
Does Scalia’s Death Tip the Scales Against Christians?

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Steve Strang

President Ronald Reagan and Justice Antonin Scalia in the Oval Office in 1986.

The death of Justice Antonin Scalia leaves a huge hole in the U.S. Supreme Court. At a time when the liberal-conservative split has been four to four, with one swing vote, if the wrong Supreme Court justice is appointed, this may tip power in the direction of the liberal agenda which, by and large, is opposed to everything we stand for as Christians.  

Appointed by President Ronald Reagan, Scalia was 79 and served on the Supreme Court since 1986. His presence on the Court will surely be missed. Our prayers are with his family.

What happens next is important. We must pray as never before or else we will see the nation’s highest court continue to erode our religious liberties, make decisions in opposition to the Word of God and essentially rewrite the Constitution based on social trends instead of what the framers intended.

I agree with my friend evangelist Alveda King, who wrote in a blog: “Desperate times call for desperate measures. The nation is fraught with uncertainty on every front. In the Bible, God consistently chose ‘imperfect’ human heroes as instruments of transformation and deliverance when nations were in peril: David, Moses, Peter, Paul. …  Let’s pray that God in His infinite wisdom will, according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, guide our hearts and votes. Remember, God knows what we cannot see.”

My friend Mat Staver of Liberty Council issued this statement: “With the passing of Justice Scalia, the future of the High Court and the future of America is hanging in the balance. The Senate must not confirm any nominee to the Supreme Court from President Obama.”

At the same time, I’m calling for prayer. I am concerned about the lethargy in the body of Christ. It seems that people such as Donald Trump are tapping into a certain amount of discontent in the nation and people are rallying, but I don’t see the same thing happening among Christians. I am not talking about supporting Trump. I am talking about a movement where people are not satisfied with the status quo and take action.  

Is it because there is so much compromise? Are we so comfortable in our churches, singing and shouting, that we’re unaware of what’s happening around us?  

I agree with Staver that the election of the next president has now taken on even greater importance. “The future of the Supreme Court and America now depends on the Senate blocking any nominee by President Obama and the people electing the right person to occupy the White House,” Staver says.

The Senate must hold off any confirmation until the next president is seated. Unfortunately the presidential debates have been more theater and less substance about the real issues surrounding the Supreme Court.

I believe too many Christians major on minors and believe it’s right for Christians to sit on the sidelines. An example of this came to my email in tray this week from someone I respect, lamenting the fact that some Christian leaders were backing candidates.  

The email writer waxed eloquent about the importance of integrity and not jeopardizing our nonprofit status. What small thinking. In essence, the gag order placed on nonprofits in 1954 put all Christian leaders on a leash so that they could be jerked by the government at any time. The fact is that in the 62 years since, not one nonprofit has lost its status for supporting a candidate. While I am not a lawyer, I am aware that it is the nonprofit corporation that is prohibited to officially endorse someone.  

The fact is, pastors can and should be speaking out about issues of our day, many of which have been political. In fact, the other side has tried to take some of our moral issues, such as life or the sanctity of marriage, and turn them into political issues, claiming the church should stay out of politics.  

Where are the intercessors? Where are the leaders? Where are those who are concerned about the direction of our country? These trends have been happening since the early part of the last century and the church has done little to nothing to stem the tide. We need the church to rise up.

If you agree with me, start a movement where you are. Post this on social media. Leave your comments below.

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