
  • Could the Prophetic Ezekiel Alliance Be Emerging?

    Could the Prophetic Ezekiel Alliance Be Emerging?

    Wars and rumors of war. Apostasy. Earthquakes. Famine. Pestilence. All these things and many others are listed as signs before the return of Jesus Christ. But before the King of kings makes His return, events on earth must first take place and systems must be set up to prepare the way for the reign of

  • Netanyahu Promises to Destroy Enemies on Israel’s Independence Day

    Netanyahu Promises to Destroy Enemies on Israel’s Independence Day

    Israel’s Independence Day looked drastically different this year amid war with Gaza. As the Jerusalem Post reported, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered hope and encouragement in the middle of the ongoing war. He spoke of the great ways the spirit of God had delivered Israel from their enemies in the past and the great

  • Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson Open Up About God and UFOs

    Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson Open Up About God and UFOs

    In one of his latest podcasts, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sat down together and discussed the things of supernatural importance, including God and UFOs. Starting off their discussion about UFOs, Rogan and Carlson point to the prophet Ezekiel as a place to gain understanding about this topic. “It’s not American technology or Russian or

  • Hebron: From King David’s First Capital to Hamas Stronghold

    Hebron: From King David’s First Capital to Hamas Stronghold

    By: Tuvia Pollack/All Israel News Hebron is one of the oldest cities in Israel and has been continually inhabited since before the time of Abraham. It’s located south of Jerusalem in the beautiful Judean mountain range, between the Dead Sea to the east, and the shores of Gaza to the west, about halfway between Jerusalem

  • End-Times Alert: Israel’s Darkest Hours?

    End-Times Alert: Israel’s Darkest Hours?

    This is part one of a two-part article. Watch for part two, coming soon to mycharisma.com. Many believe Israel is now in its darkest hour since its War of Independence against five invading Arab armies concluded in March 1949. It seems the world is increasingly turning against it. Just over six months ago, before the Oct.

  • Is this the Fulfillment of the Bear, Dragon and Lion Prophecy?

    Is this the Fulfillment of the Bear, Dragon and Lion Prophecy?

    Back in January, Dutch Sheets gave a prophetic word about the rise of “the dragon, bear and lion” for 2024. Now, it would appear that this prophecy could be playing out right in front of us. “The dragon, the bear and the lion, that would be Russia, China and Iran will continue their attempts to

  • ‘A Declaration of War’: How the Conflict Between Israel and Iran Fits Into the Bigger Picture

    ‘A Declaration of War’: How the Conflict Between Israel and Iran Fits Into the Bigger Picture

    Iran’s attack on Israel is being called “a declaration of war”, and that is precisely what it was. Shooting more than 300 drones and missiles at another country is definitely an act of war, and the Iranian parliament was loudly chanting “death to Israel” as it was happening. Many are shocked that a full-blown war

  • Wars and Rumors of War: Christian Leader Murdered in Political Assassination

    Wars and Rumors of War: Christian Leader Murdered in Political Assassination

    JERUSALEM and south LEBANON – Christian-Muslim tensions in Lebanon have erupted after the murder of well-known Christian politician Pascal Sleiman. Given his fierce opposition to Hezbollah, Lebanese Christians are worried for their safety as the terror group’s intimidation grows. A Syrian gang is believed to have kidnapped and murdered Sleiman, a strong believer and senior

  • How Will Israel Retaliate Against Iran?

    How Will Israel Retaliate Against Iran?

    As expected, in retaliation for Israel’s killing of a top Iranian general and seven other senior military leaders on April 1, all of whom were suspected of having Israeli blood on their hands, Iran struck back on Saturday night, launching roughly 350 drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles on Israel. This marked the first time

  • US should support Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear sites, former Security Adviser Bolton says

    US should support Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear sites, former Security Adviser Bolton says

    The United States should join Israel if it decides to strike Iran’s nuclear sites, former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Sunday. The Iranian regime launched some 300 drones and missiles against Israel early Sunday morning, stating the attack was a response to the alleged Israeli strike near the Iranian embassy in Damascus,

  • Pastors, please lead your Sunday services in prayer for Israel; Iran has launched its 1st-ever direct drone and missile attack on the Jewish state

    Pastors, please lead your Sunday services in prayer for Israel; Iran has launched its 1st-ever direct drone and missile attack on the Jewish state

    Editor’s note: See our updated story here for the latest on Iran’s attack on Israel. JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Dear pastors and priests around the world. In the Bible – in Psalm 122:6 – the Lord commands true believers to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” Many of you do this already. But never have we

  • A Prophetic Palestinian Perspective: ‘From the River to the Sea’

    A Prophetic Palestinian Perspective: ‘From the River to the Sea’

    You have, no doubt, seen the banners and heard the chants from pro-Palestinians: “From the river to the sea … Palestine will be free.” They are not calling for a “two-state solution” to the Arab and Jewish dispute over the ancient land of Palestine. Instead, they are calling for a Palestinian state—free of all Jews—from

  • Reports: Biden Says US Won’t Aid Israeli Counterattack After Iran Launches More Than 300 Drones, Missiles

    Reports: Biden Says US Won’t Aid Israeli Counterattack After Iran Launches More Than 300 Drones, Missiles

    JERUSALEM, Israel – Jerusalemites (those who could sleep) awakened on a beautiful Sunday morning to silence, except for the sound of chirping birds. It followed a night of uncertainty throughout the country, with the sound of explosions and warning sirens shattering the post-midnight calm, as Iran launched more than 300 drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise

  • BREAKING NEWS: ISRAEL: IRAN FIRES 200+ MISSILES & DRONES AT ISRAEL: PM Netanyahu meeting with war cabinet, IDF says Israel is ‘prepared and ready’ for variety of scenarios

    BREAKING NEWS: ISRAEL: IRAN FIRES 200+ MISSILES & DRONES AT ISRAEL: PM Netanyahu meeting with war cabinet, IDF says Israel is ‘prepared and ready’ for variety of scenarios

    Sirens and interceptions were heard across Israel on Saturday night, hours after hundreds of drones and missiles were launched from Iran towards the country’s territory. Israelis reported large explosions were heard in several cities and towns and posted videos of the attack underway. While the entire country is on high alert, the IDF has issued

  • BREAKING NEWS: ISRAEL: IRAN ATTACKS ISRAEL: In major escalation, Tehran launches at least 100 military drones at Israel cities—IDF prepares to retaliate

    BREAKING NEWS: ISRAEL: IRAN ATTACKS ISRAEL: In major escalation, Tehran launches at least 100 military drones at Israel cities—IDF prepares to retaliate

    JERUSALEM, ISRAEL — At this hour, 10 million Israelis are bracing for an attack by air that is already in motion. U.S. and Israeli intelligence sources indicate that at least 100 military drones or UAVs — unmanned aerial vehicles — have been fired at Israel. They are expected to take about seven hours to reach

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