
  • EU Unveils 10-Point Plan for Israel-Palestine Peace

    EU Unveils 10-Point Plan for Israel-Palestine Peace

    In a recent announcement, the European Union (EU) has presented a comprehensive 10-point plan aimed at finding a credible and lasting solution to the Israel-Palestine war. The draft document, obtained by Euractiv, emphasizes the urgency of preparing for an expedited Israeli-Palestinian peace in light of the current situation. The plan, prepared by the EU’s diplomatic

  • Morning Rundown: Testimony From Hell Reveals the Secret to Demon Possession

    Morning Rundown: Testimony From Hell Reveals the Secret to Demon Possession

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Testimony From Hell Reveals the Secret to Demon Possession Can demons possess humans, and if so, how does it happen? After Howard Pittman descended into hell after experiencing actual, physical death, he saw the reality of hell and how the demonic works to snare God’s

  • Ancient Coin Found During Dig in Hills Near Jerusalem

    Ancient Coin Found During Dig in Hills Near Jerusalem

    Israeli archaeologists working at a dig in the Judean Hills outside Jerusalem have found a very rare ancient silver coin more than 2,500 years old. The coin is from the First Temple period (Solomon’s Temple), 2,550 years ago, during the Persian rule of King Cyrus. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!

  • Vision From Israel: Holding On to Hope in the New Year

    Vision From Israel: Holding On to Hope in the New Year

    One of the many miracles of Israel is that here, the words of the Bible come to life, in the Holy Land where they took place. And, as Israel continues to fight against Hamas terror in the wake of the attacks of Oct. 7, it is God’s Word—written here in the Holy Land—in which we

  • Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today

    Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today

    There are many areas of agreement between Jews and Christians. For example, both emphasize the foundational importance of loving God and loving one’s neighbor, as well as the importance of living by the ethical ideals of the Torah and the Prophets. Both emphasize a final Day of Judgment where we give account for our lives

  • Morning Rundown: ‘Jesus Christ Changed My Life’: PGA Champ Shares His Faith

    Morning Rundown: ‘Jesus Christ Changed My Life’: PGA Champ Shares His Faith

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on ‘Jesus Christ Changed My Life’: PGA Champ Shares His Faith After winning the Sony Open in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Sunday by sinking a 40-foot birdie putt in a playoff, PGA champion golfer Grayson Murray shared some intimate details about how he overcame alcoholism and how

  • Anti-Israel Mob Protesting at Pediatric Cancer Hospital

    Anti-Israel Mob Protesting at Pediatric Cancer Hospital

    As the preparatory days before the End Times continue forward, biblical prophecy continues to unfold as the world grows increasingly cold to the Jewish people. Yet few would have imagine that in America the same hatred that led to the Holocaust would take root and perpetuate actions that make one’s skin crawl in disgust. But

  • Christians in South Africa Stand with Israel Despite Nation’s Genocide Lawsuit at ICJ

    Christians in South Africa Stand with Israel Despite Nation’s Genocide Lawsuit at ICJ

    Despite the South African government’s lawsuit at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against what it claims to be Israel’s “genocide” in the Gaza Strip, a group of Christian organizations and churches in South Africa have made a clear stand with Israel. In a document titled, “Statement by concerned Christians in response to the case

  • Thousands of Israelis Rally at Western Wall for ‘Prayer Warfare,’ Plead With God to Free Hostages

    Thousands of Israelis Rally at Western Wall for ‘Prayer Warfare,’ Plead With God to Free Hostages

    Thousands of Israelis flocked on Wednesday to the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem—a spiritually significant site for Jewish people—to “cry out, plead, and invoke heavenly mercy upon all of Israel,” particularly for those still held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. More than 50,000 people thronged the alleyways of the prayer site, according

  • Did Jonathan Cahn’s 2023 Predictions Come True?

    Did Jonathan Cahn’s 2023 Predictions Come True?

    At the beginning of 2023, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn gave a message that recapped the previous year and brought hope for the year to come. Now as we look back a year later, we can see that what he had to say was more than just mere words on paper—they were biblical prophecies come to life.

  • Perry Stone Uncovers the Apocalyptic Signs of the Israel-Gaza War

    Perry Stone Uncovers the Apocalyptic Signs of the Israel-Gaza War

    Is the ongoing war in Israel a sign of the coming end times? Could it be considered an apocalyptic event? In a new message on YouTube, Perry Stone is discussing in depth how this current war has all of the signs of an end times event. “The mother of all battles is called Armageddon,” Stone

  • Vandals Desecrate Site Revered by Jews and Christians

    Vandals Desecrate Site Revered by Jews and Christians

    In a distressing incident that has alarmed both Jews and Christians, a group of Palestinian rioters targeted Joshua’s Altar, a revered site located at Mount Ebal in the West Bank. Last week, the vandals burned tires on the remains of the altar and defaced it with Palestinian flags and Arabic inscriptions, as reported by the

  • US-Israel Relations Suffering Under Unbiblical Leadership

    US-Israel Relations Suffering Under Unbiblical Leadership

    Recent events have sparked concern among Christians who support Israel, as the United States’ long-standing alliance with the Jewish state appears to be under threat. As the Biden administration continues attacks against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, other elected officials are calling for the defunding of America’s support in the war against terrorism. Senator Bernie

  • Morning Rundown: Legends of the Faith: The Spiritual Giants Who Left Us in 2023

    Morning Rundown: Legends of the Faith: The Spiritual Giants Who Left Us in 2023

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Legends of the Faith: The Spiritual Giants Who Left Us in 2023 In 2023, we lost some giants of the Christian faith: CBN founder Pat Robertson as well as ministers like Jack Hayford, Charles Stanley, Tim Keller and Loren Cunningham. What was it about these

  • Heading Into 2024, Here Are 6 Biblical Truths Evangelicals Need to Embrace When It Comes to Israel and the Arab/Muslim World

    Heading Into 2024, Here Are 6 Biblical Truths Evangelicals Need to Embrace When It Comes to Israel and the Arab/Muslim World

    JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – What a tragic and painful year 2023 turned out to be for Israelis, Palestinians and much of the Middle East. Many of us hoped Israel and Saudi Arabia would forge an historic and transformative peace and normalization treaty. Instead, the forces of Iranian-backed evil were unleashed. More Jews were murdered on Oct.

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