
  • Walking on Water: Moving From Doubt to Faith

    Walking on Water: Moving From Doubt to Faith

    Is there something going on in your life that seems supernatural, but you are afraid or unsure if it is from the Lord? Beloved, ask Him, “Lord, if this is You, help me to perceive You in this situation.” Then beloved, take hold of what He says and just do it. “Peter said to Him,

  • Thousands Rejoice in the Gospel at God Loves You Tour

    Thousands Rejoice in the Gospel at God Loves You Tour

    When nearly 400 students came together for a recent Night of Prayer and Worship in Glasgow, they witnessed God moving powerfully in their city—a glimpse of what church leaders are praying will happen at the city’s God Loves You Tour stop on June 22. “Young people were on the stage praying, and after the message,

  • Summer Sky Dazzles with the Rare ‘Strawberry Moon’

    Summer Sky Dazzles with the Rare ‘Strawberry Moon’

    Summer has officially arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, and to kick off its annual inauguration, a “Strawberry Moon” will grace the skies of the southeast on Friday, June 21. The first moon of summer is a little deceptive at first, as many would expect it to shine a bright red or pink hue due to

  • Do You Fear the Lord?

    Do You Fear the Lord?

    Something that needs to be recovered into the church is a healthy fear of the Lord. In Isaiah 11:2, the Scriptures speak of the sevenfold Spirit of God. One of the aspects of this sevenfold Spirit of God is fear of the Lord. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!  There is

  • Church Faces Major Expenses Due to Satellite Photos

    Church Faces Major Expenses Due to Satellite Photos

    According to Murphy’s Law, if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. While this is a pretty negative way to view things, many are the church leader, pastor or minister who understands the sentiment behind it, because there are often speedbumps in our Christian walk that we never see coming. This is certainly the

  • Finding Freedom From Judgment and Criticism

    Finding Freedom From Judgment and Criticism

    Years ago, I was truly one of the most critical and judgmental people I knew. It was my default setting. If I was at the mall or even at church, I could look at someone and immediately make three or four judgments about their clothes, hair, behavior or family. Or if I walked into someone’s

  • Site of Angelic Massacre Uncovered Where 185,000 Perished

    Site of Angelic Massacre Uncovered Where 185,000 Perished

    In the book of 2 Kings chapter 19, King Hezekiah of Judah is facing a formidable enemy in Sennacherib, king of Assyria. The Assyrian army was at the gates of Jerusalem, and Hezekiah lifted up a prayer to the Lord for protection from his enemies. And the Lord answered. In 2 Kings 19:35, after Isaiah

  • The Church is Going Through a Time of Cleansing

    The Church is Going Through a Time of Cleansing

    Larry Sparks of Destiny Image recently joined Charisma Media to discuss the current spiritual climate and the preparations needed for a revival. He noted that the exposure of duplicity in major ministries is not a sign of destruction, but rather an indicator of increasing divine glory. “The duplicity is being exposed because the measure of

  • YouTuber Sees Glimpse of Heaven in Supernatural Encounter

    YouTuber Sees Glimpse of Heaven in Supernatural Encounter

    What do believers do when they have a supernatural experience that others cannot connect with? Jennifer Bagnaschi of the Deep Believer YouTube channel has been inspiring people to tell their testimonies of faith and supernatural encounters with God. But Bagnaschi herself has an incredible testimony of how she saw God’s divinity in an incredible experience.

  • Step Into the Heart and Emotions of God

    Step Into the Heart and Emotions of God

    For many years I couldn’t get past what felt like significant barriers to my understanding and appreciation of the Song of Songs. I wondered: Does Jesus really want to know us the way a groom knows his bride? How can I see this theme as something healthy instead of something weird? Does the rest of

  • 10 Reasons Our Finances Reveal Devotion to God

    10 Reasons Our Finances Reveal Devotion to God

    In the Gospels, Jesus spoke about money more than most other subjects. He viewed money as a significant indicator of one’s heart and spiritual state. He used parables and His teachings as a way to depict deeper spiritual lessons and priorities.  The following are 10 reasons our finances reveal our devotion to God:  1. Where

  • The Bible’s Most Unique Character

    The Bible’s Most Unique Character

    In the book of Numbers, we are introduced to many biblical characters; however, many people never really come to know the Bible’s most famous character. In order to introduce this character to you, I would like to take a look at one of the most familiar series of verses in the Bible. These verses have

  • Isaiah Saldivar on Timing: ‘We Want a Drive-Thru Miracle’

    Isaiah Saldivar on Timing: ‘We Want a Drive-Thru Miracle’

    Our fast-paced, consumer society has made us expect God to do the miraculous on our own timetable. However, the kingdom of God does not work the same way the world works. In a recent livestream, Isaiah Saldivar discussed the dangers of us wanting God to work instantaneously. To pre-order Isaiah’s new book, “How to Cast

  • How Do I Know God’s Perfect Will for My Life?

    How Do I Know God’s Perfect Will for My Life?

    “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will

  • Freedom From Struggle

    Freedom From Struggle

    I’ve been asked, “Joyce, how do you live the Christian life?” My answer surprises a lot of people. I tell them, “You can’t live the Christian life.” I then say, “Only God can live it through you!” One of the greatest lessons I have ever learned is that we can’t change ourselves—it is only by

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