one day, God began speaking. These are the things I heard in my spirit for 2022: Launch Out Into the Deep Many will hear this year the words that Jesus spoke to Peter: “When He had stopped

  • Prophetic Dream: A Tsunami Wave of God’s Goodness Will Roll Over You

    Prophetic Dream: A Tsunami Wave of God’s Goodness Will Roll Over You

    The Lord’s been showing me some additional things about the season we’ve just been through. You may recall not long ago I wrote an article about how many, myself included, have just been through a season of loss, and the Lord showed me that what’s been lost will be replaced with something better than before.

  • Prophetic Word: Dead Bones Must Rise Again

    Prophetic Word: Dead Bones Must Rise Again

    The Spirit of the living God would say to you this day, Dead bones must rise again! Shake off the sleep and the slumber. Press toward the mark of our high calling. Unleash the resurrection power of My Spirit within you. No longer be timid and shy. You have entered into a time when there

  • Prophetic Vision: God Is Tearing Down Walls as in the Days of Jericho

    Prophetic Vision: God Is Tearing Down Walls as in the Days of Jericho

    I want you to get a picture of something. As I was standing on the front row, as we were singing, I saw like a quick flash of a picture (which I feel the Lord put in my heart) of two big hands and they were around me. But God was saying, “This isn’t about

  • Prophetic Word: It’s Time to Be Set Ablaze

    Prophetic Word: It’s Time to Be Set Ablaze

    As we continue into 2022, the Lord has strongly placed on my heart words for this year and beyond, which I have had the privilege of submitting to our prophetic council (Australian Prophetic Council) and sharing at our recent Australian Prophetic Summit. These words are invitations to take hold of and pray for! I hope

  • Prophetic Vision: The Keys to Unlock Authority, the Heavens and God’s Favor

    Prophetic Vision: The Keys to Unlock Authority, the Heavens and God’s Favor

    I had a vision of Jesus presenting me with a key ring with three keys on it: one gold, one silver and one bronze (or dark/ancient-looking). He said, “Use these to go unlock the ‘more.'” As I waited, I heard Him say, “I want to unlock more in you so I can unlock more FOR

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Regroup to Reboot’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Regroup to Reboot’

    As I was sitting down to write yesterday, I felt the Lord say, “Regroup to reboot.” As I pressed into both of those words, I saw an encouraging picture of what God is in the process of doing and how we, as His body, can press into it! We are in the process of a

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘You Are My Supreme Court’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘You Are My Supreme Court’

    The Lord says, “Because there has been no moral outcry on the earth, I have released a cry from the heavens. Who will respond to the cry of their unborn children? How long will the fathers and mothers turn their head[s] in shame and plug their ears while the innocent are still weeping? [Are] there

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Will Not Be Mocked!’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Will Not Be Mocked!’

    I heard the Lord say several times, with much intensity — “I will not be mocked!” One year ago today, the Lord began to speak a word to me while in prayer that shook me to my core. I have rarely if ever heard the Lord speak in a way that caused me to stand

  • Prophetic Word: Don’t Be Afraid of the Armies That Appear to Surround You

    Prophetic Word: Don’t Be Afraid of the Armies That Appear to Surround You

    I am so excited about what God has in store for this year, 2022—the year of our Lord! Father is inviting us all to have a holy expectancy, a hopeful confidence and joyful faith about what He is doing. Holy Spirit is encouraging us, saying, “As amazing as My presence has been in the past,

  • Prophetic Word: Power and Glory Will Return to the Church Like Never Before

    Prophetic Word: Power and Glory Will Return to the Church Like Never Before

    Leading up to 2022, and even now, I have felt such anticipation about this year. People have asked me one question in a myriad of different ways, but the question is essentially: “Is this year going to go well or will it be like the last two years?” After sitting with the Lord and letting

  • Prophetic Vision: ‘Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin,’ ‘The Writing Is on the Wall’

    Prophetic Vision: ‘Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin,’ ‘The Writing Is on the Wall’

    A few weeks ago, I was caught up in a very clear vision where I saw the hand of God extending His finger, and He began to write something on a wall. Then the Lord spoke to me in my spirit man: MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, “The writing is on the wall!” “Then from his

  • Chuck Pierce Prophesies: A Line Has Been Drawn; How Will You Step Over in 2022?

    Chuck Pierce Prophesies: A Line Has Been Drawn; How Will You Step Over in 2022?

    We are living in a time of increasing polarization. With the growing dichotomy of good and evil, we must understand God’s covenant in the midst of conflict. The Lord has been speaking to me about “lines in the sand” and how we will advance this spring when the warfare will be intense. Finding Your Place

  • Prophetic Word: 2022 Will Bring Explosive Movement in the Kingdom

    Prophetic Word: 2022 Will Bring Explosive Movement in the Kingdom

    The year 2022 will see Christ the King rise in revelation glory in and through His saints. It will be an Isaiah 61 year as the harvest breaks free from its imprisonment to blindness and the year of the favor of the Lord breaks the saints free into the fullness of their call and destiny.

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘Do Not Fear. I am Raising Up Many Josephs to Save My People’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘Do Not Fear. I am Raising Up Many Josephs to Save My People’

    The Lord brought back to my mind a dream that I had in 2004. I dreamed I was standing in an abundant wheat field when God spoke to me and said, “Famine is coming to the land.” Moreover, He continued to speak to me, saying, “Do not worry or fear. I am raising up many

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