
  • An Upside-Down Kingdom

    An Upside-Down Kingdom

    I would like to share a testimony as to how upside down the kingdom seems to us at times. My second year of Bible school was a really rough time for me financially. I did not have a car or means of transportation, and my paycheck was around $237 a month, maybe. I had a

  • Sexual Abuse Scandal Forces Permanent Closure of Megachurch

    Sexual Abuse Scandal Forces Permanent Closure of Megachurch

    There is a shaking going on in God’s church, and He is removing those who have thought they could get away with hiding their sins before Him and their congregations. Time and again we are seeing pastor after pastor being caught due to heinous sexual crimes, frequently against minors. And it seems to have sparked

  • What’s Stopping You From Finding Your Breakthrough?

    What’s Stopping You From Finding Your Breakthrough?

    Does it feel like you are close to a breakthrough but just can’t seem to get there? In one of his latest livestreams, Isaiah Saldivar uncovered how our actions can impact other people, including when it comes to their breakthroughs. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! Saldivar points out that God desires a

  • God Heals Man’s Inoperable Cancer When Chemo Wasn’t Possible

    God Heals Man’s Inoperable Cancer When Chemo Wasn’t Possible

    David Baker had stage four melanoma. A tumor on the side of his face had grown so huge he couldn’t see out of his right eye, and he could barely eat. Doctors said there was nothing they could do for him. David was suffering more and more, day by day. Still, he managed to get

  • God Loves Us, but He Desires His Glory, Not Ours

    God Loves Us, but He Desires His Glory, Not Ours

    In the American church today, we hear so much about God’s love for us that we often think the gospel centers around “me” and “my needs” and “my goals” and “my dreams” and “my destiny.” Rather, the gospel centers around the Lord—on His desires, His goals and His plans. And while He cares deeply for

  • COGIC Church Backs Biden Following His ‘Deal with God’

    COGIC Church Backs Biden Following His ‘Deal with God’

    After fumbling with both his debate performance and his interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, the president received the backing of Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Bishop J. Louis Felton. ABC News shared the story of how Felton and his Philadelphia church encouraged the president. Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today! Stay up to date

  • Kellie Copeland: Exchange Everything You Lack for Everything He Has

    Kellie Copeland: Exchange Everything You Lack for Everything He Has

    Is there anything better than talking to the one who loves you most and knows you best? Kellie Copeland, daughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, grew up a preacher’s kid, in church and faith. She got married right out of high school, but the marriage didn’t last long, and she became a single mom to

  • Is Will Smith Now a Christian?

    Is Will Smith Now a Christian?

    Did Will Smith become a Christian? This is a question worth asking after his BET Award performance which was the first time he has been on display at an award show since he slapped Chris Rock in the face for making a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith at the 2022 Grammys. Now, Smith

  • Enjoying Life God’s Way

    Enjoying Life God’s Way

    I have a burden to see people enjoy the life Jesus died to give them—and I want to see people not just talk about it but walk in it. John 10:10 (AMPC) says, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and

  • What Are You Focused On?

    What Are You Focused On?

    You cannot keep your eyes on the Holy Spirit and yourself. You cannot keep your eyes on yourself and on God and expect to be filled. So many times when we are in the presence of the Lord, He is wanting to minister to us or speak to our hearts. But our desire or how

  • Ready for Chaos? Here’s How to Build Hope

    Ready for Chaos? Here’s How to Build Hope

    If you understand God’s plan, there is no reason for fear. Way too often, when we talk about the end times we focus on all of the bad things that are going to happen. And without a doubt, the Bible describes events that are so cataclysmic many of us have difficulty imaging what they will

  • World Cup Star Attributes Historic Career to God

    World Cup Star Attributes Historic Career to God

    When World Cup champion Lionel Messi talks, millions, perhaps billions, of people around the world listen intently to what he has to say. So when he praises God and gives Him thanks for the gift of being arguably one of, if not the, greatest player at the sport of soccer of all time, it exposes

  • Are You Ahead of the Lord?

    Are You Ahead of the Lord?

    Some people want to get ahead of God. He is praying for you so much more than you can think of in the present moment. The way I see it or the best way I can describe it is like this: I see a pot of stew being prepared, like a soup with various vegetables

  • Judgment Starts With the House of God

    Judgment Starts With the House of God

    We are living in times of great shaking, of refining and purifying. How should we respond? In the words of the gospel song and the spirit of Isaiah 6, we should say, “Take the coal, touch my lips, here I stand.” Let the cleansing start with me. Without question, God is purifying His church, bringing

  • Who’s Your Stronghold?

    Who’s Your Stronghold?

    The battle of Jericho, with the walls of the city coming down, is a great example of warfare led by the Spirit of God. We need to understand what the people understood at that time. When the walls of Jericho came falling down, how was it done? The people of Israel were worshipping before the

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