Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: The Holy Spirit Is Stirring People and Regions for Awakening

I recently had two prophetic visions where I saw the Lord stirring what looked like a giant bowl.

I knew in both visions that the Lord was stirring up people, atmospheres and regions with His Spirit to bring revival and awakening. When something is stirred, it is often later poured out. We are about to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like we’ve never experienced before.

The second time the Lord gave me this vision, we were in one of our church services. Without Autumn, my wife, knowing about the vision, she began to prophesy about the stirring of the Holy Spirit that I was seeing in this vision! God is stirring something up in the heavens, my friends, and He is about to pour it out for anyone and everyone who wants to receive it.

This powerful stirring of the Holy Spirit will bring a powerful move of God to our cities and our nation. This stirring will bring individual believers into personal revival and groups of like-minded believers into a fresh corporate anointing. I see the Lord coming in glory and power to many different bodies of believers in hubs and ministries where they are pursuing the presence of God above anything else. Those who have grown complacent and weary will also be revived by this stirring of the spirit of God.

This outpouring of God’s spirit will carry His presence and power into the most unlikely situations and to the most unlikely people. Whoever wants to experience this stirring from the Lord just has to receive it and make themselves available to the Lord.

Allow the Lord to stir something up in you. The stirring of the Lord is also activating many to step fully into their purpose and destiny. Giftings and graces that have been dormant inside of you are about to be stirred up and poured out through you to advance the Kingdom of God. God is moving, and God is stirring; it’s time that we jump in and be all in for the things of God!

The world has changed and is changing at a rapid pace. Some of the change has been positive, and some has been negative. In this season, many have felt confused or tempted to live in fear during this time of dramatic change. However, I believe now more than ever that this is a powerful time for the body of Christ! Part of the radical change we are seeing is because God is getting ready to do something brand new in the earth and in His people. This is the time to lean into the stirring of the Holy Spirit, knowing that He will shift everything we see happening in the natural.

Don’t fall into confusion or discouragement in this season. Keep your focus and your faith fixed on the kingdom of God and watch what God is about to pour out. Philippians 4:8 is the Scripture for this hour: “Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think on these things.”

Keep your mind set on what God is doing, and don’t be distracted by the chaos that may be going on in the natural realm. What God is stirring in the spirit is about to be poured out upon the body of Christ like never before! Get ready for it! {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of Roar Apostolic Network and Roar Church Texarkana. He is the author of Kingdom Mindset, Destiny Dimension, Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.

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