
  • Heading Into 2024, Here Are 6 Biblical Truths Evangelicals Need to Embrace When It Comes to Israel and the Arab/Muslim World

    Heading Into 2024, Here Are 6 Biblical Truths Evangelicals Need to Embrace When It Comes to Israel and the Arab/Muslim World

    JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – What a tragic and painful year 2023 turned out to be for Israelis, Palestinians and much of the Middle East. Many of us hoped Israel and Saudi Arabia would forge an historic and transformative peace and normalization treaty. Instead, the forces of Iranian-backed evil were unleashed. More Jews were murdered on Oct.

  • The Ongoing Fight Against the Jewishness of Jesus

    The Ongoing Fight Against the Jewishness of Jesus

    You would think this would be pretty easy to get right: According to the Gospels, Yeshua (Jesus) was born a Jew in an ancient Jewish city in the historic land of Israel. But no, all this must be disputed, after all, how can Jesus be the liberator of the oppressed if He Himself was born

  • Archaeologists Make Groundbreaking Discoveries in 2023

    Archaeologists Make Groundbreaking Discoveries in 2023

    In 2023, Israel witnessed a series of amazing archeological discoveries that brought the Bible to life, affirming the presence of Jesus and the unbroken presence of the Jewish people in the Holy Land for over 2,000 years. These findings have significant implications for Christians around the world, as they validate the Bible and reaffirm the

  • Christian Delegation from Africa Calls for Its Leaders to Move Embassies to Jerusalem

    Christian Delegation from Africa Calls for Its Leaders to Move Embassies to Jerusalem

    A delegation of Christian leaders from Africa visited Israel for a tour of solidarity this week, led by a bishop and a reverend from Kenya. President of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Bishop Joshua Mulinge and Africa’s Director of the Israel Allies Foundation Reverend Dennis Nthumbi took the group to visit southern Israel border communities to meet

  • Orthodox Jew: Gazans Need a Little Jesus This Christmas

    Orthodox Jew: Gazans Need a Little Jesus This Christmas

    With the war against Hamas raging, scores of Israeli soldiers having been killed in combat along with many more injured, and still some 130 hostages who were kidnapped from Israel on Oct. 7 being held in captivity, it might be intuitive that this Christmas I would not be praying for anything other than the swift

  • Touring Kfar Aza Ruins, Evangelicals Call Hamas Savagery ‘Revolting’—a ‘Scene From Saving Private Ryan’

    Touring Kfar Aza Ruins, Evangelicals Call Hamas Savagery ‘Revolting’—a ‘Scene From Saving Private Ryan’

    We are barely two miles from the Gaza border. We can see smoke rising from Israeli air strikes on Hamas positions. We can hear – and feel – the steady boom, boom, boom of IDF artillery, fired from close beside us, at Hamas strongholds in Gaza. And as we walk through the ruins of Kfar

  • Rabbi Schneider Reveals Supernatural Encounter With Angel

    Rabbi Schneider Reveals Supernatural Encounter With Angel

    In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, Rabbi Kirt Schneider shared the shocking details about a heavenly encounter he had with an angel after pouring his heart and soul into his Taking the Rainbow Back movement. “I wasn’t depressed, but it was just like, ‘well what do I do now?'” Schneider shares. As he was

  • Menorah Lighting Rejected from Art and Music Festival

    Menorah Lighting Rejected from Art and Music Festival

    Recently a Virginia rabbi’s request to perform a menorah lighting at a local art and music festival was denied. Despite being in the middle of the Hanukkah season, the rabbi’s request was denied, according to Fox News, because the festival organization “does not permit religious celebrations.” However, this claim is largely different than the response

  • Why I Am Glad to See Campus Antisemitism Revealed

    Why I Am Glad to See Campus Antisemitism Revealed

    The recent revelation of just how deeply antisemitism is embedded in some of our nation’s leading universities is certainly disturbing. But it is not in the least surprising. That’s why I, for one, am glad to see all this coming to the surface. It’s ugly. It’s insidious. It’s inexcusable. But at last, it’s being exposed

  • Turkish Lawmaker Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Criticizing Israel

    Turkish Lawmaker Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Criticizing Israel

    In a dramatic turn of events, Turkish lawmaker Hasan Bitmez, 53, suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on the floor of the Turkish National Assembly on Tuesday. The incident occurred moments after he delivered a harsh critique of his country’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. Bitmez, who serves as the deputy head of Turkey’s Felicity

  • Modern-Day Scandal: Accusing Israel of Genocide

    Modern-Day Scandal: Accusing Israel of Genocide

    You may believe that Israel’s response to Oct. 7 is disproportionate. You may even believe that, on some level, the Israel Defense Forces is guilty of war crimes. But to accuse Israel of committing genocide is as preposterous as it is scandalous. Yet the word “genocide” is virtually ubiquitous these days, the most common description

  • Finding Hope: Celebrating Christmas Amid Crisis

    Finding Hope: Celebrating Christmas Amid Crisis

    For those who have been monitoring the war and destruction in Israel that first broke out with a devastating and violent attack from the Hamas terrorist group in October, the reports of the destruction have been nothing short of heartbreaking. As we enter into the Christmas season during this time of war and chaos, it

  • Why My Sympathy for the Palestinians Is Growing

    Why My Sympathy for the Palestinians Is Growing

    It is true that a recent poll indicated that 75% of Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank supported the actions of Hamas on Oct. 7. It is true that the people of Gaza chose to elect Hamas as their leaders in 2006. And it is true that an alarming number of Palestinians have

  • 2023: The Prophetic Events Leading Up to the Invasion on Israel

    2023: The Prophetic Events Leading Up to the Invasion on Israel

    As 2023 wraps up, the questions could be asked: “Which prophetic words were fulfilled?” and “Which ones we should still be on the lookout to see what comes to pass?” As the Lord would have it, the state of Israel was placed on the hearts of many, mere months before war broke out. There are

  • The Ancient Mystery Behind Hamas’ Invasion

    The Ancient Mystery Behind Hamas’ Invasion

    In a recent revelation, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn shared a profound mystery predicting the recent Hamas invasion in Israel, disclosed the night before the events transpired. During a Friday night service at Beth Israel, Rabbi Cahn delved into an ancient mystery foretelling an attack on Israel with specific details, documented in the transcript from his video

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